Cm2, Fourstar, Brendo, Maple Mega Barleywine Brewday

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Ahhh ok. I didn't get ghat cause HSA doesn't occur at that temp. But yeah there was lots of crap that went down. At least there were answers/solutions to all the problems
Having a penis drawn on your face while drunk is actually a basic human right (clause in the Basic Human Rights charter, United Nations, Resolution 17.23, 1994, revised 1998)
Having a penis drawn on your face while drunk is actually a basic human right (clause in the Basic Human Rights charter, United Nations, Resolution 17.23, 1994, revised 1998)

Ahem.. i believe it was re-revised in 2003 to disallow penises. :rolleyes:

Naked ladies however, thats a different story.
:lol: :lol:

I nearly wet myself, suck it 4*

looks like a great day

the shame was written all over your face - literally...

I feel like Indiana Jones/Jodie Foster :(

Well, the barleywine was pitched 6 days ago at 1.099. Currently at 1.059 and looks like the krausen is starting to drop! :unsure:

Been swirling the fermenter daily to keep the 1968 roused. Hopefully i can keep her munching away to get her to attenuate down to atleast 1.020 (10.4%ABV) :beerbang:

Hopefully with all those suagz added she drops that low. i sure as hell dont want her stopping at 1.035 or something (8.5% abv). Otherwise it will be more like an under attenuated imperial IPA :(
Well, the barleywine was pitched 6 days ago at 1.099. Currently at 1.059 and looks like the krausen is starting to drop! :unsure:

Been swirling the fermenter daily to keep the 1968 roused. Hopefully i can keep her munching away to get her to attenuate down to atleast 1.020 (10.4%ABV) :beerbang:

Hopefully with all those suagz added she drops that low. i sure as hell dont want her stopping at 1.035 or something (8.5% abv). Otherwise it will be more like an under attenuated imperial IPA :(

My advice - keep beating it like a red-headed stepchild!! Got a long way to go...
Well, the barleywine was pitched 6 days ago at 1.099. Currently at 1.059 and looks like the krausen is starting to drop! :unsure:
mines at 1065 (no conversion to account for alc) and still heaps of kraussen. go pacman!

havent pitched partigyle yet. still culturing up Wy1084? -Irish
mines at 1065 (no conversion to account for alc) and still heaps of kraussen. go pacman!

havent pitched partigyle yet. still culturing up Wy1084? -Irish

ok, so its been 15 days on the yeast and i have the following deets!

OG 1.099
FG 1.034
ABV 8.5-8.6%~

OG 1.043
FG 1.010
ABV 4.2-4.3%~

According to beersmith the PG is at terminal gravity and guesstimating the BW due to the low starting grav, ill assume 1.030~ is terminal. Ive just done my 'every second day swirl on the barleywine again, if shes stuck at the FG by friday, i'll leave her and bottle as is.

With the PG i ended up with 76% attenuation, i should get that assuming my yeast pitching is up to scratch with the barleywine and i can keep her in suspension too. (damn 1968, it will be the death of me!)

On a side note, my case swap amber ale test has rung in @ 4.8% and will be available for taste at the May Melbourne Brewers meet @ the fox. Unfortunatly its not tasting great atm so it might be omitted incase Jamil wants a sip. Its got a slightly astringent hop characteristic.

Hopefully its just my palate after tasting the barleywine and partigyle whilst sipping a glass of my 'get your kit off' comp beer. Speaking of, i might have to refilter this suckeror gelatine the keg. It just doesnt want to drop bright. it sucks when you dont seat the filter corectly in the housing.. Such a waste of time!
Speaking of, i might have to refilter this suckeror gelatine the keg. It just doesnt want to drop bright. it sucks when you dont seat the filter corectly in the housing.. Such a waste of time!
you're filtering a kit beer? isn't that like'll end up stripping out the twang, and be left with something half palatable...

joking aside, no idea how my PG and BW are doing.... The PG has dropped clear a few days ago, so think it may be done... when I get around to it, I'll post up the deets.
as i was on child minding duties last night (spewing i missed another melb brewers meeting), once the kiddly winks were asleep I snuck out the brewery to see how it all travells...
partigyle was reading 5.5 brix - so adjust for alc etc I make SG 1009! I recon she's done. Had a taste....lovely. the W1084 Irish has worked a treat. Brendo there will be plenty of slurry for you to use. I'll bring it over when i come to pick up my gear.

I didnt check the BW. Will do so at the weekend. not looking forward to cleaning all those bloody bottles.
as i was on child minding duties last night (spewing i missed another melb brewers meeting), once the kiddly winks were asleep I snuck out the brewery to see how it all travells...
partigyle was reading 5.5 brix - so adjust for alc etc I make SG 1009! I recon she's done. Had a taste....lovely. the W1084 Irish has worked a treat. Brendo there will be plenty of slurry for you to use. I'll bring it over when i come to pick up my gear.
I didnt check the BW. Will do so at the weekend. not looking forward to cleaning all those bloody bottles.

Good stuff! Unfortunatley you missed my 1st place tie with Haysie for the Irish Red Comp. :p

My partigyle has a light hop astringency to it. hopefully its just its greenness and will fade with time.

Got to keg these suckers sometime soon. Hopefully early next week once ive got some fridge and keg space to boot!
Good stuff! Unfortunatley you missed my 1st place tie with Haysie for the Irish Red Comp. :p

My partigyle has a light hop astringency to it. hopefully its just its greenness and will fade with time.

Got to keg these suckers sometime soon. Hopefully early next week once ive got some fridge and keg space to boot!
i did an irish red on the weekend. its now waiting on some 1084 slurry from the PG.
I've got next week off so will be brewing up a storm, any idea's on where I can get my hands on bulk amounts of fermentor's. Maybe 6 or so?
I've got next week off so will be brewing up a storm, any idea's on where I can get my hands on bulk amounts of fermentor's. Maybe 6 or so?
you bastard! you get to pretend your a brewery owner/worker for a week!
i assume this is the week off before you start the new job?

I should be able to free up 2 this weekend. 1x60L and 1x30L. Ive been meaning to go collect 2x30L fermentors off fents for ages, but he's probably chucked them by now.

I suppose you could go buy them if your in a pinch

oh and did i lucky bastard!

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