Continuing Jokes Thread

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I was a teenager in the 60s. Let's not forget Cream, one of the best bands ever. In my 7 decades, the 60s are still my most memorable. I regularly play 60s bands on Spotify on my daily morning exercise walk. And, of course, I reached legal drinking age in the 1960s! I'm not going to comment on certain other intimate firsts (yes, firsts) accomplished back then, just use your imagination.
+1. Yes a lot of "firsts" for me in the 60's, in my white room with black curtains. :rolleyes:
I was a teenager in the 60s. Let's not forget Cream, one of the best bands ever. In my 7 decades, the 60s are still my most memorable. I regularly play 60s bands on Spotify on my daily morning exercise walk. And, of course, I reached legal drinking age in the 1960s! I'm not going to comment on certain other intimate firsts (yes, firsts) accomplished back then, just use your imagination.
So jealous. Born 1977, would loved to have grown up in the 60/70s but I got the 80s................
So jealous. Born 1977, would loved to have grown up in the 60/70s but I got the 80s................
Poor bugger, at least yer still young.... ish Us old farts just have our memories (and our humour) I suspect the PC brigade are from another generation, and they'll never understand. Oh well, cheers bloke! :drinkingbeer:
I was a teenager in the 60s. Let's not forget Cream, one of the best bands ever. In my 7 decades, the 60s are still my most memorable. I regularly play 60s bands on Spotify on my daily morning exercise walk. And, of course, I reached legal drinking age in the 1960s! I'm not going to comment on certain other intimate firsts (yes, firsts) accomplished back then, just use your imagination.
I tried using my imagination, kept running away with me.
Dead right. I lived my teen years through the sixties and the quality of the music will never be replicated. The bringing to public notice of social issues was a major factor in the huge changes that we experienced. Lets hope today's younger generations will be strong enough to continue the fight to get government and business to admit to and do something about the sorry and dangerous state of our planet. Love you music!
You guys haven’t mentioned the original heavy metal band. The one who had the loudest concert noise level before The Who took the record
The Yardbirds
You guys haven’t mentioned the original heavy metal band. The one who had the loudest concert noise level before The Who took the record
The Yardbirds
I guess it got an honorary mention since Cream and Yardbirds both came to fame by the shredding chords of Eric Clapton. You know, in between banging his colleagues wives and getting stoned. Classic 60s

Oh that reminds me, I watched the Woodstock documentary with my old man on Christmas day. Epic!
I suspect the PC brigade are from another generation
And I don't suspect PC is aimed at your generation.

Today we have cyberstalking and social media and online groups of hateful idiots spewing heaps of threats and insults against anyone they consider a minority. They can be relentless and cheerfully harass people into suicide. PC exists because we failed. Your generation failed, we all failed to keep a check on the racists among us.

Your joke was told with good humour but to many idiots these jokes are told with seething hatred. They are changed from jokes into weapons and used to hurt innocent, often vulnerable, people. I understand the push-back against PC, it's a pain in the arse, but it's meant to be a pain in the arse. It's the rogering we deserve because we let things get out of hand. (Apologies to all the Rogers out there)

You could easily swap some words around and the joke would have brought just as many laughs. "Everytime I have sex with a young woman..." or if you want to make it edgy, "A Telstra linesman from Claremont says to his doctor...".

And I'll finish with this, you're a child of the sixties, right? I thought you were supposed to die before you got old.
PC exists because we failed. Your generation failed, we all failed to keep a check on the racists among us.

I understand the push-back against PC, it's a pain in the arse, but it's meant to be a pain in the arse. It's the rogering we deserve because we let things get out of hand. (Apologies to all the Rogers out there)

Political correctness exists to make some individuals who feel the need to police it, feel superior, much the same as the grammar Nazis who want to correct grammatical errors.
What is wrong with saying a colour? Look at the Americans, its hard to know what description to give to describe a black person. After LBJ kept referring to black people as Nigras ( how he used to pronounce it) they have tried black, coloured's, black again and at the moment African American. Here they say African appearance, there are plenty of white immigrants here from South Africa and Zimbabwe but they are called white!
It's worth watching the documentary on You tube about The Black and White Minstrel Show, the most successful TV show in television history, axed because of a few complaints.
You could easily swap some words around and the joke would have brought just as many laughs. "Everytime I have sex with a young woman..." or if you want to make it edgy, "A Telstra linesman from Claremont says to his doctor...".
fwiw I told the joke as it was told to me, by an ORIGINAL! Australian, half a dozen guys, black, white, tanned, and yellow (I have a Chinese student staying for a few weeks) in my man cave drinking homebrew, it didn't seem racist to me at the time, and it still doesn't, maybe racism is in the eye of the beholder, as you say it's the intention behind the remark/joke that's important. I've been called a pommie bas***d and laughed my head off, I've also been called a pommie bas***d and had to defend myself, such is the world we live in.

And I'll finish with this, you're a child of the sixties, right? I thought you were supposed to die before you got old.
I tried Oh! how I tried, but,only the good die young. :cheers:
Crusty old biker pulls up to a way out back pub, wanders in and looks at the menu.

Beer $5.00
Meat pie $5.00
Sausage roll $5.00
Hand job $25.00

A sexy young blonde barmaid with huge ****s comes over and asks "can I help you"
Checking his wallet he leans over the bar and whispers "are you the one that gives the hand jobs?"
Giving him a coy little smile and a wink "sure am" she says.

"Well wash yer hands cos I want a meat pie!"
A cop was patrolling late at night in a well-known lover's spot, famous for all obscene activities. He sees a couple in a car, with the interior light brightly glowing.

The cop carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine. He immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, knitting. Puzzled by this surprising situation, the cop walks to the car and gently raps on the driver's window.

The young man lowers his window. "Uh, yes, officer?"

The cop says: "What are you doing?"

The young man says: "Well Officer, I'm reading a magazine".

Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat the cop says: "And her, what is she doing?"

The young man shrugs: "Sir, I believe she's knitting a pullover sweater".

Now, the cop is totally confused. A young couple, alone, in a car, at night in a Lover's lane... and nothing obscene is happening!

The cop asks: "What's your age, young man?" The young man says "I'm 22, sir".

The cop asks: "And her... what's her age?" The young man looks at his watch and replies: "She'll be 18 in 11 minutes".
Grmblz, I put forward my opinion on why we all have to live with PC. I do not believe that you are racist or that your post was a racist act. If I implied that you were then I unreservedly apoligise.

And I don't hope you die! Cheers.
Grmblz, I put forward my opinion on why we all have to live with PC. I do not believe that you are racist or that your post was a racist act. If I implied that you were then I unreservedly apoligise.

And I don't hope you die! Cheers.
We're back to jokes now mate. Time to let it go