Beer Style Tastings

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Just a bump as I need to know the approx numbers so I can get sufficient samples for the evening....
bumped again....

Its on this coming Sunday
Ok lads please PM me or give me a call if you need my address.

*** Please can we have approx numbers of who is coming **** as we need to obtain samples for your pleasure.

I'm a very late addition but keen to get involved in tasting session. Hope not too late.

I have replied on the local m.a.l.e. thread as well.

Davo El Beero
Count me in as well the last one was quite interesting.
The homework for this week is to look up and print off the BJCP style guidelines, so that you have references for the beer tastings. Also look up info on Malts and adjuncts.
Hey fellas, I'm looking doubtful for tonight now. Got roped in to work.
Unless I can sneak out a couple hours early... I'll be in touch Franko.
Well done Linz for aother great night running 'Beer Skool' !!

Hosted by Franko whose Pizza is beyond belief .

Good to meet Davo .

Really enjoyed the beers tonight .

Pumpy :)
Well done Linz it was very informative
Thanks pumpy you know you're always welcome mate glad you enjoyed the pizza
Good to meet some new faces, can't wait to do the next one

Cheers Linz for organizing and Franko for hosting.
Loved the pizza, but mostly impressed with your yeast bank.
Green of envy.
Good to meet you Davo.

Thanks Linz and Franko

Looking forward to the next one

Nice to meet you Dave

kabooby :)
Looks like the next one will be a little way off....The Birthday bash is going to take precedence

Where is the next one going to be?? or discuss that at the 'Bash'(not Literally!!)??
Apologies once again for being a no show, sounds like it was a good night.
Did you get my message Franko? I wasn't sure if I sent it to the right number.

Who do I need to fix up for the samples that were bought?
Who do I need to fix up for the samples that were bought?

Acutally there was just enough chip in for the next one, whenever it is...

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