Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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StalkingWilbur said:
Well I hope everything goes brilliantly in your paradise and that you never have a gripe with anything.
It is...and I am thoroughly enjoying the free parking in my section of paradise...
I'm over it. I arranged to take my girlfriend for a walk around the hospital grounds. Went into the car park and defiled my car. I think that's worth $40. They can keep their money and I'll keep enjoying having great facilities.
You should move here....We just got 2 brand new surgical theaters, new ED, new medical imaging ward with fancy wireless digital X-Rays & Ultrasound, new day surgery....and all this with free parking and a pub right next door ( to Maternity no less )....oh....and a fancy yellow helicopter that can get you to Brissy real fast if **** gets serious....
Why didn't you just say "we've got a pub next door to ours, suck it!" Then I would've considered it.
Ducatiboy stu said:
...and all this with free parking and a pub right next door ( to Maternity no less )....oh....and a fancy yellow helicopter that can get you to Brissy real fast if **** gets serious....
Must be where the woodfuck parks.
Ducatiboy stu said:
You should move here....We just got 2 brand new surgical theaters, new ED, new medical imaging ward with fancy wireless digital X-Rays & Ultrasound, new day surgery....and all this with free parking and a pub right next door ( to Maternity no less )....oh....and a fancy yellow helicopter that can get you to Brissy real fast if **** gets serious....
A fancy yellow helicopter eh,won't be fancy for long when some pissed ******* from the pub next door grabs the joystick,flies it into your ******* car park forcing you all to park in the ******* street where the council parking inspector will slap tickets all over the place,and there goes your free ******* parking. Ha take that.....
StalkingWilbur said:
Why didn't you just say "we've got a pub next door to ours, suck it!" Then I would've considered it.
Well....It sort of was a fact the pub is a huge 50m from Maternaty.....and the Nurses know the number off by heart...not that they ever had need to ring me there...twice....

Its even been reported that Midwives have physically dragged new fathers mid way throught a shandy back to the "suite of pain"...

Yeah....Paradise is a pub 50m from the maternaty front door...
Yep been ther and done it 3 times first one maybe I could have had a few pints, second and third spat them out bang, bang. With pelvic flore reps it tightens up pretty quick to a great verjango... With the continuing pelvic flore exercises it comes back to a nice tight bit of kit.
Pilchard said:
Yep been ther and done it 3 times first one maybe I could have had a few pints, second and third spat them out bang, bang. With pelvic flore reps it tightens up pretty quick to a great verjango... With the continuing pelvic flore exercises it comes back to a nice tight bit of kit.
Now that is good news, I am glad you have that one worked out then. :)
Pilchard said:
Yep been ther and done it 3 times first one maybe I could have had a few pints, second and third spat them out bang, bang. With pelvic flore reps it tightens up pretty quick to a great verjango... With the continuing pelvic flore exercises it comes back to a nice tight bit of kit.
Now there's a story for the kids.
petesbrew said:
Minding friend's "gifted" kids all weekend.

SWMBO told her Mum she's never said the F word so much.
Pilchard said:
Yep been ther and done it 3 times first one maybe I could have had a few pints, second and third spat them out bang, bang. With pelvic flore reps it tightens up pretty quick to a great verjango... With the continuing pelvic flore exercises it comes back to a nice tight bit of kit.
This is pure Gold!
Pilchard said:
Yep been ther and done it 3 times first one maybe I could have had a few pints, second and third spat them out bang, bang. With pelvic flore reps it tightens up pretty quick to a great verjango... With the continuing pelvic flore exercises it comes back to a nice tight bit of kit.
Hope you are having a happy mothers day!
How much wood would a woodfuck **** if a woodfuck could do pelvic floor exercises?
Well talk about shooting myself in the foot,this morning I had a piss take at Imperial Prince for his horror start to his day ( the first world problem thread) and that was when my day took a nose dive down the *********.
So yesterday I made a phone calls to organise work ( carpenter/ builder) .
The first is to meet other trades on site to go through a job to be quoted I organised the time with the client,the client is a no show,2 other tradies are a no show, both claim to be too busy....well **** you .
Another job to do as arranged was to install some handrails in a dunny for some elderly people,I ring before to double check.
Am told....
" oh but we are going shopping after lunch"
" no worries it will take me 30 minutes to do the job"
" oh but my husbands helper is coming to give him a shower"
" not a problem the rails are going in the toilet"
" oh,okay"
I roll up and am told to mind the oxygen tubes on the floor connected to her husbands mask,then told could I come back another day?
" why "
"Oh we are worried that the sparks form your drill will ignite the oxygen" ( as if a day will make a difference).
" but I will working down the passage well away from the oxygen supply and the drill will not cause an explosion"
" oh but it might"
At this stage I am getting pissed off at the stereotypical whinging pommie carry on.
" oh not but its not right,I don't like it".
" ma'am I have to do this if your husband is to use the toilet,these rails are for him"
" oh no can you come back on Tuesday "
" ok,Tuesday it is,goodbye"
The thing that really amazed me with her ******** whinging about the oxygen was that the cylinders were in the lounge not 3 metres from a lit oil fire.
So off to the next pre arranged job and yep no ****** home.
Then I ring a sparky to check that the pre arranged meeting later was still a goer.... Nah sorry too busy . **** you as we'll .

But the missus saved the day by bringing me a selection of beers....I might thank her later,nudge,nudge,wink,wink.
Then I might get pissed and suffer from brewers droop.....ahh fanbloodytastic when will the **** stop!
**** Fridays .
Moving from Bribie Island to New South Wales? **** mate you'll freeze your arse off down there, better buy some fur coats.

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Yup, spog, I joined a Pommie Expats forum a couple of years ago but the whining finally got to me and I haven't posted for ages. Like they used to say, Jet arrives from London but the whining only gets louder.