Wow, this is certainly a hot topic and feel/want that I may as well add my 2 cents...
I'm not going to go through and quote all the comments made here as there are some very valid and some not so valid comments made by others and soo...
1. Video games, media, etc. have nothing to do with creating violence! IT'S FANTASY!! If the person playing/watching particular media can't destinguish between fantasy and reality then banning/censoring such things won't make a squat of difference.
2. Banning glassware will NOT prevent a mentally incapacitated F$#KWIT from using any such available item being used as a potential weapon! A weapon is ANY such item which can/may be potentailly used to create harm to another person(A shoe can be used to beat someone senseless!!)
3. Governments(not specifically towards Brumby

) need to wake up to themselves and stop waisting money of F#$KEN Hummers, and inject funds into proper areas, such as more police presence in numbers on the streets!
As far as Magistrates and law courts are concerned, if a defendant has no care in their apperance(ripped jeans, unshaven, etc.) while presenting themselves before the courts then surely they have no care(remorse) in relation to whatever crime has been committed by such person. I have seen time and time again people present themselves in such a fashion and the magistrate issue nothing more a slap on the wrist, then only to see the defendant outside court laughing and joking about how easy they 'got away with it'!!
And of course parents need to have some accountability regarding their childs actions...however this may not apply in every case, I admit that I was a bit of a **** of a kid(petty crime, never by any means ever physically hurt anyone!! Oh, except that bloke that looked at my girlfriend(kidding

)) and both my parents are upstanding members of the community, law abiding and showed me and my siblings nothing but love and devotion - I will say though that those days are long gone as I have a respect for not only life and other people but their belongings too, call it maturity?? (Ah crap, now I sound like my parents :lol: )
Solution: NEUTER ALL UNREMORSEFULL F#$KWITS AND *********!! :super: