Bringalow Cans

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Hi there,

I just acquired a couple of out of date Bringalow cans for 5 bucks each. The dealer told me to chuck out the yeast and I bought a pack of Fermentis lager yeast 23 to do the jpb. My plan is to cultivate it and have enough to brew those cans. So has anyone experienced the Bringalow stout and new? Arent they a bit plain? If so what additives do you suggest me to use if I want to drink something worth it, or maybe it's just good enough straight.. let me know.

Instead of cultivating the yeast, ferment the New first, then pitch the Stout onto the slurry after it's done.

Read up HERE for info on what you can/should add to the cans in the way of sugars/hops/grains.

Make sure you have your sanitation and temperature under control before you start.
Out of date tins of goo make good yeast-starters, not sure I'd use them for much more. :)
So has anyone experienced the Bringalow stout and new? Arent they a bit plain?

If so what additives do you suggest me to use if I want to drink something worth it

The Brigalow New and stout is shit, everything with the brigalow label in a tin is shit, and the reason you probably bought cheap cans of brigalow is cos no-one was buying them. I did a twocan brigalow well over 12months ago and did it on s23 very very cold and i ended pouring the majority of the brew down the sink (i jammed it full of bark crystal and honey for memory).

Do a google search on brigalow on the AHB site, most users will agree that they are shit also.

Sorry to be a bit of a turd on the subject..... But yeah.......
Just out of curiosity, what makes these tins so bad??
Do they not have much flavour? Are there off flavours? Are the products not consistent?
Just out of curiosity, what makes these tins so bad??
Do they not have much flavour? Are there off flavours? Are the products not consistent?

Flavours (dont know if they are "off"), they are crystal clear in a couple of weeks, but have a horrible twang to them that will make you want to lick the floor of a night club during happy hour, just to get rid of the taste. :D

But atleast the product is consistant....(ly) shitty.
Brigalow 101

I ran a LHBS in Maryborough in the late 1970s and the major selling kit was Brigalow, made in Beenleigh QLD. It didn't taste much like beer but with a kilo of sugar it would get you pissed and in all fairness was a giant leap from the current practice of a tin of Saunders Malt Extract, 1.5 kg of sugar, an ounce of dried brown hops and a pack of Tandaco yeast.

Kits such as Coopers are, to their credit, made with genuine malt extract. The Brigalow cans were made with a good shot of corn syrup as well. :(

When I took up brewing again in 2008 I saw that Brigalow was still being made, and bought a can from BI LO to see what the current flavour was like. Have you ever seen that show where the police guy wakes up and he's back in the 1970s, Life on Mars?

I've made a few brigalow brews in the past, every single one of them was the worst fermented beverage i'd ever tasted. This was at a time when i didn't know about temperature control or sanitisation, but the coopers kits would taste significantly better than the brigalow. Brigalow doesn't even taste 'beerish' to me, those kits tastes like you've fermented 3kg of sugar and made it brown somehow. It actually surprises me that they are actually in business, i can't imagine anyone buys their stuff twice.

In fact if you look at that ebay thread, its obvious the guy selling his homebrew tasted the resultant brigalow beer and instantly his body gave him diabetes so he'd never put that filth in his mouth again.
Geez.. Okay then. It looks like I aint gona waste my time with that stuff. Lucky I just lost 15 bucks over 3 cans. Going back to the shop have a chat with the dealer. He apparently has a few other brand cans that are out of date and that I could get a deal out of. Thanks for the feedback.
If he doesn't let you swap them over you can use them for yeast starters (as Wolfy said). After opening whack it in the freezer till you need it next time.
Geez.. Okay then. It looks like I aint gona waste my time with that stuff. Lucky I just lost 15 bucks over 3 cans. Going back to the shop have a chat with the dealer. He apparently has a few other brand cans that are out of date and that I could get a deal out of. Thanks for the feedback.

Zipster mate, spend the extra couple of bucks and buy a kit or two that are in date.
You want something that you can drink, not water the garden with.
Who told you that I want beer to drink? I brew it specificly to hose my horseradish plants.
It's also good for slug/snail traps.
Gee I must be doing some thing wrong since coles stopped selling home brew gear. I have been making a Brigalow toucans brew nothing, else in the brew just water , every one has been good, a nice bitter beer, but then again I am A Victoria Bitter drinker It's not far of the V B tast I will add some golding hops and see what happens
Gee I must be doing some thing wrong since coles stopped selling home brew gear. I have been making a Brigalow toucans brew nothing, else in the brew just water , every one has been good, a nice bitter beer, but then again I am A Victoria Bitter drinker It's not far of the V B tast I will add some golding hops and see what happens

Thanks for your feedback. I can drink VB on tap, its not as bad as carlton or boags but in a bottle can you drink that? I dont, unless i really have to! If I had to brew from a kit that would give me some VB style in a bottle I would rather not, I hope you understand.
Who told you that I want beer to drink? I brew it specificly to hose my horseradish plants.

In that case then, may I suggest some tooheys draught with a kg of dextrose and kit yeast brewed at 26c....the plant will love it.
everything with the brigalow label in a tin is shit

I have to disagree on one, I have made the ginger beer many times and haven't found 1 person that doesn't love it.

Can't comment on the beer though... :)
After fermenting a can of Bringalow stout and tasting, it appears that there is strictly nothing wrong with it... So unless something goes seriously wrong during the maturation, it should be a nice beer to drink. No idea what most people are on about regarding Bringalow. More to that I have read the label and there is no sign of any corn starches or anything.

Bringalow stout is nice, try it.

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