Wow...... this is all heading to custard!
My2c worth....
I don't mind paying for hops, it is a part of the process, but by shopping a bit smarter, I believe that there are better buys around than the LHBS is likely to be offering (note I said LIKELY.... I am sure there are some good shops out there). I have never purchased from Hopco, but they have always given my prices when requested, and seemed prepared to make a deal. This would be cheaper for me than buying from any LHBS, and of a known AA% (yes, some shops will sell you hops without a definate AA% on it.... "yeah, they will be between 4.5% and 7%"... really helpful) and also from a known crop year.
There is also generally available a bulk hop buy around this time of year for kilo packs of hops direct from the grower. Again, guaranteed crop year, measured AA%, not abused by being left on the shelf somewhere, and at a great price (hard to beat $13 a kilo for this years batch), however, limited varieties are available.
I have also used NZ hops, direct from the hop board (bit like our wheat board
) for a very good price, fresh foil packed, lots of varieties including some czech stuff which they pelletise in NZ - around $2.50 to $3.00 per 100g. Sure you have to get it posted over, but customs don't have a problem so it is all good.
So now Ross is going to be selling hops (and doesn't sound like he is trying to retire off the enterprise). Great. Another option.... I reckon he will keep them in the fridge or freezer, he is going to vacuum pack, he will have a good selection of varieties, and he will sell to brewers and post it off.
We all get to choose how we spend our hop dollar.
If you think Ross is taking us for a ride, well, vote with your wallet, and use one of the other options which are still available. No choices are being lost to anyone here, just one more added.