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I used to ride down that hill in San Francisco a few times a week on my bike, passing all the cars, free as ****. Especially free as **** 'cause I had to ride up the other side to the top. **** flying down that mad as a hatter felt good.
Friday Is Upon US!!!


It appears that my Russian needs significant before I unleash some more, I'll be continuing my private.

Now a quick shout out to a FF1 Legend, Paul. Poor old Paul keeps getting told it’s a tough industry out there for campus security. Hopefully Friday Fun 1 can make his day a bit brighter! Don’t forget to splash on some of that old spice before stepping out on the town tonight!
+ 3456 for the tree. If you get around the back blocks of Kyogle,Grafton,Glenreagh, Dorrigo, Belingen, Missabotti, you can still see the stumps from those big trees. Looks like an Ironbark, but they dont get that big, so its prob from another country, so you lose 1 point for that

+1 for handcufss

+ 20 for pickled turtle dicks

+ 50 for rubber fist

+ 0.5 for old spice

But them eyeballs.......
Maybe a Redwood? Hopefully Mardoo built his first skateboard from one and can confirm.

Team - welcome to Week 132.

132 weeks, seems quite astonishing really. Hits / week are rising, to almost 1,000 - which is great! Remember you can forward this email to as many people as you like, and if you've got friends who want in on the regular email, send me their addresses!

Do it. Help spread the FF1 goodness.

Welcome to Week 133 - the Ambassador Leister edition. I held onto this edition until the Winter months - seeing as it'll be a while until most of us will be able to enjoy the joy that's scattered throughout this edition in real life.

Ambassador Leister - I hope your enjoy your theme and spend some time kicking back with your feet up daydreaming about being out in that sunshine.

Team FF1.
Jolly Friday!!

Team FF1 - welcome to Week 137 of your favourite long standing weekly variety page.

Just going to swing right into things this week. Might write a bit next week.
This weeks, or should I say last weeks is fashionably late, that late I havnt even looked through it yet. So On Ya Back, Wet Up, and Get This FF1 Up Ya!!


Welcome to Week 138 of the Friday Fun 1.

There's a few new members this week, some recent friends, and some friends from waaaay back when this was just a weekly email sent round the site office on a Leighton's job out at know who you are!

To members new and old, don't forget you can always trawl through the last 10 weeks of FF1 goodness by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page. For those on smartphones, mash the 'Menu' button at the top of your screen and click through that way.

Keep on viewing, keep on forwarding this email to as many people as you like, and Vive La FF1!
I think that bloke likes his cabbage a little to much.
Shutup AHB!!!


I realise this FF1 email is getting closer and closer to being a Thursday Fun 1 - but you can always not open it until Friday morning if you like. It's like Christmas - but without the wrapping paper.

Whatever - just enjoy the goodness. Enjoy your weekly dose of FF1.
What Up Tuesday???


Well that week seemed to race by...suddenly 7 days have gone by and we're 1,000 hits closer to the big 100,000! Tremendous! Think I might plan an extra special edition for that one!

I got a few emails this week from the Thiess boys & girls still out at Gorgon - so Mr Gibbs and Co. this edition goes out to you!
I was seeing a pattern emerge - then Michael Cane was punching a man in the back of the head ?!?!..

Would recommend to a friend.