Calling Any Artists For My 1st Tattoo

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You could get a big red W on each cheek, so when you show it off it says WOW!!
A pink box of tissues ? that's hardcore.

Edit> Ah hang on, that looks more like a Barbie-Doll box.

Here's another guy, from the old Fred Rose Circus Sideshow, who has a penchant for jigsaw....

He looks more like a distiller than a brewer.

Jee i havent seen a picture of Enigma for ages! jeeze, cant see me reaching that look in a hurry..
You could get a big red W on each cheek, so when you show it off it says WOW!!

Now's there's a hunerous quip that no-one's heard before :rolleyes:

Someone needs to follow up with the "Wendy" on the penis gag.
I reckon you should get the face of the Mashmaster Bimetal Thermometer! :lol:

Personally I'd give the tat a miss and spend the money on the Mashmaster Bimetal Thermometer.
Jee i havent seen a picture of Enigma for ages! jeeze, cant see me reaching that look in a hurry..

AH I meant JIM Rose... but anyway...... used to be a big fan of the shows when they came to Oz. I heard that the enigma had to have his coral horns removed, becuase they really didnt grow as an extension of his skullbone as he first thought.

On another note, where is Mr Lifto ?
Brewing Related Shock Theatre. There's more than one way to lift a keg.

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You are cracking me up Pete... I agree totally a tattoos is quite personal....

Sometime these threads really get me....

There is plenty of clip art in a google search to get a basis for your design. I would seriously recommend consulting your artist of choice to play with the design as a lot of the result would depend on execution and his or her limitations as an artist. Are you going to go color or black and wash? Black and wash would depend on their shading abilities. Color adds another dimension. The hop structure would have to be fine line work as the cone is structured over many layers, Bigger is always better with tattoos over time, as fine lines seem to fade to obscurity. I have never regretted the decision to be heavily tattooed, but sometimes wish I had gone bigger. The blurred ink on some of my smaller pieces is quite ghetto. You are fortunate enough to live near Melbourne where there is a high saturation of artists of varying skill and price. Work within your budget but the thrill of a bargain is gone long before the enduring nature of tattoo regret.

Good luck with it, and a picture of the result would be greatly appreciated as I too have been toying with the idea of a tattoo that reflects my love of The Craft.

Regards, Heathen
vicelore. in all seruiousness, do you currently have any tatts?

if not then I suggest you think about it hard. look at the tatt thread in the off topic section and see what people say about tatts. they arent something you jump into lightly.

Dont get me wrong, i dont have probs with tatts. I have a couple and I love them. but i spent about 2 years with the first one making sure i really wanted it and getting the design right. The 2nd one i spent a year thinking about it and picking the right design.

go to a lot of tatt parlours and see what they have and what their skill is like. A good artist should be able to help you design a great tatt. and remember if you have any doubts think about.

edit: (sp)
ahh touch
tell her you making sure fluid levels are right for peak effeciency.
I agree totally a tattoos is quite personal....
And i totally agree with this and what CM2 has said as well. You definitely need to go to some parlours and choose one that feels comfortable with you.
And you need to make sure the artist does what YOU want and not what THEY want!!!!!

I wouldn't go just black either i would want some shading in that, but see that my opinion!
Righto, this is my jigsaw that i have been working on.
Ignore the heman pose, i was amongst the bodybuilding then. <_<
(That was before i found HB'ing! lol)

So c'mon gents, lets see ya stickers!

By the way, NO Chappo, you cant put my pic up on ya toilet wall... :lol:

and the significance is??... The jigsaw pieces don't appear to have anything inside them.... A blank jigsaw?
Yep, I agree... You want to meet the artist a couple of times beforehand, discuss your design, get to know the dude a bit, it will make the whole experience a lot better. If you are talking hops and vines, you're going to want someone who can do really neat lines and is very good at shading techniques. I agree with the colour aspect also, in time, an all black tatt won't be as impressive...

On the wall where I got mine is written;

Good Tatts aren't cheap; Cheap Tatts aren't good