Christmas rant time:
Tis the season to get token felicitations from customers and suppliers again. I realize its not practical to personally *phone (*that activity where you have an actual conversation with another human beyond vocal range through an electronic device, or two jam tins connected via piece of string) every associate you can think of, but honestly, you can shove these Xmas seasons greetings e mails up your *******. I dont expect a bouquet, and I dont want a slab of Tooheys Extra Dry but if thats the best you can do, remove me from the fifty plus list of other recipients your secretary bulk well wished.
I might start a business recycling Christmas e-card waste.
Just forward them to me and for less than a dollar each I will ensure that they do not turn into landfill.
Mate..its great will love it, something special for Xmas if the offered a case on Coopers Vintage......weeellllll......
Ive caught a couple of reps out when they made the innocent mistake of asking ' so whaddya like to drink?' - Well now..
So what I read from that is.. old people don't give a ****. And there's a good reason for it.. they gave away all their ***** already.The longer you've been here the less being virtuous seems to matter.
Feel like there's just so many things to rant about, but I just can't do it.
My Brother gave me an "old man alert" for a comment I made earlier today and it's made me think I'm a whinging prick.
It's true, the older I've got the more things piss me off.
So what I read from that is.. old people don't give a ****.