Christmas 2009 Lottery

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Well done Mossy, old son!
What was your address again :) ?
Confirming the draw details.


18. mossyrocks

Lucky bastard!
Mossyrocks will now contact all the other 78 people to give us his postal address.

He can either pm us all; or use his email address; or register a temporary hotmail/gmail/yahoo email account and post the address here using the convention:
where the # would get removed from the address and the AT and DOT gets changed to the correct values.

Then if mossyrocks can confirm receipt of these finest brews against the entries list;
Providing feedback for brews is not necessary, but if you want to it would be great!

Congrats Mossyrocks. A bottle of my finest is set aside for you. My liver is sighing in relief!
Congrats MR

I will send mine as soon as the postal pay dispute ends and i can assure myself its going to get to you in a timely manner.

Well done Mossy, beer heading your way...when I get an addy.

Good on you Mossy - a bottle set aside and ready to send!
congrats mossy...i reckon this lottery concept is brilliant and should be held monthly or every couple of months: any support for that?
congrats mossy...i reckon this lottery concept is brilliant and should be held monthly or every couple of months: any support for that?

Perhaps a Xmas lotto in July.

congrats mossy...i reckon this lottery concept is brilliant and should be held monthly or every couple of months: any support for that?

I think doing it too frequently would lead to less interest. Make it special - once or twice a year only.
Congrats mossy will be bottling an IPA to send your way.

Damn you Mossy!! Oh, and Grats! :D

I have to bottle one of the 2 I am sending from a keg but will do my best to purge the bottle with c02 first....

You should drink this one as soon as possible just in case - which is a pity because you should save the best till last! :p :lol:

Hit us with the addy and I will get 'em in the post Mondee for ya!

Lucky bastard Brewer you.....

Bugger! Only just saw this. If CM2 was the mate he makes out to be, he woulda stuck my name down after his and I woulda won :p

Congrats to the winner, that is gonna be one helluva party :beer:
Sooooooo close!!!

only 23 away!....

Congrats Mossyrocks

Have a drunkin Christmas
Fooking Congratulations, mate.

Even though I already knew that someone would win it, and loving the concept, I'm doubly chuffed that it's been drawn and the beers will hammer down your door over the next few weeks. Enjoy the thrill of randomness that has made you a WINNER !

I have a partial American Ale & an AG American Ale that are ready for bottling, so you'll probably get one of them. Or, considering HOW MANY PEOPLE do this style ('cos it rocks), I might pull out the 373ml special reserve, and shoot you two different smallies (neither of which contain Amarillo or Cascade) if that's OK.

I wonder, if Citymorgue2 or QuantamBrewer won this, whether they would send me their address? Maybe next draw, eh!

And BIG CONGRATS to QldKev for sorting the draw out this year. I agree with the other posters, maybe twice a year, but no more than that, or it will lose it's appeal. X-Mas in July sounds good thou - what do you guys think?

I should think about formulating a knockout style draw that comes down to two people after months of random number drawing.
I like the idea of the Christmas in July. We could also try having First, Second and Third places.

Something like First place wins all the even number entries.
2, 4, 6, 8.....

Second gets Every second odd number
1, 5, 9, 13...

Third get the other odd numbers.
3, 7, 11, 15...

So allowing 80 entries, First gets 39 bottles, Second 19 and Third 19 bottles.


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