Bonj Replaces His Vw Wheels

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Lookin' good, Bonj. Can't wait to see the finished product... :D
lovn it Bonj, keep the pics coming, Im using yours as my blueprint.
Noice Bonj!

You're making me all jealous now! Can't wait to get into a place where I can have a more permanent brewing setup. At least I'm keeping myself busy here, what with the working on my day off, and finishing off "The World's Most Tight-Arse Kegerator"
Looking good Ben, I reckon a brew day is on the cards down the track somewhere mate.


Are the float switches hard to set up?



BD, you'd shit it in mate.

I fill my hlt with total brewing water, heat to strike temp, after strike water is drained I up the temp setting on the mashmate to sparge temp then drain all the water during sparge. If I'm called away or loose track of time during sparge then all is safe, come back to an empty tun and the element is off. I then drain the Heat Exchanger into the empty HLT and the float switch switches the element back on to heat this lot for cleanup water.

Have had a few occasions when I've been called away to the phone or had some interruption, sometimes it's simply been my eggtimer memory thats resulted in a burnt element, all safe now, worth it for the peace of mind.

I made sure my sight gauge started above my elements so hopefully I'd never let the water level drop below the element level. Are the float switches hard to set up?



Hey Tony,
RS components have a range of Float switches, etc.
You will probably need to get yourself a relay too to switch the Element supply on/off as most (affordable about $40) Float switches won't be rated high enough.
HERE'S their website,search for Float swicthes.
They have a bolt in 5amp housed in polypropelene and rated to 100 degrees.
There are others made from PPS that go up to 120 degrees
Just mount it above the element and it will shut it off if the water drops below that level...

Sqyre ;)