Brew In A Basket?

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Hi All,

I still haven't managed to get myself a proper BIAB grain bag as yet. On Tuesday night we steeped our 2kg of crystal malt in a couple of hop socks. Cue lots of jokes about bullocks cojones and the like.

Anyway, the efficiency was very poor - I estimate somewhere around 43%.

I think the voile bags are a great idea; but I can't help but think we run the risk of melting it, or burning it or something like that; and that a stainless steel mesh basket would be much more convenient.

I imagine something like a big deep frying bucket (with a sufficiently fine mesh) which will fit nicely inside the kettle, allowing the water to be stirred easily within it. Then the entire basket can be lifted and tied above the kettle to drain at the end of the steep and mash. It could also be used during the hop schedule...

Has anyone used a mesh basket instead of a bag? Or have any idea where to get one?


I melted a hole in my first voile hop sock that I made. It is now a bit shorter.

After that debacle I made my bag out of muslin instead. SWMBO gave be an operators ticket for the overlocker and so far my crooked sewing has held up.

Some people did suggest putting a cake rack or something similar in the bottom of the pot to keep the voile away from the direct heat.
Hey Breezy,

If you can get a metal mesh as fine as Swiss Voile please let me know!! I am hitting about 78% efficiency with no melting so far but I reckon a steel bag would bring a bit of bling to my 1V set up!

Are you using an urn with an exposed element?


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