Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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jlm said:
Is that cloud backup, cloud support or an iCloud.
Aprentices that don't want to work is on my mind. A second year should be a second year across the board but they aint. Any kid under 20 who wants to work and keep a job. It's a bit off when the kitchen hands do more and are better versed on food handling and knife skills than a second year apprentice. Who the frack is teaching these kids. No one they get to third year and are thrown into head chef rolls that they are not suited to aprentices are taught to cook from bags not bones. Gravy is to jus...

Head chefs are not born of need but expertise. Been in the game a long time and I don't want that role. Too much precision and well I hate to sack a **** bloke. I'm frustrated with pur last 10 years of so called apprentices, none want to work, they just want to frack around chat and get a paycheck at the end of the day. Maybe they can all go work at maccas?

End of rant...
Had the same thing with our Diesel Mechanic apprentices in Brisbane. we had around 50, 10 of them were good, the rest were just on their phones all day, hiding and talking ****, couldnt care to learn anything, then had a massive whinge when you never gave them ones the overtime or other fruits of the job. THEN they brought in that fast track apprentice thing, had absolute noobs with no idea finishing their apprenticeships in 2 years, then off to the mines to change tyres on 150k a year. good lord.

I hated the response the useless ones would give to.

Q; So what do you want to do when you finish your apprenticeship, what area's would you want to work
A; No im leaving here and going straight to the mines, hopefully I can get signed off early
Pilchard said:
Aprentices that don't want to work is on my mind. A second year should be a second year across the board but they aint. Any kid under 20 who wants to work and keep a job. It's a bit off when the kitchen hands do more and are better versed on food handling and knife skills than a second year apprentice. Who the frack is teaching these kids. No one they get to third year and are thrown into head chef rolls that they are not suited to aprentices are taught to cook from bags not bones. Gravy is to jus...

Head chefs are not born of need but expertise. Been in the game a long time and I don't want that role. Too much precision and well I hate to sack a **** bloke. I'm frustrated with pur last 10 years of so called apprentices, none want to work, they just want to frack around chat and get a paycheck at the end of the day. Maybe they can all go work at maccas?

End of rant...
How many of those kids flipped a coin to choose their apprenticeship though, surely it's the same in every trade/skilled profession, my experience with trainees and apprentices is that 1 in 10 actually gets into their chosen work place and enjoys the work the rest either quit second year or finish and never work in their trade again.

The real issue is why these kids are being put into the positions in the first place, apprentice training organisations tend to be a joke and just want more numbers on their books to get the kick backs from government/employers.
^ this. Most kids we get coming through don't actually give a ****. They are there to do as little as possible just to get paid. So am I but that's not the point.

How much fun is it push starting your mortorbike in the rain slightly uphill in a busy intersection at 8 in the morning because you haven't ridden for a while and the battery is a bit flat?


Not very.
Not For Horses said:

How much fun is it push starting your mortorbike in the rain slightly uphill in a busy intersection at 8 in the morning because you haven't ridden for a while and the battery is a bit flat?


Not very.
I bet you gave a few people a morning laugh,at least their day started on a high.
When I did my apprenticeship all those years ago on the with the Railways ALL trades spent the first 3 months filing and cutting small bits of steel bar. There where around 500 1st yrs in the one building. A lot of them whinged & bitched and the attitude of the instructors was " Dont like it...dont want to learn the basics.....there is the door you can leave at any time. But you cant come back once you go"

Lost about 50 in the first 3 months. Mostly smart ass ethnic guys with gold chains and hotted up Gemini's....
Ducatiboy stu said:
Lost about 50 in the first 3 months. Mostly smart ass ethnic guys with gold chains and hotted up Gemini's....
Sounds like the crew from the panel beating department when I was at TAFE. Except it was Mazdas.

But I diverge.

What gets my goat is that pious old **** Pat Robertson. Southern Baptist fruitcake and rider of evangelical huckster Billy Graham's cock.
Aimlessly channel flicking last night, I happened upon that ode to delusion and panhandling The 700 Club on foxtels ACC. Robertson was imparting his wisdom to a female viewer worried about the conflict between her and hubby, a non believer.

Robertsons council?

First he opened with the stern deceleration, ' A women who marries an atheist, has Satan for a father in law'.
Then went on to instruct her she would be better off with a man who shared her commitment to god. So much for the sanctity of marriage, I thought.

To complete the train wreck, this was followed up by a woman who claimed to have removed a ominous lump in her throat through prayer alone. No medical intervention necessary.
Personally, I can see the the take home message may lead to a host of bad decisions with that one.

Old Pat only hosts the show a few times a week now due to health issues.

One of Pat's secrets to keeping his energy high and his vitality soaring is his age-defying protein shake. Pat developed a delicious, refreshing shake, filled with energy-producing nutrients.

Apparently, being a evangelical shill isn't enough.

**** him.

I sure feel better getting that off my chest.
Would post in thread again.
Dave70 said:
To complete the train wreck, this was followed up by a woman who claimed to have removed a ominous lump in her throat through prayer alone.
Maybe she prayed that eventually old Pat would stop shoving his penis down her throat...
He was only trying to give her a sample of his protein shake.

A shake he developed himself.

In his prostate.
Can be a bit overlooked but most people will change career routes at least 3 times. I'm considering a different career. My missus is the same. When your 18 - 21 did any of us know what we wanted to do with our lives. Some yes more no would be my guess.
dave doran said:
Can be a bit overlooked but most people will change career routes at least 3 times. I'm considering a different career. My missus is the same. When your 18 - 21 did any of us know what we wanted to do with our lives. Some yes more no would be my guess.
:icon_offtopic: mind if I ask what you are moving from/to?
Ducatiboy stu said:
When I did my apprenticeship all those years ago on the with the Railways ALL trades spent the first 3 months filing and cutting small bits of steel bar. There where around 500 1st yrs in the one building. A lot of them whinged & bitched and the attitude of the instructors was " Dont like it...dont want to learn the basics.....there is the door you can leave at any time. But you cant come back once you go"

Lost about 50 in the first 3 months. Mostly smart ass ethnic guys with gold chains and hotted up Gemini's....
When did you go through the ATC? I was there in 1990, and ****** off soon after. Did the good (hard) bit of my F&M apprenticeship with the railways and jumped ship before I got moved to some dingy loco and learned how to play cards all day...Probably the right time to walk out the door.

Back to the topic of Apprentices.. Ive had a few over the years I spent as a Toolmaker and most were pretty good except for the fact that its bloody hard to keep them motivated when their mates are earning 3 times what they are as apprentice plumbers, chippies or even as ditch diggers. Now all the kids with half a brain go to uni and the kids that once would have got jobs digging holes or shovelling ***** are the ones taking up apprenticeships. And who the hell wants to bust a gut for 4 years earning less than you get flipping burgers unless that is all you're good for?
I'm looking at moving from manufacturing engineering to hopefully small scallion brewing. My missus is getting out of intensive care nursing.

I tend to agree that younger staff seem to be less enthusiastic in work but modern life also has many more distractions ie smart phones with instant access to Internet, emails and the rest as well as modern culture where social media is taking over IMO. Bring 33 I remember growing up with no mobile phone or Internet.
18 year olds now cannot remember a life with instant internet access in their pockets.
dave doran said:
I'm looking at moving from manufacturing engineering to hopefully small scallion brewing. My missus is getting out of intensive care nursing.

I tend to agree that younger staff seem to be less enthusiastic in work but modern life also has many more distractions ie smart phones with instant access to Internet, emails and the rest as well as modern culture where social media is taking over IMO. Bring 33 I remember growing up with no mobile phone or Internet.
18 year olds now cannot remember a life with instant internet access in their pockets.
Hope the transition goes well!

I tend to agree with the latter point as well, I'm 23 at the moment and there is load of distractions, but no different to any other generation I would thought.. if it's not phones its something else? I just think there is a choice/it is okay to be lazy now because we have proper welfare and you won't starve.. but I don't want you all thinking we are all lazy because I work my arse off to create good opportunities for myself and don't want everyone thinking we are all so self entitled without putting in some work.
Not what I was getting at in my original post, we have 2 great aprentices atm that go above and beyond, we have just had a run of ******** lately who just decide not to turn up or blatantly cannot do the job. In my opinion a second year should know second year things per their take course. This last bloke reckons he didn't know how to peel a prawn. Took him 2 hours to do 3kgs of kings, he got sacked Sunday.
Pilchard said:
Not what I was getting at in my original post, we have 2 great aprentices atm that go above and beyond, we have just had a run of ******** lately who just decide not to turn up or blatantly cannot do the job. In my opinion a second year should know second year things per their take course. This last bloke reckons he didn't know how to peel a prawn. Took him 2 hours to do 3kgs of kings, he got sacked Sunday.
Wasn't directed at anyone in particular just a rant :)
What the **** kind of term is 'hungrythirsty'? Sounds like they came up with it on a Friday. After lunch drinks.
