'battle Of The Toucans'

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1 can Coopers Dark Ale
1 can Coopers Lager
1kg Coopers Brewing Sugar
500g Coopers Light Dry Malt Extract
T-58 yeast

this one is going well :beerbang:

just looking at that pic makes me want to grab another one :chug:
I think i have caught the toucan bug, with the recent sucess of the 2 can CPA, I reaken next time i do the toucan CPA i will add some POR flavour and aroma and another 500g malt for the boil? I guess it wont be long and my palet will be driving me to AG. For the moment I am planning a toucan Coopers Draught as an everyday session beer. One thing i have noticed is that the coopers heritage draught and regular draught have the same IBU and EBC, but do they taste simmilar?

And then i look at a toucan Coopers Dark Ale as a basis for porter. I remember the JS Rum Rebellion Porter with fond memmories and may even soak some rum barrel chips to add some other flavours to it, any pointers on quanties?

Hey all, thinking of doing my first toucan on my 3rd brew and just wondering what you guys would recommend.

I have an out of date Coopers Real Ale and wanted to pair it up with something to compliment it.

Was thinking a...

Coopers Real Ale (quite a few years past use by so should be quite dark by now - was thinking of cooking in 3L for 20m)
Coopers Wheat Beer (Add in ferm)
500g Coopers BE1 (left overs -add in ferm)
200g Honey (have it lying around and want to get rid of it/see if it will balance the bitterness of Real Ale - boil with real ale)
Safale T-58
15g Willamette hops tea bag boiled for about 10m
12g Tettnanger hops for 5m


Should make about 7.1% in the bottle, which is why I thought the T-58 would be best...

Don't really have a clue, but just went off the descriptions of all of it and thought these are things that should make a nice brew. What do you reckon???
I made an IPA with 2x Coopers Draught, 500g dextrose and lots of late simcoe for good measure and it was **** house
I made an IPA with 2x Coopers Draught, 500g dextrose and lots of late simcoe for good measure and it was **** house

Might improve with time nothing wrong with the ingredients.
Coopers Real Ale (quite a few years past use by so should be quite dark by now
- was thinking of cooking in 3L for 20m)

This sort of question has been asked many times before and the consensus view
is that it usually is not worth the trouble. It might be better to just leave out the
past used by date (by a few years!? :blink:) real ale can and try the rest of the
proposed recipe as is.

You could try rescuing the old real ale can by getting say 0.5kg of caramalt - which will
probabaly cost a few dollars or maybe get a kilo of it) In case you're not familiar with
caramalt, it is a grain malt that already has its starches converted to a fermentable form
and to use it, either [1] heat about 2L of water to about 80C, pour the crushed caramalt
(ask the shop to crush for you) in, leave for about 30mins, then strain the liquid through
a sieve into another pot (into which you add the real ale after and mix). Then bring it to
boil for about 10mins to sterilise the wort - don't let iot boil over tho. The other way to
use caramalt is [2] pour the caramalt into 2L of cold water, leave overnight, then strain
as per [1] to mix with can.

See here for a more coherent description. Probably want to add some hops to this as well
but just remember not to hope for too much using an old can.

Honey (have it lying around and want to get rid of it/see if it will balance the bitterness ...

I've read that honey ferments out to alcohol close to completely so will not leave much
sweetness behind so will not help to balance bitterness.

Made a toucan to keg, which is long gone, but I did manage to tuck away a few longies from the extra. This is about 6 months old, the kit taste has faded, and the bitterness has rounded out - and its not too bad at all. Although the bottles were slightly overprimed.

It definately needed the time to age though, I remember it wasnt the best the best out of the keg. tasted fresh, green and snappy

(from memory)
Canadian Bomb
2 x coopers canadian blonde cans
250g Crystal Malt
10g hersbrucker? 60mins
20g hersbrucker? 5 mins
both kit yeasts

Anyone else finding their 2-3 cans taking forever to carb up in the bottle
seems to be forever to carb about 3 weeks in the bottle 2 x CPA and still some what flat. Proberbly the weather in brisvegas is my issue at the moment.

Anyone else finding their 2-3 cans taking forever to carb up in the bottle

Not up here everything carbs up in about 4 days so I would guess it is temperature related.
It is considered to be icy cold here if daytime temps drop below 26C
How do you survive in heat like that, I would have to buy a fridgemate and 2nd hand fridge just to live in.
Put this down today

Wals Pale Ale
Coopers Canadian Blond
US05 yeast

Big W has Tooheys Lager 7.99. What would be the disadvantages of using them over pale malt cans?

Considering maybe 15 min hop addition.
Hi Weatherby,

The only thing I can saw is they they will be prehopped so maybe watch the bitterness.

On a secondary note ive gone toucan mad in the last month and not had a bad one yet, 2x Coopers PA, 2 x Coopers Draught, and 2 x Coopers Dark Ale. The CPA has come out a cracker and draught has only had a week in the bottle and is pretty good too, and same goes for the Dark. I really don't know why i havn't done more of these in the past, it really is amazing what additional malt can do over straight dex.

If I may and suggest to you/us 'toucanners' that bottle condition time is longer than normal. 4 weeks min. Trust me, I toucan as well as extract. Try a toucan at 4 months in a bottle and holy cow - you thought is was good at a month. Especially dark toucans. They just get better with age.
Put down a toucan friday night to get rid of a couple of cans

Coopers Mexican Cerveza x 2
200g light crystal
250g Dextrose
15g Cascade @10
15g Centenial @10
15g Nelson Sauvin @10
OG 1.051 (spreadsheet predicted 45 so a bit high)
US05 Yeasties
May dry hop with a bit of cascade

Will let yo know how it turns out. Hopefully its a good one as it was the simplest brew yet, all done and cleaned up in under 2 hrs and only about $35 or so to make.

Opened the first one a couple of weeks ago, very nice for such a quick throw together brew. If anything I would add a small 60 min addition for a touch more bitterness but it will go down well on a warmer day as is.
I reaken next time i do the toucan CPA i will add some POR flavour and aroma and another 500g malt for the boil?J

Its my understanding that POR is more of a bittering hop and not so much on the flavour/aroma side (though I seem to remember a debate about it somewhere).. Ive had some success using Chinook Flowers and both Cascade and Perle as well for Flavour/aroma, (edit: Pellets) I would also up the boil a bit as well, as its a tucan there should be no drama adding a few liters +250g DME + 10-15 min boil for flavour, and dry hop for your aroma...

I try all the time now to add some spec grain and hops to try and tweak, its also a good lead in to getting to know the AG process.(IMHO)
Im personally quite liking the perle 12g and cascade 15g dry hop (25lt) at about half to 3 Quaters through the ferment... lovely... :chug:

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