Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Fat Bastard said:
When did you go through the ATC? I was there in 1990, and ****** off soon after. Did the good (hard) bit of my F&M apprenticeship with the railways and jumped ship before I got moved to some dingy loco and learned how to play cards all day...Probably the right time to walk out the door.
I was there in 1989. Spent 3 months with a file & hacksaw then moved right up the back to the sigs & comms area.

Was fun times. The works train to Elcar was allways late. Remember a number of times seeing office workers not realising that they where on a works train. Poor bastards. Was funny watching them sit at elcar waiting for the train to leave at 4:00 in the arvo. Even saw women cry cause they had NFI where they ended up.
You were lucky. I did a year on the files and hacksaws (and mills and lathes and welders and...) tech was a total bludge compared to the ATC. I hated it at the time but it seems I was actually pretty good at it and I'm glad I learned my skills the way I did.

Some of the instructors were complete arseholes though.
Yep. The intructors where ********. It was like being in the army...only the Army had some leeway...

But looking back, the training and basic skills was really good.

I still use a hacksaw & file the "proper" way.

But i must have done 10 of those 1"x1"x 1/4" steel blocks. Used to have nightmares about chalk and engineers blue.

Instructor would mic it up, check for any gaps on the flat by looking lowards the light with a square....them throw it away and say " start side was out"
What the **** is it with pharmacists? I've noticed that the last three I've been in (including franchises such as Chemmart) they all have some dropkick Christian Channel going on over the muzak speakers, you know that dorky rock so sincere **** like "Where is the sunshine, I miss the sunshine, take me by the hand and show me the glory of the sunshine" stuff. Or "I was so lost till you took me by the hand and ...". I'm tempted to pipe up "put your hand on the gland of the Man from Galilee" but that wouldn't help with getting my anti rant prescription filled.

Is there some sort of chemists' secret society that mandates you being a Hillsong ******* before you are admitted into the Pharmacy Guild or something? At times like this I would welcome a Muslim pharmacy in town, maybe we could listen to stirring Jihad anthems instead.
It would be quite funny to walk into a chemist that has Slayer pumping and the pharmacist sporting eyes as big as pissholes in the snow accompanied by a lot of fast talking paranoid dribble about how the cops have been watching him for days.
Oh man, don't get me started on pharmacists. My wife has a chronic pain syndrome and I spend SOOOO much time talking to pharmacists about the dangers of opioid pain medications and dealing with them judging my wife for needing them. THEY'RE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS YOU FUCKWITS. Oh man most of them **** me. There are a couple great ones, but some of them act like the preachers at a Presbyterian church.
I've never had experiences like those. I regularly have scripts filled for enough pain killers to anesthetise a horse and have never received a raised eyebrow. I don't even get comments from prescribing doctors regarding potentialities. As for the Hillsong in-store concert, I haven't noticed any music in a pharmacy. Admittedly, I am permanently off my face on pain killers.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Yep. The intructors where ********. It was like being in the army...only the Army had some leeway...

But looking back, the training and basic skills was really good.

I still use a hacksaw & file the "proper" way.

But i must have done 10 of those 1"x1"x 1/4" steel blocks. Used to have nightmares about chalk and engineers blue.

Instructor would mic it up, check for any gaps on the flat by looking lowards the light with a square....them throw it away and say " start side was out"
We had an instructor who kinda walked with his shoulders askew. He was nicknamed 'taper'. He would find a taper in the most filed down block. That shiny mild steel can give you nightmares.

I bolted for uni after 3 months. Haven't regretted either, I can hacksaw, file and do statistical analysis.
Love waiting at the train station on the way home from work and the train doesn't come. No body to tell you what's happening and then you eventually get on a bloody train and spastics decide that standing in the door instead of pushing down the aisle is the best option.
Tahoose said:
Love waiting at the train station on the way home from work and the train doesn't come. No body to tell you what's happening and then you eventually get on a bloody train and spastics decide that standing in the door instead of pushing down the aisle is the best option.
Act like a spastic ( no disrespect ) you will be amazed at how quickly people will move to get out of your way.
When ever I am on a train ,tram or bus I watch people's reactions to those around them,if you get too close they get very nervous as if you are invading their personal space.
It is now winter you could try coughing and sniffing then watch them all back off as if you have the plague.
It wasn't at the top of my voice but I did say loud enough for those close enough to be offending. " Here's a great idea, lets get onto the train and stop right in the middle of the doorway, that should work"

People wonder why individuals go postal sometimes.
Hold your hand over your mouth and start reeching like your about to projectile vomite.

You will be suprised just how much room you get.

Or start to undo your pants and squat down. Same affect.
Learned from personal experience Stu?
Pretty sure i've seen Stu squatting without pants when I drive past his local occasionally, something to be seen I tells ya.
shaunous said:
Pretty sure i've seen Stu squatting without pants when I drive past his local occasionally, something to be seen I tells ya.

You should see me when im drunk....
Ducatiboy stu said:
Hold your hand over your mouth and start reeching like your about to projectile vomite.

You will be suprised just how much room you get.

Or start to undo your pants and squat down. Same affect.
Or just stand with your cock out.
BadSeed said:
Or just stand with your cock out.
That's really bad advice.

Although you probably will get your desired space short term you will most likely end up at a police station, and if unlucky in front of a court, and if a repeat offender you might spend some considerable time in a psychiatric institution.

I'd rather endure a ride in a crowded train carriage.

Or go by car.
Yes but they're putting out the fire in the kitchen and we all need to pull together to save the ship from sinking because that's what it means to be an unentitled australian team member.