Banning Glassware In Pubs

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Hear hear Wabster,

I'm too young to remember those times, but growing up in a small country town in NSW there are still longing tales told of a particularly hard (but fair) sargeant who used to do exactly this but would take the offender five mile out of town before 'reprimanding' them and make them walk back to town to give them time to think about what they'd done.

There is plenty of ********* out there, but for some reason they seem to be a bit of a protected species these days, recieving nothing more than a slap on the wrist for far worse offences
You've got to be joking mate.
When I started drinking in 1960 a thing like a glassing would have caused national headlines. To drink in a public place was against the law (As it is now) & was almost unheard of. You could leave your doors & windows unlocked night & day throughout the year without worrying about being ripped off or invaded. Murders were far & few between & not on the daily basis that we see them now .
I could go on & on but laugh when you reckon the world is a better & less dangerous than it was when I was a kid.
BTW, colonial times don't really count here. It all boils down to the lack of parental control over the last couple of generations & the kids mimicking their (Lowlife) parents actions.
Rant over. ;)

TP :beer:
Spot on TP,

There is a general lack of behavioural accountability on parents and their children compared to when I was a lad.

As far as glassing goes there are a couple of great role models - Wayne Carey and Greg Bird glassing their girlfriends and their girlfriends sticking by them afterwards!!! wtf :blink:

Kids these days...

Cheers, Andrew.
You've got to be joking mate.
When I started drinking in 1960 a thing like a glassing would have caused national headlines. To drink in a public place was against the law (As it is now) & was almost unheard of. You could leave your doors & windows unlocked night & day throughout the year without worrying about being ripped off or invaded. Murders were far & few between & not on the daily basis that we see them now .
I could go on & on but laugh when you reckon the world is a better & less dangerous than it was when I was a kid.
BTW, colonial times don't really count here. It all boils down to the lack of parental control over the last couple of generations & the kids mimicking their (Lowlife) parents actions.
Rant over. ;)

TP :beer:

Not joking at all. Want a fight about it? :D

Seriously, though...murders are on a 'daily basis'? ****. Glad I don't live in your town.

I state once more. You can look it up. Murder rates have remained pretty much the same for decades. They wobble around, but not much.

On a simplistic level there are more murders today, but only because there are more people. Same rate per 100,000 head of population. 'More' murders for the headlines to scream about, but not in terms of the actual rate.

I recently read Errol Flynn's autobiography 'My Wicked Wicked Ways'. He wrote about the frequent brawls that 'Aussie' blokes in the 20s and 30s were engaged in. Utterly alien to my experience, but I'm supposedly living in this ultra-violent age.

Then there were the razor gangs of the 20s and 30s. The 'Push'. The cocaine gangs. The 'good old days'?

BTW, around here 'colonial times' sure were a long way over in the '60s.

Sorry, folks. I think you're all victims of media mania.
Years ago, after seeing Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" I re-thought the reporting of media after the stat he quoted in his film: "In the past ten years, crime has fallen 20%, yet the reporting of crime on mass-media has risen 600%." I'm no Michael Moore fan necessarily, but that woke something in me..

I thought I'd check Australia's stats (see here).

Basically, the only type of crime that's risen in any significant way in the years between 1996 and 2006 is assault. Murder (as already stated) has remained pretty static at about 1.5 cases per 100,000 people.


"The trend in assaults shows an average growth of 5% each year between 1995 and 2006. This is four times the annual growth of the Australian population over the same period".

Of course, there's more to stats than pretty charts. In the page "Location of violent crime", at least 45% of assaults occur at home, another 34% occurs in "Community" (seems to include Transport, Street/footpath) and finally 20% falls into "Retail", which I presume covers pubs/bars etc (where glassings mainly occur).

So while assault in "Retail" areas isn't so great, the fact that overall assault rose over the 10 year period at a rate greater than population growth is a worry. I'll continue drinking my own beers in the company of people who are very unlikely to glass me...!
Zero Tolerance is a crock. Everyone wants tougher punishments and longer sentences, but no-one's willing to foot the bill to keep all those "criminals" in prison. You have to compromise somewhere. One thing I always think is how you would feel if falsely accused of a crime. Zero Tolerance may not be so popular to you then. People are wrongly accused and are sent to prison. The last person to receive the death penalty in Australia was found to be innocent after he was already put to death.

At least in Queensland, you would do actual time for glassing.... if it's reported to the police.
We are getting off topic here... but it is reminding me of The Chasers "What have we learnt from current affairs." I wish people could find something better to do than watch that crap, but it sells the Ads that keep TV alive. Forget ratings, corporate sponsors own all media.

Looks like they have banned a glass, so next they'll ban the chairs people pick up instead.
if they aren't picking up their schooner glass to cut someone with, it'll be a knife, gun, whatever. but it'll be there if it comes down to it.
you can't be serious? blaming video games for this too? I reckon it's the other way round; kids that are prone to causing trouble are attracted to violence (ie the games), not the other way round.

I wasn't just referring to video games Sammus!
I'll take a stab in the dark and say you're either a sucessful troll or just another do-gooder that also would support a glass ban. ;)

Just because I spent my youth playing Doom, I've never felt the urge to turn up at a bar with a rocket launcher and blow everyone down in my wake.

troll aye?!....yet another peanut to completely miss my point. Maybe spending all that time doom has affected you after all?!
if they aren't picking up their schooner glass to cut someone with, it'll be a knife, gun, whatever. but it'll be there if it comes down to it.

So part of the answer (I emphasise 'PART') is to close all places with a liquor license at 12 midnight --- no exceptions. :super:

A good way to start? Too right!

I also agree with the thoughts of Bonj in a way :) ---- build lots more prisons & give proper sentencing to these low-lives. :super:
Too many bleeding hearts in this country. What happened to HTFU?
TP :beer:
Kinda not surprised when you consider that most of the younger drinkers who are now hitting the pub/club scene have been raised on a steady diet of grand theft auto and other violent media. That kind of continual stimuli is just the ticket for molding well balanced juvenile minds especially when it comes to resolving conflict situations . <_<

just to get the full quote in. you blame GTA and other "violent" media. Yet you casually left out the fact that there was violence well before computer games and scary movies. When I play GTA, I can see a clear line between fantasy and reality. But in *any* game or movie I've ever seen, I've never played the character of someone smashing a glass in anothers face or seen someone getting glassed in a film. why? because who could base a game or movie on a drunk idiot glassing people? no one would buy it because it doesn't fit fantasy nor does it fit reality. Playing games or watching violent movies doesn't make me rage, I hate violence as much as the next person but when I'm playing a game that involves running around shooting at people or running them over, it's because it's an escape from this nanny society we live in filled with 'do-gooders' that make everyone elses lives so much more boring to live in.

glass someone? I agree, go to gaol and stay there for a VERY LONG time. We need harsher penalties, but we won't get that with all the bleeding hearts in the nation.
The simple solution is to make the beer glasses out of safety glass. In the UK all pint glasses shatter when dropped, so you can effectively eliminate them as a weapon.

While everyone is ranting part of the problem in Australia is also the lack of drinking venues, and th eriddiculous amount of security guards at the limited number of venues. Just look at the UK, where you have so much competition amongst pubs with plenty of places to drink, and no security guards. I have yet to see a fight in a pub since moving here.
Sad to say we live in an era of "it's not my fault" mentality. The lamest of excuses are used to justify the inexcusable and purportrators get a slap on the wrist. Add that to the "I'm gonna sue because I can" mentality and we have a the makings of a pretty ********* society. Fancy banning kids from doing cartwheels in the playground for fear of being sued if an injury occurs.......


after watching casino...............................................I always take a pen to a pub! - it's not like they are going to take it off me :)
Sad to say we live in an era of "it's not my fault" mentality. The lamest of excuses are used to justify the inexcusable and purportrators get a slap on the wrist. Add that to the "I'm gonna sue because I can" mentality and we have a the makings of a pretty ********* society. Fancy banning kids from doing cartwheels in the playground for fear of being sued if an injury occurs.......



they banned Santa from a few shopping centres at Christmas for fear of upsetting the religious nutjobs. Also for saying "Ho Ho Ho" because it might be thought he was talking about African American prostitutes. So it's no surprise that they ban children from doing cartwheels.

They should just give us all Cityrail issued paper cups to sip our beer from and be done with it. The biggest injury anyone would get would be a papercut.
Sad to say we live in an era of "it's not my fault" mentality. The lamest of excuses are used to justify the inexcusable and purportrators get a slap on the wrist. Add that to the "I'm gonna sue because I can" mentality and we have a the makings of a pretty ********* society. Fancy banning kids from doing cartwheels in the playground for fear of being sued if an injury occurs.......




TP :beer:
just to get the full quote in. you blame GTA and other "violent" media. Yet you casually left out the fact that there was violence well before computer games and scary movies. When I play GTA, I can see a clear line between fantasy and reality. But in *any* game or movie I've ever seen, I've never played the character of someone smashing a glass in anothers face or seen someone getting glassed in a film. why? because who could base a game or movie on a drunk idiot glassing people? no one would buy it because it doesn't fit fantasy nor does it fit reality. Playing games or watching violent movies doesn't make me rage, I hate violence as much as the next person but when I'm playing a game that involves running around shooting at people or running them over, it's because it's an escape from this nanny society we live in filled with 'do-gooders' that make everyone elses lives so much more boring to live in.

glass someone? I agree, go to gaol and stay there for a VERY LONG time. We need harsher penalties, but we won't get that with all the bleeding hearts in the nation.

all that ******* and still missing my point :lol:
all that ******* and still missing my point :lol:

I'd be surprised if you actually have a valid point, you keep mentioning how two of us have completely missed it yet failed to actually define what you meant other than video games and violent media are bad for the drunken youth of today.