Biblical Scale Disaster

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Family is high and dry for now but I know the house won't be so lucky. We had to evacuate yesterday (Churchill in Ipswich) and we're in a low area. Only just moved in a month ago so it's quite devastating.

The '74 levels (according to some of the neighbours yesterday) would put the 1st level of the house well under water, higher than that and we'll be in a real world of hurt. According to the news the peak has been downgraded to 20M for now so I hope they're right.

Hope everyone else stays safe, all I can do for now is wait it out.

Sorry to hear that Tim. From what I can see the height has receded a bit from last night, I'm thinking the worst is over for Ipswich. Good luck to the folk in Brisbane.


Bremer River level still rising in Ipswich, so the worst isn't over yet. The Bureau is predicting a higher peak than last night to occur this afternoon. The current prediction is downgraded from 22m to 21.5m... a small reprieve, but certainly we don't know if the worst is yet over for Ipswich.
Insurance companies only issue coverage where they think they'll make money, the fact that they refuse flood damage in areas probably indicates people shouldnt be allowed to build there, (barring very long strong stilts). Dont get me wrong I am not unsympathetic to the flood victims in any way. Much as with the bushfires I hold council planning largely responsible in the most criminally negligent light. They allow contruction in places that shouldnt happen as they are addicted to rates revenue, as state & federal refuse to tackle housing price bubble as addicted to stamp duty revenue.

Insurance policies are generally a load of bollocks, they have a clause to get out of just about anything, on stuff like motorbikes & cars, the excess means you cant claim unless you're pretty much written off, in which case you may not be alive to claim & if you are; you're unlikely to get the value it will cost to replace the item.

My solution to the clean up.
(1) print billions of AUD, gives us the money to pay for the damages, & devalue the AUD by a good 10% to help the ecenomy (every other country is debasing)
(2) Our construction industry is far too small to deal with rebuild in timely manner.
Govt issue 2 year contruction worker visas too countries such as Ireland & USA where industries have collapsed, have a set wage attached to the visas - say $50-70kpa this will avoid high wage inflation, dont worry about lack of interest; the Paddys & Yanks that are unemployed will be glad of any wage.

Benefits of debasement: Agricultural competetive, protect whats left of manufacturing, slow down o/seas internet buying.

Benefits of employment, control on wages, boost in foriegners to replace tourism slowdown, (workers instead of backpackers, they all pay rent & eat & drink). Quicker recovery of region.

just a quick thought, im sure many more positives could be added to the list.

Stay safe folks.
Managed to get 1/2 way down the street to see the damage, doesn't look good at all :(
Our place is near the power pole and the houses are two storeys (doesn't look like it in the photo....).

Feeling really numb right about now, there will be water in the top level yet alone the damage downstairs and the shed.
Jeez Tim. I'm feeling the extremes of emotions at the moment... so much devastation. Give us a yell if you need any help when the waters recede.
Managed to get 1/2 way down the street to see the damage, doesn't look good at all :(
View attachment 43258
Our place is near the power pole and the houses are two storeys (doesn't look like it in the photo....).

Feeling really numb right about now, there will be water in the top level yet alone the damage downstairs and the shed.

You will need new rhizomes come winter too! Let me know and I'll send them up.
the entertainment complex i work for is collecting for the queensland floods after every performance..we currently have the boy from oz
Thanks for the offer of support guys it's greatly appreciated. Hopefully the water will subside enough to cope with the peak expected later today, just want it all to be over so I can begin cleaning up.
I vote for Father Jack for PM......

Thats a brilliant if somewhat unconventional idea. Unfortunatly politicians dont listen to brilliant ideas

And whats with just dribbling the army in bit by bit Gillard, send the whole effing lot in now so they can be ready to hit the ground when this **** subsides. Put them in there tent citys on the outskirts

"We now have 13 helicopters working for the flood effort".....Jesus Gillard, we will need ALL of them to sort this out and planes and trucks and blokes.

And whats with just dribbling the army in bit by bit Gillard, send the whole effing lot in now so they can be ready to hit the ground when this **** subsides. Put them in there tent citys on the outskirts

But who will rescue the army? :)

I found it quite incredible during the bushfires how small a role the army took, seems the govt only willing to pay the army to do stupid things like cleaning up after the yanks.
"We now have 13 helicopters working for the flood effort".....Jesus Gillard, we will need ALL of them to sort this out and planes and trucks and blokes.


Sorry Oatlands Brewer but this is all of the way can anyone put up some money for the petrol..... <_<