I deal with apprentices in the construction trade on a daily basis. If you want to blame anyone for the lack of skills you can start with the government and their policy of reducing apprenticeship time. But the biggest thing IMHO is all these group apprenticeship companies that hire out apprentices. It ends up being labour hire for the apps and shows in there skills. They get shoved from roughy to roughy for a week here and there. Then the apps get the attitude that "I dont care if I am **** and you send me back I can go to someone else"PFFFFFFFTTTT!!!!! In my day It took about 7 years to get a trade qualification. Hard work, long hours and night school 3 days a week which seemed to never end and not counting the 'block courses' that ran for two solid weeks every damn 6 months or there abouts. Four years is just wrong. Just about all new tradies are:
Year 1. I know everything and I am awesome. Saving for a ute.
Year 2. I know even more now and I am more awesome. Have shitbox ford ute now.
Year 3. Hmmm, faild exams. Try again or cheat and pass with 51% - get to year 4. Crashed shitbox ute 'fixing it up' with Dads and Mums help.
Year 4. I know everything and are so awesome. Passed exams at 52%. Fully qualified.
I deal with tradies almost every day ( being a qualified one myself and self employed for over 20 years ) I have two lists. A use list and a never call again list. The latter list is huge, with only four contacts on my 'use' list. One for each sector if you like. For every reason previously mentioned here plus more.
Time for my best IPA yet and get warmed up for the Rugby tonight.
I could go on but I won't. There are good tradies but you will find they are busy and charge more than the fucktards. Goes back to you get what you pay for and you have to wait for quality. If you expect a tradie to rock up within an day or so to start your job, you have to wonder why they aren't booked out.