Fooking Congratulations, mate.
Even though I already knew that someone would win it, and loving the concept, I'm doubly chuffed that it's been drawn and the beers will hammer down your door over the next few weeks. Enjoy the thrill of randomness that has made you a WINNER !
I have a partial American Ale & an AG American Ale that are ready for bottling, so you'll probably get one of them. Or, considering HOW MANY PEOPLE do this style ('cos it rocks), I might pull out the 373ml special reserve, and shoot you two different smallies (neither of which contain Amarillo or Cascade) if that's OK.
I wonder, if Citymorgue2 or QuantamBrewer won this, whether they would send me their address? Maybe next draw, eh!
And BIG CONGRATS to QldKev for sorting the draw out this year. I agree with the other posters, maybe twice a year, but no more than that, or it will lose it's appeal. X-Mas in July sounds good thou - what do you guys think?
I should think about formulating a knockout style draw that comes down to two people after months of random number drawing.