Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Airgead said:
Actually... yes there is. The Australian government routinely refuses to issue visas to people in known refugee hotspots (afghanistan, etc) on the grounds that they will most likely come over and apply for refugee status. This essentially forces them to make a dangerous and expensive boat entry without a visa. It would indeed be much more civilized if we allowed them visas so they could come over safely and cheaply by air and be processed properly. But we don't. So in reality, the fact that they come by boat is our fault...

And as for the whole "if you are of fighting age then man up" statement above.. sorry.... what complete bollocks. If my village is being overrun by some religious numpties fighting some other religious numpties and both sides are intent on slaughtering anyone who gets in their way, then fighting be dammed... i'll pack up my family and look for somewhere safer to live.
a valid visa could be a refugee visa or an shp visa wich would allow them to enter.
Contact an aussie refugee advocate mob and they can propose them for a refugee or humanitarian visa from this end, the way is there and im sure it wouldn't be too hard for them to find a contact or family member to propse them for a visa from where they launch the boats.
They've managed to get half way around the world already, they're not totally usless.
^ and there is a partial solution to "stopping the boats". We (our government) should work with the transit countries to set up processing centres there. Putting families in prisons when they arrive here (but only by boat - fly and you aren't) doesn't solve anything.
Good idea
even if one of the advocacy mobs involved in the pilot proposal scheme set up there allowing that contact.
Bribie G said:
Arnold got so bored with this cnut that he ended up ripping its head off.

johnny cab 2.jpg

Stop the boats
Stop the boats
Stop the boats
Remove the Carbon Tax
Remove the Carbon Tax
Stop the boats
Stop the boats ........
I wonder if Mathias Cormann can engage in conversation without referencing the previous government.

"I stood in a dog turd this morning which was left there by Labour's budget deficit disaster......."
Refugees should harden the **** up?
Funniest thing I've heard all day. Dehumanising people makes it a bit easier to hate them when you really have no reason to.
Not our problem? **** me.
Beertard said:
a valid visa could be a refugee visa or an shp visa wich would allow them to enter.
And which our government refuses to issue. You can only apply for refugee status once you are on shore. They don't give out refugee visas offshore and they refuse any other sort of visa in hotspots because of the risk of someone applying when they arrive. We give people no valid way to apply for a visa which forces them to make a non standard entry in a boat. Talk about making a rod for your own back...

As someone above said - set up processing centers in transit countries. Mind you this would involve the transit countries signing the convention (which they haven't which is why they are transit countries not settlement countries) otherwise anyone going to the processing center would be subject to persecution and deportation by the transit country. That's what a real "regional solution" looks like. Not packing people off to some hellhole concentration camp in PNG or some other fourth world ******** to rot forever (or until they kill themselves).

As for these women threatening self harm if they don't get access to Australia ( quoting from a radio report ) they can **** off.
What will they do if they are allowed in then don't get what they want later ?
Basically holding us to ransom,Wrong attitude,Go away!.
The Australian government does routinely refuse visas in refugee hotspots usually because they are applying for refugee status visa and are vetted in that country, Australia also takes more refugees per capita than any other country, and are ranked third overall for taking refugees.

Do we want to go back to the labour government policy of letting the boats come, how many deaths are attributed to the labour government with the unseaworthy boats which sank.
How are we going to pay for boatloads of people coming here through illegal channels, people are complaining about paying $7.00 to go and see their doctor, what if a levy was introduced to pay for the boat people should that be allowed to start up again, how many people would be crying then to send them back if they could see the money it is costing them instead of coming from taxes which they don't see, that money could be better spent being put into health services.

Australia lets in enough refugees legally without the headache and costs of illegal refugees.
spog said:
As for these women threatening self harm if they don't get access to Australia ( quoting from a radio report ) they can **** off.
Report I heard said that they hoped that once they died, their now orphaned children would be resettled here. And it wasn't threatened self harm... it was self harm. they had a red hot go at it -

Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has confirmed 10 women have tried to kill themselves at the Christmas Island detention centre.
...[SIZE=1.25em] report from Fairfax suggests the women attempted suicide in the expectation their then-orphaned children would be settled in Australia.[/SIZE]
Anyhoo... because arguing with people who have fixed positions on the internet is exactly as useful and satisfying as smashing your head against a wall, i shall now stop.

Edit - I will just have to stop and point out just how ****** up it is that women feel compelled to kill themselves so that their kids have a shot at safety. That really is very seriously ****** up. Really, really very ****** up. I cannot express just how ****** up this is and how horrible things must be that they get into this state.
Liam_snorkel said:
Sweden has recently earned the title of Europe's rape capital. By a deplorable margin. Tiptoeing as gently as I can, many credible sources report this as a direct result of lets say 'cultural differences'. Not to mention the riots. Or the assaults.
Sweden has long ceased to be a snowy ABBA wonderland. They've got some big ******* problems.

I posted ages ago about how the noncombatants of Syria will need a helping hand, but don't be surprised if this decision isn't met with open arms by all, especially with the recent upsurge in extreme right wing activity in EU countries.

A good policy for all countries hell bent on multiculturalism and tolerance would be to make sure you have a plan installed for the folks once they arrive.
Permit un educated, basically un employable, marginalized, desperate people brood and ruminate in ghettos with nothing more than a social security check to look forward to and watch it blow in your face. Literally.
It's often virtually impossible for totally legit folks from high refugee-request countries to get even tourist visas to come here, much less someone genuinely fleeing repression. An Indonesian friend of mine - net wealth far well above mine, big time advertising executive in Jakarta, married to an Australian for 15 years - has to jump through major hoops to get a visa to bring the grand kids to visit their grandparents, and most years hasn't been able to get one at all so his wife comes alone. My Thai friend married to an Aussie, no trouble a'tall.
The 150 or so Australian Jihadists fighting for Isis even taking part in executions I find more disturbing than illegal immigrants, who has got into their heads, I went into a Hal Hal butchers once and a little kid pointed at me and started shouting infidel he wouldn't have even been 5 years old so what is said about us in there households, I was only in there to get some goats liver not to have my beliefs questioned.
I also wonder if an Aussie jihadi gets his legs blown off, does he come back here and get his free medical attention and prosthetic legs before going on benefits.
Take the prick a long time to get here without legs.