Not really a twocan though is itjust a 1can + extras.
The Morgans is a can of goop, so it is 2 cans of something + some other stuff, but I get it now.
Not really a twocan though is itjust a 1can + extras.
I love it. great beer suprisingly for no hop additions. mind you the tin of stout is fairly bitter and actualy masks the can of mahojany porter. Considering it is a K&K and its something I put together myself its great. Its also better than the brewcraft Guinness clone (Ive made 2 of brewcrafts kit and never touched them again).
Hop additons you could add would be something like the below if you drop the stout kit, or just get rid of EKG for bittering and throw it in for flavour/aroma at 15min.
28g. EKG @ 60 min.
12g Fuggle @ 15 min.
you could also use Willamette instead of Fuggles if you wanted.
If you like real stout, you'll like this. obviously you can alter the recipe to suit. ie add more choc grain and cut back on roasted grain or vice versa.
Sounds great, I think i will keep as is, i have only just started using steeped grain and have been please with the results so far. I have never made a toucan either so i hope this works out well, with a bit of luck it will be ready in time for friday night footy :chug: (go the eagles ). Its 38 in perth today hard to even think about stout!!!!
I hope you have some decent temperature control if you're brewing in weather like that...
Not strictly a toucan, but on Wednesday I'm doing a Morgans Australian Pilsener with a 1.5 kg can of Coopers LME and a teabag of saaz finishing hops. Trying to get away from cheapie-old-sugar but not in a position to brew full grain for the foreseeable future so this is a compromise.
Any ideas what sort of ABV % I should expect out of this brew at 26 litres?
My first 2can was...(had only made about 2, maybe 3 brews previous)
Cooper's Lager x 2
LDM x 500g
Cooper's BE1 x 1kg
Aged for 4 weeks, came out one very nice brew indeed...had a beautiful honey aftertaste. I would certainly do this one again as it gets closer to the warmer months.
... tastes alright! I prefer a black'n'tan though!
Yet another vote for the Coopers stout & Coopers dark ale toucan combo!!