Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Dave70 said:
His passport will be canceled. Hopefully. **** his legless radicalized arse. (his not yours..)

At the very least, the penalty under the constitution for an Australian citizen engaging in a civil war is up to 25 years in the slammer. I think.
So then if he comes back here he will still get his medical attention and prosthetic legs plus 25 years in the nick paid for by the Australian tax payers, we can't win a trick, can't we just donate him a skate board and a begging bowl and leave him there.
I'm going to stay out of this for the most part (due to the lack of sarcasm font) but:

wide eyed and legless said:
I was mentioning what could be being said about non Muslims in their family environment.
Pretty sure that shoe fits both feet. Despite my mother being an ol' fashioned postwar aussie racist and bigot (waiting for one of this forums residents who fits that tag to pop up here, always good for a giggle) I managed to grow up to be a dude, who while he has plenty of his own problems, at least judges c*nts on their cunty-ness, rather than the colour of their cunty skin, or their cunty beliefs. Plenty wouldn't have and would have been that ****** **** racially vilifying people on the bus......or whatever that latest internets video along those lines was that got everyone so shocked.

Dave70 said:
I'll take a break from grooming him and ask his opinion.
You've changed man.

Finally I'd like to point out that I created that "Stop the Goats" meme Stu posted, so if I know the internets as well as I think I do, I'm about to be rolling in internet ca$h. Enjoy work tomorrow suckers, its all downhill here for me.

Edit: Auto correct changed one of my words to "county". Try to guess which one!
manticle said:
Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'try to set things right'?
Perhaps depose a theocratic despot dictator or two. Remove a government thats contravened every international law in regard to human rights and terrorism. Repeatedly and demonstrably. Maby help install a democratic system so people can have a say in how their country is run so women can become empowered to do things like get an education and drive a car.

What better way to solve the refugee crisis than try to deliver them a country they don't want to leave in the first place.
wide eyed and legless said:
So then if he comes back here he will still get his medical attention and prosthetic legs plus 25 years in the nick paid for by the Australian tax payers, we can't win a trick, can't we just donate him a skate board and a begging bowl and leave him there.
No, I think there is legislation to actually refuse them re entry. It happens..
Ah, that's for people with visas. I'm certain I remember something about there being international conventions against rendering people stateless.

In fact, dual citizenship is a very double edged sword as it can put people in limbo in a bad way under bad situations.
wide eyed and legless said:
Did I say I was judging an entire culture, I was mentioning what could be being said about non Muslims in their family environment.
Last year I spent 2 weeks in Sri Lanka where they are sick to the back teeth with the Muslims in their country, but afterwards spent 1 week in the Maldives where they are all Muslim and very nice people, I wouldn't judge a religious sect on the rantings of an 5 year old.
That's great. I only had your original comment to go on which was ill phrased at best. I don't know you from a bar of soap - I am merely responding to comments you put forward. Some **** about going into a butcher and being abused by an infant is pretty meaningless. You wrote it, not me. What do you think non-muslims are saying about muslims behind closed doors?

@tavas - your elaboration is helpful and I agree with a great deal of it. Certainly I do not believe ( nor have I ever suggested) that open borders are a great idea or that immigration won't contribute to social problems. As for the keyboard comment - trite. We are all espousing opinions, informed or not on the net, using a keyboard or keypad. Mildly hypocritical using a keyboard to criticise someone else for using a keyboard.

And dave - thanks. Makes sense in terms of what you were referring to. There's a bunch of other arguments against and in support of what you're saying that I'll leave for another time. My main argument in this instance is purely from an empathic and humanist perspective. It seems so much of what I read and hear seeks to take the human factor out of the equation in favour of politicisation ( both left and right equally guilty in that regard)
Dave70 said:
The broader issue I was kind of skirting around were the group of people who seemed to be over represented in the rapes. Since I'm not a Swedish cop, I can only go off what I read on the interwebz.

I do however have a facebook friend - I feel so dirty - who lives in Sweden. Young bloke who's passionate about his countries history.
I'll take a break from grooming him and ask his opinion.
Yeah fair enough - I was mostly addressing your use of the statistics pointing "look see!" When there was nothing to see. Of course he will have seen the decline of an essentially mono cultural society and attribute the changes purely to letting disadvantaged people in from ****** places elsewhere on the globe.

Anyway, I've got a mate living over there too, having a tough time being an australian running a couple of businesses and the locals (except for his partners family) being generally suspicious.
manticle said:
@tavas - your elaboration is helpful and I agree with a great deal of it. Certainly I do not believe ( nor have I ever suggested) that open borders are a great idea or that immigration won't contribute to social problems. As for the keyboard comment - trite. We are all espousing opinions, informed or not on the net, using a keyboard or keypad. Mildly hypocritical using a keyboard to criticise someone else for using a keyboard.
Of course. The hypocrisy is not lost on me. The first part of my post was in return to your post. The body was more of my stance on the matter and the closing comment more of a sweeping statement about these types of arguments, not directed at anyone in particular.

And I wasn't implying you advocated open borders. Again more of a generalised statement.

Edit: bit at the end
I'd speak my peace here, but you people will whinge, so I won't.
You mean someone might disagree with you?
Heaven forbid!

We all have differences of opinion and varying levels of knowledge that inform that opinion. No-one is immune to criticism.
the book called “Hidden Messages in Water,” found water that was microwaved did not form beautiful crystals – but instead formed crystals similar to those formed when exposed to negative thoughts or beliefs
Don't think negatively while pouring yourself a drink, it will hurt the ice crystals!
Does wishing you were pouring a beer instead of water constitute a negative thought?

If so, every glass of water I drink has bad crystals.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Now im pissed. Cant even use my Microwave to heat up my highly processed chemically ridden food
I can think of at least 5 legitimate reasons to ignore that women. Not the least of which shes a ******* idiot.

Plus nowhere on the list did she mention hazards associated with microwaving cheese or pastry products whilst three sheets to the wind and hungry.
Yep. We've all been there.
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Ahhhhh. Burnt food and tomato sauce, providing nutrition to hapless academics for (ever).