Bnc (******* Neighbour Children)

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Three doors down is a pretty large family with a lot of kids. I've never seen a man over there so I assume it's a single mother running the show (but I could be wrong). I don't really know her other than a couple of short interactions, and they left me with the impression that she's a bit weird - not that that's a bad thing. Her youngest, a boy of about 6, is a *******. He's punched my 6 year old girl in the eye, thrown big rocks at, and hit, my 8 year old girl, tried to puncture their bike tires, jumped on their bikes in an attempt to bend them while they were laid down on the driveway, yelled stupid kid insults at both my name it, he's done it.

After another incident involving violence I finally told her to keep her kids off of my yard, and the reason why. .......And it didn't seem to concern her in the slightest that her child is acting like a little *******. **** me, if I heard that my kids were doing shit like that I'd retroactively abort them.

Sorry. Just had to vent. :angry:
I saw the thread title and thought "ah-ha! my neighbours kids are little bastards too"... but now I've read your post my neighbours kids don't seem so bad...what a little *******!
Next incident, let the mother know you'll be contacting child services...
Got a high pressure water cleaner???

Sit hidden out the front, leave the bikes as a trap, let the little ******* have it......

Anyone asks any questions, you were about to clean the kids bikes and didn't spot him in the way.
Similar problem my in-laws neighbours kids at the moment. Untamed *******. The little buggers wander the neighbourhood stealing everything that isnt nailed down. They live in a semi-rural area, so dissappear into the bush.

Police have been f*cking useless. One night they got up on the in-laws front porch - a good 100 metres from the road and started banging on the windows. Mother in law called the police. They said they cant come out there, was she sure it wasnt a possum, and they should get a guard dog and security lights. The in-laws have lived there for over 30 years, and this is the first problem they have ever had with neighbours.

The police have started getting invovled now, since these kids 'parents', in their infinite wisdom, gave them a bow and arrow set. Once most letterboxes in the neigbourhood ended up with arrows in them, the police finally started to take an interest.

So, yeah, I feel your pain mate. Send your girls to a self-defence class, in a few months they can kick that little punk's ass.
or a big fatherly dose of discipline.......
John (8:7) - He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her...

That little sh!t obviously doesnt read the good book, as he is full of sin. <_<

(Not trying to preach here though... just made me think of it in relation to the stone throwing... I am the last one to ever preach on anything....)

We all did terrible stuff as kids I am sure (hell I know I did), but with a lack of parenting like that, do we bring back corporal punishment!?

I like the pressure cleaner idea...

As a aside from the kids you need to tell all your single mates there is abit of a horror with no morals living up the road from you :eek: Oh dear :unsure:

Good luck with the kids.
I once found a neighbours baby crawling out their drive way, I watch it for awhile and they had no idea :ph34r:
My sister in law had an unplanned kid. No real idea on how to bring it up (not saying that we do... who does?) but they though it was "cute" that she was turning into a little terror.

She's now 6 and she is one little bad s##t. We can't stand being round her. Little annoying, self centred, tantrum throwing, rude ####.

Our 3 year old, no matter how much she's tormented by this s##t, thinks the sun shines out of her bum.
We're just trying our best to instill some values, manners, etc, into our girl before it's too late.
Ive seen some of the worst shit head kids come out of professional well behaved planned parents!
Ive seen some of the worst shit head kids come out of professional well behaved planned parents!

So have I Katie. Unfortunately, these are usually the parents that subscribe to wanky, new-age ideas on parenting that turn out to be utterly disasterous.
LOL, my wife used to teach a private primary school. Essentially the parents felt that paying the fees meant that the teacher was the third parent (disiplinarian) in the relationship. Once parent, even went as far as to accuse the school/teachers of systematic targeting of her devil child (the one who repeatedly punched other kids, knew all the swear words and regularly threw rocks at windows until they broke). She came to this conclusion after she gave him a week off school, bough him new toys, took him to the movies and fed him full of junk food, then could not understand why he didn't want to go back to school.

I say you need to hit your neighbours kid with alternating regime of something to really block him up, then laxatives and repeat until your satisfied, or he doesn't bother you anymore!

Cheers SJ
Get your daughters to learn karate or boxing or better yet, Akido. They'll only have to retalliate once.

Or just go round there and kick him up the arse yourself.
So have I Katie. Unfortunately, these are usually the parents that subscribe to wanky, new-age ideas on parenting that turn out to be utterly disasterous.
What's wrong with new-age? What's wrong with getting a crocodile in spelling?

(Arrested Development movie is now in the pipelines... not sure how I feel about that).

I lived with a bogan in a share-house for a while, and his 17-year-old girlfriend (15 years his junior) moved in with her (not his) baby. In the mornings, they just open the bedroom door and let the baby wander the house. I once found the baby eating cigarettes on the floor, stopped her, and told the 'mum'... the response was "yeah, she loves doing that". :eek:

That was time for me to find a new place to live.
or a big fatherly dose of discipline.......

Yep ! Tie a string of sausages around their necks, stuff their pockts with Pal and put them in a cage with a hungry rottweiler that's just been injected with amphetamines.

Let their bloodied carcasses be a warning to the other kids in the neighbourhood.
Regarding self defence of some form for my girls, it's in the cards - probably this year. It has honestly come to me hoping that they deck him because I know I'll be behind bars if I touch the little shit.

I have since found out more about her from the other neighbours. She is married, with 6 kids, but the husband lives overseas. Starting to sound like the little guy is acting out over the living arrangements but it doesn't excuse his behaviour. I'm just glad he's too small to do any serious vandalism - yet.