Chinese Hops? What Next

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NOTE in the article - " pejorative "******" may be used publicly without necessarily being racially offensive."

The article also says "The word ****** is simply so offensive that you just don't have people using it in any public context". What is your point?

I also count 7 mentions of racism or racial discrimination - what article were you "reading"?
You're the one trying to deny the impact of their statements, pal.

Who said that? I remember saying something quite opposite to that. Try reading instead of assuming.

So objectifying people by race is the very height of racial tollerance, is it? Jesus Christy!

Black people and Chinese people should wear their heritage as a badge of honour. I'm not questioning that. What I am questioning is when people like you objectify them by those attributes. No one should ever be proud of being a redneck. "Redneck" speaks more of attitude than of geography.

I know you do. Your arguments make that very clear. But you are wrong.

[EDIT: too many quotes!]

lets see, I did read your statement, and you clearly said, that racial statements ARE Racists - you are wrong, I say your wrong, the Federal Govt says your wrong (read the article)

People are proud oif their race and say so I find. Infact they are not ashamed, and promote it all the time, Greek Festivals, Italian food fairs, Aboriginal singing. Its strange you dont see that nicknaming races is part of recognising that very fact in the Australian culture - a badge of honour AND respect.

It seems you just cant your head arround the Australian Culture.

Yes, you are quite right in saying that it is possible to talk about race without being motivated my racism but your definition of the difference leaves a great deal to be desired.

Read this then explain it back to me in your own words (language?).
The article also says "The word ****** is simply so offensive that you just don't have people using it in any public context". What is your point?

I also count 7 mentions of racism or racial discrimination - what article were you "reading"?

My point is NO_ONE is agruing that the word ****** is racist. I''ll say it again


Is that clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You argue any racial sleer is racist, IT IS NOT

Is that clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is that Clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I am teaching a kid all over again

So what was the motion brought before the UN in regard to racial discrimination for?

Jesus, man. You're ****** in the head.

[EDIT: so mad I can't type]
So what was the motion brought before the UN in regard to racial discrimination for?

Is not "racial Discrimination" the term to help describe racism (back to basic English again), and thus frame laws against it??????

I don't know how to respond to that, townsville. That is my point. My point that goes against what you are saying.

Your posts are purest gibberish to me.
Wow slow down I can see this thread is rapidly heading for the chop..
I don't know how to respond to that, townsville. That is my point. My point that goes against what you are saying.

Your posts are purest gibberish to me.

Not gibberish, thought provoking. Us old farts have seen a lot of changes, and we see how attitudes change over time. Some for the good, some for the bad.

One change for the BAD in this country is the lose of racial tolerance. And I blame in part this new founded attitude to what is now considered racism.

TB, it's at page 46. Approximately 36 of those pages are equally useless ramblings.

However, the point is taken and I'll pull my head in.

Apologies to admin/moderators.
I, for one, applaud the infliltration of 4chan-speak into AHB.
Hmmm - order the remaining x kgs of chinese hop, then at the last minute, revoke your order with a post that just says "C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!!111oneone"

Well, since this thread is way OT anyway...


If you spend any more time on here, I think your going to be the one missing the deadline to your hop buy!!
Wow slow down I can see this thread is rapidly heading for the chop..

i dont think so, we will get back to chinese hops


Placing the first order to China today

380kg of China finest is being packed right now

God this racist / racial ******** is pissing me off.

I think when I get these hops I'm going to make a ****** Stout, and a Boong Brown Ale, and maybe a Chinese FlyLice Lager.
And If you MUST know, certain interest groups have tried to stop this



Oh come one townsville, out them! If they are trying to screw us, then we should at least know who we should not be giving our money too!

If someone is being petty, and trying to safeguard their monopoly, then we should publicly out them! I would happily not spend my money with them, to show that these practices are not in the their interest! And especially not in the interest of the customer's that are supporting and paying for their business!

I want to make sure the the HBS's that I am spending my money at, are not actively trying to stop me from saving a little money (which will ultimately, put more more money in the LHBS pocket).
God this racist / racial ******** is pissing me off.

I think when I get these hops I'm going to make a ****** Stout, and a Boong Brown Ale, and maybe a Chinese FlyLice Lager.

And a Redneck Irish Red. ;)
A great man once said to me "RDWHAHB".

Thanks for that Chappo.

I've been trying to figure out how to pronounce it ever since.

But I really think it applies here.

God Bless the Brew.
Farmers have been squeezed by the supply chain into accepting prices that are in some cases the same price as has been for the past 20 years. But at the same time the purchasing power of the Australian Dollar has not historically been high so you are getting paid a little less than you were 20 years ago at the same prices at the farm gate.

Purchasing agents at farm gate at prices are buying product around 20 to 30 odd cents per kilogram of produce that the Supply Chain, the duopoly of Supermarkets in Australia, charge upwards of $5 to $6 a kilo for and then says support the local supply chains doing this. I'm actually proud of your stance, so long as you don't complain about being paid nothing for your produce and that you should get more money from the Supply Chain purchasing agents. They know the rules of economics and are squeezing both ends tighter as they know neither the primary producer nor the consumer in Australia has any will to fight and press back. The consumer can fight back with his wallet and purchasing power once he is informed about the markets and how much power he really possesses that he doesn't yet realise to move markets. Primary producers have a tougher time as you are working as individuals against each other and the world, you should form a producers co-operative and hire collectively a sole sellers agent outlet to get you the price you want or move a huge volume of produce away from the Supermarkets and to any other buyers domestic or offshore. With primary producers and consumers together squeezing back against the SuperMarkets the market will find a new balance without the Supermarkets taking the huge lions share of profit away from both the primary produce and the consumer.

Heres a tip though, grow what the market demands and can not get enough of. For example, Australian malt quality barley is absolutely tanking on the international markets. Why? Because Australian primary producers are growing the wrong types of barley that makes malts the world is not wanting nor are they demanding. It will be two or three more cross-bred generations of barley until we can get Aussie grain quality up to the level of protein content, germ quality and lower dextrinous malts that the world brewing market is demanding. There is a ton of high quality, and inexpensive barley on the international markets, subsidy or no subsidy. If you had a superior product the buyers would pay your higher price. Simple rules. If you can supply higher quality at the same price of lower quality grain you can unload as much grain as the purchasers can take up. You can now make more on the margins of the higher volumes.

Now the people on the bulk buy for hops are not buying Graham Sanders, some of the people on the bulk could probably not give a dogs rear end about Graham, they are buying hops pure and simple. If Graham was making a huge profit from the buy like the Supply Chain is doing then yes as a buyer you could rationalise and consider the person you are buying from in addition to the product. But he isn't so you won't be supporting Graham Sanders if you bulk buy, you won't be funding his radio program or be spreading his message. The only thing Graham Sanders will get is his own little ego boost in his own world outside of yours and a smirky smile for stirring up the **** pot for a short while once every few years or so. Lets be honest, six months from now if you bulk buy some hops and are making a beer, your umpteenth with the hops are you going to be thinking about Graham Sanders? Most Likely Not. The only thing this is simply put is an opportunity to try something you have never tried before and perhaps may never readily have the opportunity to try again. If that interests you then you jump on board, if it does not then you don't. But don't let a radio shock jock stir you up into idealism, idealogical feelings, or a need to feel threatened for what you think or do. You should be mature enough to handle that.

Brewer Pete

some good points unfortunately i am not a cereal farmer so cannot just switch to barley wish i could but just because something grows doesnt mean any farmer can produce it

already a member of co ops which are fine but it is actually ILLEGAL for a group to set a price in australia(called price fixing) and cannot be done unless you sell fuel(maybe townsville can stop the petrol rip off too)

you say this is a one off thing so dont worry well i hope no one else worries either when they go too thier HBS and the liquid yeast range or specialty
malt range is half what it is now or the extra hops you want are 3yrs old because of reduced turnover

you also mention the no profit for townsville unfortunately there is also no responsability or commitment from townsville maybe if he was running a business with his money with his house/lifestyle etc on the line like the sponsors of this forum he might have some respect

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