I think the problem is that it has a quick easy name and now it is popular. If it had a name like 'attacked with the top of a broken glass by an assailant', then I think the problem would disappear.
Zero Tolerance: Starving? Have no money? Stole a loaf of bread? Tough luck... it's a lovely trip to New South Wales for you.What we need is zero tolerence combined with maximum sentencing in all aspects of the criminal code.
Judges and magistrates interpret legislation and make decisions based on the legislation and legal precedents. If you want longer sentences, they are not the people to attack. They are just doing their jobs. Take it up with your local member. It is parliament that creates law. Who are these wishy washy magistrates and judges of whom you speak? And which are the decisions that you're unhappy with? I want names and cases. You must know them to be able to make such comments.Too many wishy-washy judges & magistrates in our system who may well be being instructed by those in power that because of lack of funding for more prisons, etc
to cut their sentencing rates (And time of incarcerations) down.
People rarely get the maximum sentence because rarely do people offend so heinously as to attract the maximum sentence. Queensland is regarded as being tougher in sentencing that most other states. Does it reduce the crime rate in comparison?Ever wondered why criminals rarely get the maximum sentence? Not enough funds for more jails combined with the political interference of too many do-gooders\bleeding heart votes that polititions need to stay in power\win elections.
Why is it that they become so vocal when they no longer have to pay taxes? Because they no longer have to worry about the repercussions in the next government budget?And Bonj,
As for pensioners & the like just rabbiting on & not having to pay for all this I would like to remind you that we have (In our working lives) paid for all\most of your education, health, protection (Where would have this country have been at the start of WW2 without the funding of those who had just retired? Good chance that we would all be on a rice diet by now),police, & all the infrastructure that a democratic country provides to it's citizens.
One may make the same argument back to you. The older generations must take part of the responsibility for steering the ship to its current location...WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.A shame that you did not take this into account.
And everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just as I'm entitled to believe you're wrong.PS --- Don't claim to know it all. This is just my slant on things.
Zero Tolerance: Starving? Have no money? Stole a loaf of bread? Tough luck... it's a lovely trip to New South Wales for you.
These are PEOPLE we're talking about. Some with extenuating circumstances that lead them to commit crimes. Zero Tolerance makes no distinction between stealing a loaf of bread to feed a starving family, and stealing a loaf of bread to vandalise a car with. It is barbaric and completely reprehensible to fail to consider each individual case's circumstances. I'm not saying there are any circumstances where glassing someone in the face is tolerated, but you still have to take each individual's circumstances into account on sentencing. Take my example in my post above: It would be a far worse crime for the state to take a seriously ill baby's mother away. There are other ways to punish people than putting them in prison. Some may argue better ways. I know I would rather someone perform a punishment that actually benefits the community, than one that merely costs the community like imprisonment.
Judges and magistrates interpret legislation and make decisions based on the legislation and legal precedents. If you want longer sentences, they are not the people to attack. They are just doing their jobs. Take it up with your local member. It is parliament that creates law. Who are these wishy washy magistrates and judges of whom you speak? And which are the decisions that you're unhappy with? I want names and cases. You must know them to be able to make such comments.
People rarely get the maximum sentence because rarely do people offend so heinously as to attract the maximum sentence. Queensland is regarded as being tougher in sentencing that most other states. Does it reduce the crime rate in comparison?
I love all the "do-gooder" bashing.... aren't they the ones you want in pubs? They're the least likely to be causing all the problems we're talking about.
Why is it that they become so vocal when they no longer have to pay taxes? Because they no longer have to worry about the repercussions in the next government budget?
One may make the same argument back to you. The older generations must take part of the responsibility for steering the ship to its current location...
And everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just as I'm entitled to believe you're wrong.
I guess I'm one of those bleeding hearts you complain so much about.![]()
I hope not Bonj as NSW is the place you could not get out of fast enoughit's a lovely trip to New South Wales for you.
As for the rest of your sad interpretation YOU ARE, as you say, a bloody bleeding heartAs for pensioners & the like just rabbiting on & not having to pay for all this I would like to remind you that we have (In our working lives) paid for all\most of your education, health, protection (Where would have this country have been at the start of WW2 without the funding of those who had just retired? Good chance that we would all be on a rice diet by now),police, & all the infrastructure that a democratic country provides to it's citizens.
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. A shame that you did not take this into account
So you agree that punishment would be too harsh.I hope not Bonj as NSW is the place you could not get out of fast enough
The fact that I actually care about people I have never met, is not an insult to me.As for the rest of your sad interpretation YOU ARE, as you say, a bloody bleeding heart![]()
& I feel sorry for you.
This thread has gone too 'Derryn Hinch' and 'John Laws'.
Drink at home and be responsible for yourselves instead of pontificating about other people you self righteous bastards.
Get a sheep and stay home.
So youre saying that its a hoax that some sectors of the community dont get more benefits such as food vouchers and half price cab fairs when the retired widowed pensioner doesnt.
Not to mention the hard working person that has retired and has to sell their house to fund a spot in a home because they are ill.
What was this post about again :unsure:
Bloody hell I didnt see this topic on Inciders poll.
IMO unreasonable violent acts should be dealt with to the maximum penalty. And any person that has contributed to the growth of this GREAT nation should be respected for their contribution and not be cast aside once they no longer pay taxes. WE TREAT REFUGEES BETTER THAN WE TREAT OUR PENSIONERS. I am not saying that we should not help people to build a new life in our great nation but we should support the people have help build this great nation.
IMO rules, regulations and political correctness is letting our younger generation down- eg. a parent cannot smack (I say smack not flog) their child for cracking a tantrum and disrespecting without fear of legal action, yet when that same child gets to say 14 and attacks a pensioner whilst wagging school the parent is to blame.
A drinking glass or bottle was the weapon used in 994 assaults across the state last year
James Arvanitakis, a cultural researcher at the University of Western Sydney, said the glassing statistics supported the theory of a rise in some violence-specific offences linked to time poverty, competitiveness and stress.
Read my Post 38 more closely.
What we need is zero tolerence combined with maximum sentencing in all aspects of the criminal code.
Too many wishy-washy judges & magistrates in our system who may well be being instructed by those in power that because of lack of funding for more prisons, etc
to cut their sentencing rates (And time of incarcerations) down.
Ever wondered why criminals rarely get the maximum sentence? Not enough funds for more jails combined with the political interference of too many do-gooders\bleeding heart votes that polititions need to stay in power\win elections.
And Bonj,
As for pensioners & the like just rabbiting on & not having to pay for all this I would like to remind you that we have (In our working lives) paid for all\most of your education, health, protection (Where would have this country have been at the start of WW2 without the funding of those who had just retired? Good chance that we would all be on a rice diet by now),police, & all the infrastructure that a democratic country provides to it's citizens.
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.A shame that you did not take this into account.
This rant(?) is definitely over. :icon_cheers:
TP :beer:
PS --- Don't claim to know it all. This is just my slant on things.
Too right. This is getting silly.
TP, to say you paid for my education is downright insulting? 7 years after finishing uni i finally paid of my uni debt and to do so had to pay 8% more tax during that time. And i got thru when 4 years cost you the tiny sum of $10K (thats just the HECS, not the running costs). The students that followed me wont be so lucky, this affects our ability to get mortgages, car loans etc. My little brother has a debt 3 times that and will be close to 40 by the time he pays it off.
Paid for my education?
I stacked shelves (at night) and pumped petrol (on weekends) for 4 years in addition to studying.
I dont recall receiving a 'brass razoo' from you TP.
I'm convinced that the glassing/bar violence thing is very much a socio-economic phenomenon common to feral scum & idiots who's highlight of the weekend would be hurting someone. Normal people don't behave that way, and my experience is that if there isn't a glass, it will be a chair. Or a table or something else. Because when someone is in a state to do something like that, what they do it with is not the concern, it'll be whatever's available to hand. I've even seen someone taken out with a pepper grinder off a table from the restaurant next door...anything can be a weapon.......it's kind of up to the assailant....we can't go removing things simply because it might become a weapon.
It's all bloody John Howards and the Liberals fault....
That's why we should never vote the scum sucking leaches back into power
TP, to say you paid for my education is downright insulting? 7 years after finishing uni i finally paid of my uni debt and to do so had to pay 8% more tax during that time. And i got thru when 4 years cost you the tiny sum of $10K (thats just the HECS, not the running costs). The students that followed me wont be so lucky, this affects our ability to get mortgages, car loans etc. My little brother has a debt 3 times that and will be close to 40 by the time he pays it off.
Paid for my education?
I stacked shelves (at night) and pumped petrol (on weekends) for 4 years in addition to studying.
I dont recall receiving a 'brass razoo' from you TP.