Beersmith + Dropbox = Beersmith On Multiple Pcs

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I do rather like beer.....
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Howdy all,

If your like me that have mulitple computers in the house, having beersmith on one computer sometimes can be annoying.
There is a application called dropbox which lets you assign multiple computers to a folder which is synced to the internet.
From this you can attached more pc's which will sync the folder to their computer.

I just tried to copy my beersmith application to it, let it sync back to my other pc and now I can run the app from the dropbox folder.
now it'll sync between my computers that I have dropbox installed.

Give it a go if your like me, Watch out though it does go out and in your internet connection so if you have a small data limit keep an eye on it.

check it out or if you use this link i get some more datalimit on my dropbox.. for the free subscription its 2gig.. and I think 500mb each referral..

hope this helps..reminder again watch out what you put in the folder, my mate put 1gig and three computers at home downloaded 1gig a peice so total 3gig..
Why don't you network the computers and save your recipes in a shared folder, or redirect beersmith to a folder on the computer thats turned on most of the time.
Networking doesn't cost any bandwidth or "Downloads".

I can try help you figure it out, but im not an expert haha.
Tried the shared folders thing, but prefer to use a free utility from Microsoft called Microsoft SyncToy, it syncs the file locations on the computers on your network.

I dont just use beersmith at home..
I dont just use beersmith at home..

I assume you mean beersmith also gets a run at work. I am truly envious of those who can do beer related things at work. I can merely think about beer when I'm at work.
I assume you mean beersmith also gets a run at work. I am truly envious of those who can do beer related things at work. I can merely think about beer when I'm at work.

Sometimes when im ordering my gear and when im away for work I dont mind setting up some new recipes..
For a truly simple way of using Beersmith on different computers just install it on a USB key. All you have to do then is take the USB key with you.

I agree with using Dropbox. Beersmith and its files are so small that it wouldn't use up much usage.

Dropbox also has a lan sync option aswell for people working on the same network
A bit off topic but my hard drive has karked it, getting a new machine tomorrow. Don't have my BS key and whilst the $25 isn't going to ruin me, has anyone had luck with getting their BS account reactivated - i.e. will they send you a new key if you can convince them that you are a registered user?
A bit off topic but my hard drive has karked it, getting a new machine tomorrow. Don't have my BS key and whilst the $25 isn't going to ruin me, has anyone had luck with getting their BS account reactivated - i.e. will they send you a new key if you can convince them that you are a registered user?

i had a similar problem recently, just send an email to them and they will send your reg key to you. there is a support email adress somewere on there website. i got mine in about 1 day wich i thought was pretty good all things considred. only problem is all my recipes are gone now,gotta go of a bad memory!
I assume you mean beersmith also gets a run at work. I am truly envious of those who can do beer related things at work. I can merely think about beer when I'm at work.

I've been known to spend considerable time researching beer styles and developing recipes on work time !

In fact I do my best to do as many personal errands as possible on work time... I have colleagues doing law degrees, running housing developments, day trading, you name it, all professionals earning a full time wage for doing very little - scary indeed. One of our work sites is commonly known as the "holiday camp".

My employer shall remain nameless, I don't want anyone raining on the parade :)
My work has busy periods and quiet periods. So I also find myself with a fair bit of "quiet time" where I can do things like surf the net, plan new beer recipes etc.

I use a web based remote desktop client called Logmein. So I just login to the desktop at home from any web browser whenever I need to use beersmith.
For a truly simple way of using Beersmith on different computers just install it on a USB key. All you have to do then is take the USB key with you.


I recently tried to do this so that I could run beersmith from the USB stick but also to have a backup of my recipes by copying over the entire beersmith folder. However, not all my recipes are copied over, the last 40 are missing. I have searched for an answer, also on the beersmith site. Does anyone else have experience with this?
A bit off topic but my hard drive has karked it, getting a new machine tomorrow. Don't have my BS key and whilst the $25 isn't going to ruin me, has anyone had luck with getting their BS account reactivated - i.e. will they send you a new key if you can convince them that you are a registered user?

i had a similar problem recently, just send an email to them and they will send your reg key to you. there is a support email adress somewere on there website. i got mine in about 1 day wich i thought was pretty good all things considred. only problem is all my recipes are gone now,gotta go of a bad memory!

I asked Brad (Beersmith) about this not long ago and he basicly said too bad, I need to buy another key (I had same sort of issues, computer shat itself). I learned to like Promash :D
I recently tried to do this so that I could run beersmith from the USB stick but also to have a backup of my recipes by copying over the entire beersmith folder. However, not all my recipes are copied over, the last 40 are missing. I have searched for an answer, also on the beersmith site. Does anyone else have experience with this?

I have all my Beersmith stuff stored on a USB, my PC and an external hard drive. Once you have everything in the Beersmith folder duplicated in each location, you only have to copy the updated "Recipe.bsm" file and save it over the same file in your back-up locations after each brew. Has always worked for me. You do the same thing with the "Grain.bsm" file if you put any new grains in. This has always worked without fail for me.

Cheers - Snow.
I asked Brad (Beersmith) about this not long ago and he basicly said too bad, I need to buy another key (I had same sort of issues, computer shat itself). I learned to like Promash :D

That's pathetic.

Bribie as far as I'm concerned you've paid for the software and shouldn't have to pay for it again. As such if you don't have the key handy and want to know another way to get it installed let me know.

Also make sure the PC shop doesn't throw away your old hard drive. You may still be able to get the data off it.
Brad sent my key out to me gain a while back... just needed to provide enough (email address) to show I was already a user.

Brad sent my key out to me gain a while back... just needed to provide enough (email address) to show I was already a user.

Speaking of, that beersmith key i won at a MB meeting i might want to register my details against it somehow.
You can use the same key for 2 installations. Granted your recipes are not in the same location but for use at home and work you could just email the recipe files.

Snipped from the website;

Can I use BeerSmith on more than One Computer?
Yes, we recently modified our use policy to allow a user to install a single key on up to TWO computers as long as both are for personal use, and both are owned by the licensee. For example, installation on a personal laptop and personal desktop using one key is OK. Sharing or giving the key to another person is strictly prohibited.