Fiscus asked me what a belgian tripel was. Here is your answer.
This is an extract based recipe. It requires quite a bit of malt, as well as an ingredient called candi sugar. If you are very lucky you might find candi sugar at an exotic grocery store, but more than likely you will have to make it. Instructions for making candi sugar can be found here.
3 kg Extra Pale malt extract
1.5kg Pale malt extract
750g candi sugar
40g Hallertau hops
30g Tettnanger hops
20g Saaz hops
White Labs WLP530 Abbey Ale or
White Labs WLP500 Trappist Ale
Optional : You could use a little (150 - 200g) vienna grain in this recipe too if you wished.
In a large stock pot empty all the malt extract with 10 litres of water and the candi sugar. Bring to a boil. Add the Hallertau hops and boil for 60 minutes, adding the Tettnanger hops in the last 15 minutes and the Saaz just as you take it off heat. If you chose to use the grain, strain it into the brew pot at this stage.
Empty the contents of the pot into your fermenter and top up to 20 litres. When the temperature is right, add the yeast and ferment as usual.
Both the Abbey and Trappist ale yeast give off a very high krausen. Ensure there is plenty of head space in the fermenter for this. It is the addition of the candi sugar that allows a beer with such a high original gravity reading to still have only a medium body. This is one of my favourite beer styles.
OG 1.091
FG 1.016
alc ~10%
This is an extract based recipe. It requires quite a bit of malt, as well as an ingredient called candi sugar. If you are very lucky you might find candi sugar at an exotic grocery store, but more than likely you will have to make it. Instructions for making candi sugar can be found here.
3 kg Extra Pale malt extract
1.5kg Pale malt extract
750g candi sugar
40g Hallertau hops
30g Tettnanger hops
20g Saaz hops
White Labs WLP530 Abbey Ale or
White Labs WLP500 Trappist Ale
Optional : You could use a little (150 - 200g) vienna grain in this recipe too if you wished.
In a large stock pot empty all the malt extract with 10 litres of water and the candi sugar. Bring to a boil. Add the Hallertau hops and boil for 60 minutes, adding the Tettnanger hops in the last 15 minutes and the Saaz just as you take it off heat. If you chose to use the grain, strain it into the brew pot at this stage.
Empty the contents of the pot into your fermenter and top up to 20 litres. When the temperature is right, add the yeast and ferment as usual.
Both the Abbey and Trappist ale yeast give off a very high krausen. Ensure there is plenty of head space in the fermenter for this. It is the addition of the candi sugar that allows a beer with such a high original gravity reading to still have only a medium body. This is one of my favourite beer styles.
OG 1.091
FG 1.016
alc ~10%