Banning Glassware In Pubs

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There was a thing about this again on some shitty current affairs show recently after the mass glassing over the weekend.

Perhaps we should ban cars so pedestrains stop getting hit.
Shame that a couple of drongos can ruin it for the rest of us.

Don't know if banning a glass is the answer though. The problem is with the person holding the glass. Only so much can be done by publicans and the like to ensure a safe environment.

What should we expect next? A trip to the local where we enjoy an ale in a paper cup, leaning on a Australian Safety Standard approved rubber bar with kiddysafe corners on it. Next they'll be banning meat raffles at the local due to the fact someone might trip and spear themselves on a chop bone!

Could you imagine paying $9.00 a pint and it being served in a plastic cup! That happened to me at the Oyster Bar in North Fremantle... I never returned!
Perhap it would be a lot safer, if we just stayed home and brewed our own and never paid alcohol based excise tax again:p
No one can take a joke or insult on the chin these days - These dickheads need to lighten up, and I reckon I've got the answer.

Put EVERYONE in Sumo Suits. That way if someone gets testy and has a swing, not much damage will be done, everyone will laugh, and all will be well.

Another thing I heard on the radio once was putting everyone in those little kiddy walkers, with the activity tables.
Everyone will have a place to put their kiddy plastic sipper cup full of beer, and when you bump into someone you won't be able to reach them to be able to punch em. It'll just be like dodgem cars (apart from the spilling of beers when you hit).
i say you pay 6.50 and get to drink directly from the tap......

Might seem a little dirty, but after a few gulps no one will care, fixes the whole glass issue thing
Well what about porcelian plates.... will they soon serve our food on paper plates!

Do you think society has got more violent???
Not at all, but I want to punch the people who thought this up :angry:

Lets Just ban Pubs all together, Easiest Answer to a simple problem
Do you think society has got more violent???

Kinda not surprised when you consider that most of the younger drinkers who are now hitting the pub/club scene have been raised on a steady diet of grand theft auto and other violent media. That kind of continual stimuli is just the ticket for molding well balanced juvenile minds especially when it comes to resolving conflict situations .<_<
Kinda not surprised when you consider that most of the younger drinkers who are now hitting the pub/club scene have been raised on a steady diet of grand theft auto and other violent media. That kind of continual stimuli is just the ticket for molding well balanced juvenile minds especially when it comes to resolving conflict situations .<_<

you can't be serious? blaming video games for this too? I reckon it's the other way round; kids that are prone to causing trouble are attracted to violence (ie the games), not the other way round.
lets glass anyone that tries to ban glassware.... oh wait.
you can't be serious? blaming video games for this too? I reckon it's the other way round; kids that are prone to causing trouble are attracted to violence (ie the games), not the other way round.

Yeah, if video games affected behaviour, we'd all be running around in dark rooms listening to weird repetitive music and popping colourful pills. No... wait.
Kinda not surprised when you consider that most of the younger drinkers who are now hitting the pub/club scene have been raised on a steady diet of grand theft auto and other violent media. That kind of continual stimuli is just the ticket for molding well balanced juvenile minds especially when it comes to resolving conflict situations . <_<

I'll take a stab in the dark and say you're either a sucessful troll or just another do-gooder that also would support a glass ban. ;)

Just because I spent my youth playing Doom, I've never felt the urge to turn up at a bar with a rocket launcher and blow everyone down in my wake.
I'll take a stab in the dark and say you're either a sucessful troll or just another do-gooder that also would support a glass ban.

Just because I spent my youth playing Doom, I've never felt the urge to turn up at a bar with a rocket launcher and blow everyone down in my wake.

I like a bit of TF2 these days. I do find myself facing the occasional urge to bash faulty equipment with a spanner.
It doesnt really come down to the glass... it's what is in the glass! Some people just can not handle the amount they drink! I run a bistro beside a sportz bar there is an occasional fight what surprises me every time is that they are fully mature (grown, LOL) men!
Well said Devo, here in Melbourne violence is out of control, every weekend we here of bashings, glassings and deaths among our niteclubs. I have teenage children and when I see pictures of those "kids" with their faces cut open and scarred for life, I shudder. I dont have a problem with "no glass" in niteclubs due to society becoming more violent which is in your face every weekend here in Melbourne. We are slowly going from a good city to a city with a not so good reputation. Bring on that New York mayor, rulianio?? zero tolerance.

Crime was already on the way down before Julianni stepped in... Read a book called freakanomics - it discusses the drop in america's crimwave to be a direct result of legalised abortion.

Maybe we should have forced abortion here in Melbourne?

Crime was already on the way down before Julianni stepped in... Read a book called freakanomics - it discusses the drop in america's crimwave to be a direct result of legalised abortion.

Maybe we should have forced abortion here in Melbourne?


Yeah, i deleted my post. Always seems to be a lot of chest pumping amongst us.

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