Chinese Hops? What Next

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That's exactly the reason I've joined in the buy - I'll be brewing with them to access their quality & will be putting them on the site at what I hope will be a very attractive price for those wanting budget hops. At a 10th of what I'm paying for a lot of hops these days, they certainly have an attraction commercially.

Cheers Ross

And when you do that, pm me and let me know please. I`ll be glad to include some in an order after you`ve trialled em.
Till then...................... :icon_cheers:

And when you do that, pm me and let me know please. I`ll be glad to include some in an order after you`ve trialled em.
Till then...................... :icon_cheers:


The people out there waiting to see if they are any good want to be careful. These things wont just happen every year.

There are a few significant hurdle to jump.

Try these quarantine ones I have to address

Commodity: Hops (Humulus lupulus) - Dried

Scientific name: Humulus lupulus

Country: All countries excluding: New Zealand

End use: Processing

Date printed: Sep 21 2009

The information here covers AQIS quarantine requirements only and is current on the date of transmission but may change without notice. AQIS makes no warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of that information and will bear no liability with respect to that information. Importers must satisfy quarantine concerns and comply with quarantine conditions applicable at the time of entry. The Commonwealth through AQIS is not liable for any costs arising from or associated with decisions of importers to import based on conditions presented here which are not current at the time of importation. It is the importers responsibility to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information at the time of importation.

It is the importers responsibility to identify and to ensure it has complied with, all requirements of any other regulatory and advisory bodies prior to and after importation including the Australian Customs Service, Therapeutic Goods Administration, Department of Health and Ageing, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority and any State agencies such as Departments of Agriculture and Health and Environmental Protection authorities.

Importers should note that this list is not exhaustive. Importers should also note that all foods imported into Australia must comply with the provisions of the Imported Food Control Act 1992 , an Act which is administered by AQIS.

Notification of the import must be provided to AQIS for all imported goods other than goods imported as accompanied baggage or goods imported via the mail and not prescribed under the Customs Act 1901. Notification must be consistent with Quarantine Regulations 2000 (examples include a Quarantine Entry or a Quarantine declaration).


Condition C5219

1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply.


1. An Import Permit is required and must be applied for prior to importation. Permit applications must be sent to AQIS Plant Programs, Canberra office for assessment.

2. Each consignment must be labelled with full botanical names i.e. genus and species. Each package must be labelled. Alternatively if the goods are easily identifiable, then there is no requirement of the botanical nomenclature.

3. Each consignment must be free of live insects, other seeds and other quarantine risk material prior to arrival in Australia.

4. Any packaging used with the consignment must be clean and new.

5. Containers, timber packing, pallets or dunnage associated with the consignment will be subject to inspection and treatment on arrival, unless certified as having been treated by an AQIS approved method. (Refer to the AQIS publication Cargo Containers: Quarantine aspects and procedures).

6. Each consignment will be inspected to verify that the hops are dried and they are free from live insects, other seeds and other quarantine risk material.

7. If prohibited, restricted or unidentified seeds are found on inspection, the consignment will be ordered for moist heat treatment (T9568 or T9574), re-export or destruction at the importer's expense.

Note: Heat treatment may have a detrimental effect on this product. The importer or the importers representative should consider the potential effects of any treatment when deciding on treatment options.

8. If live insects are found during the inspection they will be identified by an AQIS entomologist and the consignment will be treated with methyl bromide fumigation (T9038). Treatment will be carried out at the importers expense.

9. After inspection, the hops may only be used in a beer making process that involves a boiling procedure. This process must occur at a Quarantine approved processing premises (Class 3.0).

10. After emptying, any packaging used with the consignment must be disposed of as detailed in the Quarantine approved premises compliance agreement or treated with 2% sodium hypochlorite treatment for 24 hours (T9376).

Condition C5132
For the purposes of this case, the following definitions will apply.

Hops (sometimes referred to as Leaf hops) are the whole flower dried and uncompressed. Refer to the ICON commodity Hops (Humulus lupulus) - Dried.

Hops cones are dried, cultivated (unprocessed) flowers. Refer to the ICON commodity Hops (Humulus lupulus) - Dried.

Hop plugs are whole cones (flowers) that have been dried and compressed into a plug. Refer to the ICON commodity Hops (Humulus lupulus) - Dried.

Hop pellets are highly processed hops consisting of finely powdered hop cones compressed into pea-sized tablets. Refer to the ICON commodity Hop pellets and hop extract.

Hop extracts are the liquid bittering essences of hops and are used for convenience in the brewing industry. Some liquid hops extracts are processed with a wide variety of chemical solvents that dissolve the hop resins into solution. Refer to the ICON commodity Hop pellets and hop extract.

Entry Management EM0184
AQIS minimum documentary requirements to support assessment of all documentation

All documentation presented to AQIS as part of the import process must meet the requirements of the Minimum Documentary Requirements Policy. These requirements include:

Overarching Requirements (e.g. legible, in English, signed, dated, linked to the consignment);
Document Format Requirements (e.g. as per nationally accepted practice and standards, or on company letterhead); and
Prescribed Information Requirements (e.g. treatment certificates must include a description of the goods/packaging treated)

Entry Management EM0185
AQIS information requirements to support assessment of non-commodity concerns associated with imported cargo

All documentation presented to AQIS to assist in determining the level of quarantine risk posed by transportation pathways and packaging must meet the requirements of the Non-Commodity Information Requirements Policy. These requirements address:

Container concerns (e.g. container cleanliness);
Packaging concerns (e.g. presence of timber or prohibited packaging material); and
Source/destination concerns (e.g. sourced from a giant African snail country or destined for a rural unpack location).

Treatment T9574
Hot moist air

At not less than 95oC for not less than 24 hours (50% relative humidity) once the core temperature has been reached.

NOTE: Prior to moist heat treatment, all bags/packaging impervious to moisture must be opened or adequately punctured to allow moist heat penetration.

Caution: Some products may smoulder, ignite or be damaged by this treatment. The importer should consider the potential effects when deciding on treatment options.

Treatment T9038
Methyl bromide

The Methyl Bromide rate required is 32g/m for 24 hours at 21C and above at Normal Atmospheric Pressure (NAP).

For each 5C (or part of 5C) the temperature is expected to fall below 21C, 8g/m must be added to the dosage rate, unless otherwise specified by AQIS. It is the minimum temperature during the course of the fumigation that is to be used for the calculation of the dose.

Methyl Bromide fumigation for quarantine purposes is not permitted if the ambient minimum temperature falls below 10C.

AQIS does not allow dosage compensation where the ambient temperature is above 21C or below 10C.

AQIS Methyl Bromide Standard

Treatment T9376
Sodium hypochlorite

Immerse in a solution (NaOCl), 2% available chlorine for 24 hours.

Sodium hypochlorite is available as Milton (1%) or domestic bleach is a stabilised solution giving 4% available chlorine (dilute 1 plus 3).

Treatment T9568
Hot moist air

At not less than 85oC for not less than 48 hours (50% relative humidity) once the core temperature has been reached.

NOTE: Prior to moist heat treatment, all bags/packaging impervious to moisture must be opened or adequately punctured to allow moist heat penetration.

Caution: Some products may smoulder, ignite or be damaged by this treatment. The importer should consider the potential effects when deciding on treatment options.

Import Permit Fee IPF0002
Import Permit Fees (where applicable) Category 1

This commodity is classified as a Category 1 assessment for the purposes of determining the Import Permit fee rate that applies. The fee rate is $40.00 per assessable item in addition to the electronic lodgement fee of $85.00 or the manual lodgement fee of $150.00 applies.

Note that the fee for the lodgement and assessment of an ePermit application is $125.00.

An assessable item means an item identified on an Import Permit application as consisting of goods of a class imported, or to be imported, from a particular country for a particular use.

Further information on AQIS fees and charges can be found on the AQIS website. Import Permit issuing fees are specified in the Quarantine Service Fees Determination 2008.

And further to all those thinking that there will be other orders at the drop of the hat.

The procedure is I will have to get an IMPORTERS LICENCE to import the hops. cost will be about $1.00 a kilo for all of you. Not just anyone can import hops you know.

Once you get that, Then its all systems go.


Is there anyone out there who has an licence and is willing to get involved. If not I'll get the licence,
which means I alone can import the hops, so ordering it will not happen at a whim.
And further to all those thinking that there will be other orders at the drop of the hat.

The procedure is I will have to get an IMPORTERS LICENCE to import the hops. cost will be about $1.00 a kilo for all of you. Not just anyone can import hops you know.

Once you get that, Then its all systems go.


Is there anyone out there who has an licence and is willing to get involved. If not I'll get the licence,
which means I alone can import the hops, so ordering it will not happen at a whim.

Once you have one of these will it mean you can get North American hops from hopunion? *dons flamesuit* :ph34r: .

If anyone has the time to PM me about what has happened in the past with hop bulk buy orders from the US I'd be most appreciative. Don't want to ruffle any feathers, but I'm keen to learn the history and learn precisely what is and isn't possible re bulk buying hops, particularly from the states.
Once you have one of these will it mean you can get North American hops from hopunion? *dons flamesuit* :ph34r: .

If anyone has the time to PM me about what has happened in the past with hop bulk buy orders from the US I'd be most appreciative. Don't want to ruffle any feathers, but I'm keen to learn the history and learn precisely what is and isn't possible re bulk buying hops, particularly from the states.

Yes your dead right, Only a few of the chosen few will be able to import hops. Its not bad mind you, Its just paperwork.

I will be going ahead and getting a licence if no one comes forward

Am I incorrect in reading that these are hop pellets - i.e. the heavily processed form, not plugs, not whole "leaf" (i.e. what the first post seemed to suggest).

In that case you might want to check the ICON case, "hop pellets and hop extract". Import permit not required:

May make your life just a bit easier.

Condition C9967


1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply.


1. An Import Permit is not required.

2. Each consignment must be free of live insects and other quarantine risk material before arrival in Australia.

3. Any packaging used with the consignment must be clean and new.

4. Consignments are exempt from inspection.

5. Random inspections will be conducted to verify that the consignment is free of quarantine risk material.
if you can do a bulk buy of american hops, i'll buy a kilo of basically of the c hops and amarillo.
I'd love some.

KillerRx4 - 1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ. Penrith, NSW
Brads brew -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ, QLD
AndrewQLD - 1kg Cluster 1 kg Marco Polo, QLD
Leigh -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ VIC, Melbourne
Ross 5kg each of all 3, QLD
Beer&Kebab 1kg of all 3. Bathurst, NSW
dth - 3kg Saaz - Emerald, QLD
ham2k - 2kg Saaz - Sydney, NSW
Chappo - 5kg each of all 3, QLD
BribieG - 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, QLD
etbandit - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo.
Winkle - 1 kg MP. Saaz, QLD
Batz- 2kg each, QLD
crozdog - 1kg each Sydney NSW
Gruntus - 2kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo - Sydney NSW
L_Bomb - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, WA Perth
Altstart 3kg of each
ratchie 1kg of each QLD Nambour
rosswill 1 kg of each
OzMick 1 kg of each Brisbane, QLD
Voota 2kg of all three - melbourne
peas_and_corn 1kg of each
jimmyjack 1 kg of each QLD
BusinessTime 1 kg of each - Sydney NSW
christmasbender 1kg each please - melbourne
Phonos 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo Sydney NSW
Pollux 1kg of each.
Marlow_coates 1kg of each QLD, Brisbane
Jimi 1kg of each - VIC, Colac
Leiothrix 1kg of each
Maple 1kg of all 3 varieties - VIC, Melbourne
Jonnyanchovy 1kg saaz
boddingtons best 1Kg Marco Polo 1Kg Cluster 2Kg Saaz - Melb VIC
Duff 1kg Marco Polo 1kg Saaz, QLD
Citymorgue2 1kg of all 3 varieties VIC, Melbourne
Darkman 1kg of all varieties, Melbourne
NickB 1kg of each, QLD
Steve 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Katie 1kg of each - WA Perth
raven19 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA
marksfish. 1kg of each
Ilike beer 1kg of each - Vic, Portland
Brewer Pete 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Troopa 5Kg Saaz, 1Kg Marco Polo - NSW, Hunter valley
Doogiechap 1Kg of each - WA Perth
sinkas 1Kg of Each - WA Perth
Redbeard 2kg Saaz Sydney NSW
Stillscottish 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, QLD
kram 1kg of each QLD
beerhog 2kg saaz vic melbourne
hairofthedog 1kg of each melbourne
regulator 1kg of each sydney
cozmocracker 1kg of each Canberra
DiscoStu 1kg Cluster, 1Kg Saaz, Sydney NSW
dj1984 1 kg of each Adelaide
tomtoro 2kg of each, Brisbane QLD
Hogan 1kg of each. Sydney, NSW.
Wrenny 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, Brisbane Qld

Current Totals:

60kg Marco Polo
59kg Cluster
80kg Saaz

Great work Craftbrewer. I hope you haven't made too much work for yourself. Maybe a good idea if brew clubs made combined orders and split it up at a meeting - just a suggestion to try to minimize the amount of work you need to do.
so i spose the bukys closed seeing as theres orders for 199kg & townsville hasent put his order on yet :unsure:
I'd love some.

KillerRx4 - 1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ. Penrith, NSW
Brads brew -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ, QLD
AndrewQLD - 1kg Cluster 1 kg Marco Polo, QLD
Leigh -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ VIC, Melbourne
Ross 5kg each of all 3, QLD
Beer&Kebab 1kg of all 3. Bathurst, NSW
dth - 3kg Saaz - Emerald, QLD
ham2k - 2kg Saaz - Sydney, NSW
Chappo - 5kg each of all 3, QLD
BribieG - 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, QLD
etbandit - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo.
Winkle - 1 kg MP. Saaz, QLD
Batz- 2kg each, QLD
crozdog - 1kg each Sydney NSW
Gruntus - 2kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo - Sydney NSW
L_Bomb - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, WA Perth
Altstart 3kg of each
ratchie 1kg of each QLD Nambour
rosswill 1 kg of each
OzMick 1 kg of each Brisbane, QLD
Voota 2kg of all three - melbourne
peas_and_corn 1kg of each
jimmyjack 1 kg of each QLD
BusinessTime 1 kg of each - Sydney NSW
christmasbender 1kg each please - melbourne
Phonos 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo Sydney NSW
Pollux 1kg of each.
Marlow_coates 1kg of each QLD, Brisbane
Jimi 1kg of each - VIC, Colac
Leiothrix 1kg of each
Maple 1kg of all 3 varieties - VIC, Melbourne
Jonnyanchovy 1kg saaz
boddingtons best 1Kg Marco Polo 1Kg Cluster 2Kg Saaz - Melb VIC
Duff 1kg Marco Polo 1kg Saaz, QLD
Citymorgue2 1kg of all 3 varieties VIC, Melbourne
Darkman 1kg of all varieties, Melbourne
NickB 1kg of each, QLD
Steve 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Katie 1kg of each - WA Perth
raven19 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA
marksfish. 1kg of each
Ilike beer 1kg of each - Vic, Portland
Brewer Pete 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Troopa 5Kg Saaz, 1Kg Marco Polo - NSW, Hunter valley
Doogiechap 1Kg of each - WA Perth
sinkas 1Kg of Each - WA Perth
Redbeard 2kg Saaz Sydney NSW
Stillscottish 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, QLD
kram 1kg of each QLD
beerhog 2kg saaz vic melbourne
hairofthedog 1kg of each melbourne
regulator 1kg of each sydney
cozmocracker 1kg of each Canberra
DiscoStu 1kg Cluster, 1Kg Saaz, Sydney NSW
dj1984 1 kg of each Adelaide
tomtoro 2kg of each, Brisbane QLD
Hogan 1kg of each. Sydney, NSW.
Wrenny 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, Brisbane Qld
lobo 1kg cluster adelaide SA
Current Totals:

60kg Marco Polo
60kg Cluster
80kg Saaz

thats if im not too late. will keep an eye out. would also be interested in any american, or european bulk buys bring it on, i think the people have spoken if this thread is anything to go by.

so i spose the bukys closed seeing as theres orders for 199kg & townsville hasent put his order on yet :unsure:

Firstly, to get things straight, some-one has to put up his hand to be the hop importer. That requires him to wear the can If the hops are **** and has to be distroyed. As an importer I or they have to wear it. But I love the hobby, even from the far north.

Second, yes i wil have fist pick, only fair i see it. And yes when this is finalised you will see people drop out, that way when they do, I will pull seconds off the list. So if you are LOW DOWN dont lose heart. I will bet you'll still get in when I ask for cash, as well as future customers. In fact keep putting your name, I may go bigger. But its up you to tell people. The order hasn't been placed.

You will know when I go over to "Bulk Order"

Third, I do this not as an exercise to make money, BUT more to show that with a little creativity, a little faith, we can enjoy this great hobby at aaffordable cost, or at least a cost similar to what the mega swills pay.

I ask again, if I can do it, why the hell cant yout local Brew Store do it.

Stiring the pot

Sorry, man. I was just making a little joke about the current situation. You're doing a bang up job.
KillerRx4 - 1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ. Penrith, NSW
Brads brew -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ, QLD
AndrewQLD - 1kg Cluster 1 kg Marco Polo, QLD
Leigh -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ VIC, Melbourne
Ross 5kg each of all 3, QLD
Beer&Kebab 1kg of all 3. Bathurst, NSW
dth - 3kg Saaz - Emerald, QLD
ham2k - 2kg Saaz - Sydney, NSW
Chappo - 5kg each of all 3, QLD
BribieG - 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, QLD
etbandit - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo.
Winkle - 1 kg MP. Saaz, QLD
Batz- 2kg each, QLD
crozdog - 1kg each Sydney NSW
Gruntus - 2kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo - Sydney NSW
L_Bomb - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, WA Perth
Altstart 3kg of each
ratchie 1kg of each QLD Nambour
rosswill 1 kg of each
OzMick 1 kg of each Brisbane, QLD
Voota 2kg of all three - melbourne
peas_and_corn 1kg of each
jimmyjack 1 kg of each QLD
BusinessTime 1 kg of each - Sydney NSW
christmasbender 1kg each please - melbourne
Phonos 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo Sydney NSW
Pollux 1kg of each.
Marlow_coates 1kg of each QLD, Brisbane
Jimi 1kg of each - VIC, Colac
Leiothrix 1kg of each
Maple 1kg of all 3 varieties - VIC, Melbourne
Jonnyanchovy 1kg saaz
boddingtons best 1Kg Marco Polo 1Kg Cluster 2Kg Saaz - Melb VIC
Duff 1kg Marco Polo 1kg Saaz, QLD
Citymorgue2 1kg of all 3 varieties VIC, Melbourne
Darkman 1kg of all varieties, Melbourne
NickB 1kg of each, QLD
Steve 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Katie 1kg of each - WA Perth
raven19 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA
marksfish. 1kg of each
Ilike beer 1kg of each - Vic, Portland
Brewer Pete 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Troopa 5Kg Saaz, 1Kg Marco Polo - NSW, Hunter valley
Doogiechap 1Kg of each - WA Perth
sinkas 1Kg of Each - WA Perth
Redbeard 2kg Saaz Sydney NSW
Stillscottish 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, QLD
kram 1kg of each QLD
beerhog 2kg saaz vic melbourne
hairofthedog 1kg of each melbourne
regulator 1kg of each sydney
cozmocracker 1kg of each Canberra
DiscoStu 1kg Cluster, 1Kg Saaz, Sydney NSW
dj1984 1 kg of each Adelaide
tomtoro 2kg of each, Brisbane QLD
Hogan 1kg of each. Sydney, NSW.
Wrenny 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, Brisbane Qld
lobo 1kg cluster adelaide SA
Current Totals:

60kg Marco Polo
60kg Cluster
80kg Saaz

Just in case list:

Pokolbinguy 1kg each - Adelaide, SA

Ok. So I assume that this buy will be full by the looks of the list above, but will put my name down just in case. Sorry craftbrewer if you didnt want me to add to this list but I guess its easier than waiting till another thread gets started and things potentially get bitchy.

Cheers, Pok
Ok. So I assume that this buy will be full by the looks of the list above, but will put my name down just in case. Sorry craftbrewer if you didnt want me to add to this list but I guess its easier than waiting till another thread gets started and things potentially get bitchy.

Cheers, Pok

Not worry about it mate

To everyone, just keep putting your names down, we'll see what happens/

KillerRx4 - 1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ. Penrith, NSW
Brads brew -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ, QLD
AndrewQLD - 1kg Cluster 1 kg Marco Polo, QLD
Leigh -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ VIC, Melbourne
Ross 5kg each of all 3, QLD
Beer&Kebab 1kg of all 3. Bathurst, NSW
dth - 3kg Saaz - Emerald, QLD
ham2k - 2kg Saaz - Sydney, NSW
Chappo - 5kg each of all 3, QLD
BribieG - 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, QLD
etbandit - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo.
Winkle - 1 kg MP. Saaz, QLD
Batz- 2kg each, QLD
crozdog - 1kg each Sydney NSW
Gruntus - 2kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo - Sydney NSW
L_Bomb - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, WA Perth
Altstart 3kg of each
ratchie 1kg of each QLD Nambour
rosswill 1 kg of each
OzMick 1 kg of each Brisbane, QLD
Voota 2kg of all three - melbourne
peas_and_corn 1kg of each
jimmyjack 1 kg of each QLD
BusinessTime 1 kg of each - Sydney NSW
christmasbender 1kg each please - melbourne
Phonos 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo Sydney NSW
Pollux 1kg of each.
Marlow_coates 1kg of each QLD, Brisbane
Jimi 1kg of each - VIC, Colac
Leiothrix 1kg of each
Maple 1kg of all 3 varieties - VIC, Melbourne
Jonnyanchovy 1kg saaz
boddingtons best 1Kg Marco Polo 1Kg Cluster 2Kg Saaz - Melb VIC
Duff 1kg Marco Polo 1kg Saaz, QLD
Citymorgue2 1kg of all 3 varieties VIC, Melbourne
Darkman 1kg of all varieties, Melbourne
NickB 1kg of each, QLD
Steve 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Katie 1kg of each - WA Perth
raven19 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA
marksfish. 1kg of each
Ilike beer 1kg of each - Vic, Portland
Brewer Pete 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Troopa 5Kg Saaz, 1Kg Marco Polo - NSW, Hunter valley
Doogiechap 1Kg of each - WA Perth
sinkas 1Kg of Each - WA Perth
Redbeard 2kg Saaz Sydney NSW
Stillscottish 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, QLD
kram 1kg of each QLD
beerhog 2kg saaz vic melbourne
hairofthedog 1kg of each melbourne
regulator 1kg of each sydney
cozmocracker 1kg of each Canberra
DiscoStu 1kg Cluster, 1Kg Saaz, Sydney NSW
tomtoro 2kg of each, Brisbane QLD
Hogan 1kg of each. Sydney, NSW.
Wrenny 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, Brisbane Qld
lobo 1kg cluster adelaide SA
Current Totals:

59kg Marco Polo
59kg Cluster
79kg Saaz

Im pulling out
KillerRx4 - 1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ. Penrith, NSW
Brads brew -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ, QLD
AndrewQLD - 1kg Cluster 1 kg Marco Polo, QLD
Leigh -1kg MARCO POLO, 1kg CLUSTER, 1kg SAAZ VIC, Melbourne
Ross 5kg each of all 3, QLD
Beer&Kebab 1kg of all 3. Bathurst, NSW
dth - 3kg Saaz - Emerald, QLD
ham2k - 2kg Saaz - Sydney, NSW
Chappo - 5kg each of all 3, QLD
BribieG - 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, QLD
etbandit - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo.
Winkle - 1 kg MP. Saaz, QLD
Batz- 2kg each, QLD
crozdog - 1kg each Sydney NSW
Gruntus - 2kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo - Sydney NSW
L_Bomb - 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, WA Perth
Altstart 3kg of each
ratchie 1kg of each QLD Nambour
rosswill 1 kg of each
OzMick 1 kg of each Brisbane, QLD
Voota 2kg of all three - melbourne
peas_and_corn 1kg of each
jimmyjack 1 kg of each QLD
BusinessTime 1 kg of each - Sydney NSW
christmasbender 1kg each please - melbourne
Phonos 1kg Saaz, 1kg Marco Polo Sydney NSW
Pollux 1kg of each.
Marlow_coates 1kg of each QLD, Brisbane
Jimi 1kg of each - VIC, Colac
Leiothrix 1kg of each
Maple 1kg of all 3 varieties - VIC, Melbourne
Jonnyanchovy 1kg saaz
boddingtons best 1Kg Marco Polo 1Kg Cluster 2Kg Saaz - Melb VIC
Duff 1kg Marco Polo 1kg Saaz, QLD
Citymorgue2 1kg of all 3 varieties VIC, Melbourne
Darkman 1kg of all varieties, Melbourne
NickB 1kg of each, QLD
Steve 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Katie 1kg of each - WA Perth
raven19 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA
marksfish. 1kg of each
Ilike beer 1kg of each - Vic, Portland
Brewer Pete 1kg of each - ACT, Canberra
Troopa 5Kg Saaz, 1Kg Marco Polo - NSW, Hunter valley
Doogiechap 1Kg of each - WA Perth
sinkas 1Kg of Each - WA Perth
Redbeard 2kg Saaz Sydney NSW
Stillscottish 1kg Saaz, 1kg Cluster, QLD
kram 1kg of each QLD
beerhog 2kg saaz vic melbourne
hairofthedog 1kg of each melbourne
regulator 1kg of each sydney
cozmocracker 1kg of each Canberra
DiscoStu 1kg Cluster, 1Kg Saaz, Sydney NSW
tomtoro 2kg of each, Brisbane QLD
Hogan 1kg of each. Sydney, NSW.
Wrenny 1kg Cluster, 1kg Saaz, Brisbane Qld
lobo 1kg cluster adelaide SA
Pokolbinguy - 1kg of each. Adelaide, SA

Current Totals:

60kg Marco Polo
60kg Cluster
80kg Saaz

I'll put my name on this list then...

A heads up everyone.

Everything is all but finalised. So much so I am ready to post on the Bulk Buy section with final costs and conditions.

All involved should be ready to jump. I will organise the round of orders to be posted there. People will have three days to organise payment, then the list goes wide open and then its first in best dressed

Costs are still looking great, still looking arround $10.00 a kilo plus your postage method.

Graham Sanders