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Hi all,
I still remember this post when I first joined AHB, and realised that even though I only have a few recipes I've concocted myself Id be p@**ed of if I lost them - so I have been backing up my promash folder.
So when I was fiddling around with my pc the other day and was again backing up my Promash folder along with stuff in My documents, I thought "Hey I should write a script that copies the entire Promash folder into my docs, so I dont have to browse through c drive, program files etc etc". Thats exactly what I have done - its nothing fancy - it just copies your promash folder to your my documents folder (on XP/2000 machines anyway - if you've got 98 you would have to change the path to your my docs folder).
It then occured to me that maybe some of you guys might find it useful too - so I have uploaded 2 files (thats if I have done this correctly
), one called promashscript.txt and the other is called beersmith.txt.
When you run these (after editing them first) it will create a folder called either BSBackup or PMBackup (depending on which one you use) in your my docs folder, then it will copy your whole promash or beersmith folder into the backup folder.
You would need to edit the text in the file to suit your setup using notepad - see below for guidance on that - and choose "save as" when you are finished, change "save as type" to "all files", then type in beersmith.cmd or promash.cmd (depending on which one you use) for the name and save it somewhere you can find it easily.
There are only 2 things that you should need to change, so its not as complicated as you might think - you only need to change the 2 bits where it says "username", you just change these to what your account name is on the pc (ie Dave, user, valued customer or whatever you call yourself in windows
). When you want to run the file just click on it with your right mouse button and left click "open" in the little meu that pops up - easy huh?
This is whats in 'em:
@echo off
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo Script for backup of Beersmith directory to the user's my documents
echo Author -BIZARRE- 2005
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo Process is running ..... please be patient!
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
color 4C
verify on
md c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup
xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup
color 2A
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo Copying your Promash folder to your my documents is complete - remember to backup your my documents folder, or at least the important things inside it!!!
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
Some points to note are:
1) You need to right click the script file you download to your pc and choose edit, or edit the above script text to suit your setup, then save it as beersmith.cmd (or whatever you want to call it).
2) If your promash or beersmith is installed in its default directory - ie you didnt change it to anywhere else during install - (usually C:\programfiles\beersmith or C:\programfiles\promash) then you do not need to change the "xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith etc etc" bit.
3) You will need to change the username bit in "xcopy etc etc c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup" to what your username of your account is and save the changes - or if you want it to save somewhere else you just need to change the path accordingly.
4) If you have a username with spaces you need to put it in quotes - ie our username on the our pc is paul & trace (to keep SWMBO happy
), so our userfolder has to be entered thusly - xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith c:\docume~1\"paul & trace"\mydocu~1\BSbackup.
In Docs case for example (assuming he has a pc account called Doc of course) it would read - xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith c:\docume~1\doc\mydocu~1\BSbackup.
If you are wondering what the squigly things are its because the folder names are too long for a dos based command like xcopy to understand (I know that sounds stupid), and you can only have a maximum of 8 characters as a folder name so programfiles has to become progra~1 for xcopy to be able to understand it.
The point I am trying to make is that if you have a really long username in windows and this script does not seem to work at all, you might have to re-edit the text and change your name to the above format - for example warrenlw63 would become warren~1.
One thing - I think with the switches I've put after xcopy it should not do it - but if the first time you run this you get asked if you want what xcopy is going to copy to be a file or directory, then press d for directory. If it does do this on your pc it should only do it the first time you run the script.
I think I've covered everything that could catch you out if not just msg me or post on here. Not sure if this post is a good idea - hehe- dunno if everyone is going to be able to understand all the above "black magic" ok, or whether you are all going to think I've flipped my lid and started posting nonsense. Either way I thought some people might find it useful so thats why I posted this - have fun!!
Edit to add - this is a form of backup but do not rely on it alone - copy your stuff off onto CD or DVD using Nero etc cause if your hard disk dies this would not help at all - its just meant to simplify things a bit.
View attachment beersmith.txtView attachment promashscript.txt
I still remember this post when I first joined AHB, and realised that even though I only have a few recipes I've concocted myself Id be p@**ed of if I lost them - so I have been backing up my promash folder.
So when I was fiddling around with my pc the other day and was again backing up my Promash folder along with stuff in My documents, I thought "Hey I should write a script that copies the entire Promash folder into my docs, so I dont have to browse through c drive, program files etc etc". Thats exactly what I have done - its nothing fancy - it just copies your promash folder to your my documents folder (on XP/2000 machines anyway - if you've got 98 you would have to change the path to your my docs folder).
It then occured to me that maybe some of you guys might find it useful too - so I have uploaded 2 files (thats if I have done this correctly
When you run these (after editing them first) it will create a folder called either BSBackup or PMBackup (depending on which one you use) in your my docs folder, then it will copy your whole promash or beersmith folder into the backup folder.
You would need to edit the text in the file to suit your setup using notepad - see below for guidance on that - and choose "save as" when you are finished, change "save as type" to "all files", then type in beersmith.cmd or promash.cmd (depending on which one you use) for the name and save it somewhere you can find it easily.
There are only 2 things that you should need to change, so its not as complicated as you might think - you only need to change the 2 bits where it says "username", you just change these to what your account name is on the pc (ie Dave, user, valued customer or whatever you call yourself in windows
This is whats in 'em:
@echo off
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo Script for backup of Beersmith directory to the user's my documents
echo Author -BIZARRE- 2005
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo Process is running ..... please be patient!
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
color 4C
verify on
md c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup
xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup
color 2A
echo .
echo .
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo Copying your Promash folder to your my documents is complete - remember to backup your my documents folder, or at least the important things inside it!!!
echo **********************************************
echo **********************************************
echo .
echo .
Some points to note are:
1) You need to right click the script file you download to your pc and choose edit, or edit the above script text to suit your setup, then save it as beersmith.cmd (or whatever you want to call it).
2) If your promash or beersmith is installed in its default directory - ie you didnt change it to anywhere else during install - (usually C:\programfiles\beersmith or C:\programfiles\promash) then you do not need to change the "xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith etc etc" bit.
3) You will need to change the username bit in "xcopy etc etc c:\docume~1\username\mydocu~1\BSbackup" to what your username of your account is and save the changes - or if you want it to save somewhere else you just need to change the path accordingly.
4) If you have a username with spaces you need to put it in quotes - ie our username on the our pc is paul & trace (to keep SWMBO happy
In Docs case for example (assuming he has a pc account called Doc of course) it would read - xcopy /q/v/e/y/i c:\progra~1\beersmith c:\docume~1\doc\mydocu~1\BSbackup.
If you are wondering what the squigly things are its because the folder names are too long for a dos based command like xcopy to understand (I know that sounds stupid), and you can only have a maximum of 8 characters as a folder name so programfiles has to become progra~1 for xcopy to be able to understand it.
The point I am trying to make is that if you have a really long username in windows and this script does not seem to work at all, you might have to re-edit the text and change your name to the above format - for example warrenlw63 would become warren~1.
One thing - I think with the switches I've put after xcopy it should not do it - but if the first time you run this you get asked if you want what xcopy is going to copy to be a file or directory, then press d for directory. If it does do this on your pc it should only do it the first time you run the script.
I think I've covered everything that could catch you out if not just msg me or post on here. Not sure if this post is a good idea - hehe- dunno if everyone is going to be able to understand all the above "black magic" ok, or whether you are all going to think I've flipped my lid and started posting nonsense. Either way I thought some people might find it useful so thats why I posted this - have fun!!
Edit to add - this is a form of backup but do not rely on it alone - copy your stuff off onto CD or DVD using Nero etc cause if your hard disk dies this would not help at all - its just meant to simplify things a bit.
View attachment beersmith.txtView attachment promashscript.txt