'battle Of The Toucans'

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Hi there,

Over the weekend I put down a toucan of Coopers Pale Ale, topped to 23L and pitched both yeast sachets. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. I decided to do the toucan with the CPA kit because I had results in the past with the Kit and BE2, and thought 2 CPA cant be a bad, if it bottles well great, but I am expecting to improve on the recipe. I am open to suggestions. Will let you all know how this brew goes.

Hi there,

Over the weekend I put down a toucan of Coopers Pale Ale, topped to 23L and pitched both yeast sachets. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. I decided to do the toucan with the CPA kit because I had results in the past with the Kit and BE2, and thought 2 CPA cant be a bad, if it bottles well great, but I am expecting to improve on the recipe. I am open to suggestions. Will let you all know how this brew goes.

Hi Jan,

Are you aware that the bitterness is going to be higher by toucan-ing into
the same 23L (though CPA is relatively lowly bittered) and that perceived
bitterness can be reduced somewhat by increasing beer sweetness with
some maltodextrin?
[according to the Beer Designer, about 0.2kg would work - can be added
while ferment is still going]


BTW - welcome to AHB.
Hi there,

Over the weekend I put down a toucan of Coopers Pale Ale, topped to 23L and pitched both yeast sachets. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. At the moment it is bubbling like crazy. I decided to do the toucan with the CPA kit because I had results in the past with the Kit and BE2, and thought 2 CPA can't be a bad, if it bottles well great, but I am expecting to improve on the recipe. I am open to suggestions. Will let you all know how this brew goes.


Hi Jan, as mentioned it will be more bitter than a single can. Improve the recipe by adding some finishing hops for aroma rather than bitternes (matbe amarillo) and extra malt can cut through bitterness (maybe 300g of light DME) or some maltodextrin for sweetness. This will balance out some of the bitterness and add aroma and sweetness.
Thanks for the ideas MaltyHops and Bubba, I will keep you posted. I was thinking it will need additional hop/malt o round out the flavour some what.

Thanks for the ideas MaltyHops and Bubba, I will keep you posted. I was thinking it will need additional hop/malt o round out the flavour some what.

You could always throw some hops straight into the fermenter in a few days time? Say 20g of Amarillo, Cascade, or even goldings/fuggles?
It certainly won't hurt it.
You could always throw some hops straight into the fermenter in a few days time? Say 20g of Amarillo, Cascade, or even goldings/fuggles?
It certainly won't hurt it.

Would i need t boil them first to sterilise?
hops are pretty much sterile by nature ( first use was for prolonging the beer for transport I think ) and the process of pelleting them as well these days is even better. Just don't leave them out side or silly stuff like that and keep in freezer and wash hands before handling. Biff them straight in. Boiling them will be adding to bitterness and take away the 'aroma' and purpose of dry hopping.
My current Brew

1 can Coopers Dark Ale
1 can Coopers Lager
1kg Coopers Brewing Sugar
500g Coopers Light Dry Malt Extract
T-58 yeast
Started at 1071 and is 1023 after 8 days and still going slowly

Gonna be my best brew yet :kooi:

But then again I am a Noob :D
it just bubbled while i was sitting next to it so must just be going slow.
it just bubbled while i was sitting next to it so must just be going slow.

have pateince. I put a 2can of coopers pale ale down 2weeks ago last sunday it was at 1018 and today its been stable at 1014 for 2 days an am planning to bottle tommorrow.

cheers J, was hoping to bottle this weekend, doesn't look like it will happen
Put down a toucan friday night to get rid of a couple of cans

Coopers Mexican Cerveza x 2
200g light crystal
250g Dextrose
15g Cascade @10
15g Centenial @10
15g Nelson Sauvin @10
OG 1.051 (spreadsheet predicted 45 so a bit high)
US05 Yeasties
May dry hop with a bit of cascade

Will let yo know how it turns out. Hopefully its a good one as it was the simplest brew yet, all done and cleaned up in under 2 hrs and only about $35 or so to make.
Bottled 28 tallies of my toucan Coopers APA, has actually turnned out all right not overlly bitter. I will deffinatly add some Hop next time for Aroma flavour was thinking POR (to keep with the Aust theme) or Amarillo but am very impressed with it atm.

My current Brew

1 can Coopers Dark Ale
1 can Coopers Lager
1kg Coopers Brewing Sugar
500g Coopers Light Dry Malt Extract
T-58 yeast
Started at 1071 and is 1023 after 8 days and still going slowly

Gonna be my best brew yet

But then again I am a Noob

still at 1023 so will be bottling tomorrow unless anyone can convince me to try something else
airlock is still bubbling every few minutes)

The bit I tasted out of the test tube was pretty sweet, but then I tried some in a cold glass after mowing and it was a lot better, maybe I was just thirsty :icon_drool2:
1.023 is a little high IMO leave another week if it is still fermenting slowly or you can try gentle swirling or even racking to another fermenter if you have one available. I would expect a FG of around 1.015-18 at a guess.
Ive just started a toucan morgans stockmans draught. Will it be very bitter? Should i add some hops to balance it out a bit?
Ive just started a toucan morgans stockmans draught. Will it be very bitter? Should i add some hops to balance it out a bit?

Are you making up to 23 litres and do you like your beers bitter? IMHO if you are making it a straight toucan with nothing more added it should be bitter enough for most tastes. You could dryhop after 5 days if you want some aroma and a touch of flavour.