Babbs Wild Brew Project

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A year after this project kicked-off........the kegs have had a few months at room temperature and six or so months in cold storage to condition. We bought another wine barrel (rinsed and re-toasted) due to the delayed filling.

Browndog constructed a timber dolly for the barrel to cradle her gently and to allow easier movement in the coming years.

February 6th 2011: A group of very willing BABBs members had the arduous task of tasting samples of all the beers hoping to find enough quality beer to fill the barrel.

The samples were carefully drawn with a wine thief from the top of the kegs and transferred to beer jugs where they were split up amongst the tasters.

Tasting notes were written down on all beers to make the job of deciding which beers were selected to go into the barrel a little easier at the back end of twenty sips of 10% beer.

Some of the descriptors that kept popping up were: Clovey, Syrupy, Dark Fruit, Ethanol Warmth, Some Oxidation, Raisiny, Belgian Character, Port-like, Slight sourness.

It was a very enjoyable session

14 kegs made the final cut. Total volume 220L.

Barrel filled last weekend :D and inoculated with Wyeast 3763PC - Roeselare Ale (A blend of lambic cultures including Lactic bacteria and Brettanomyces) to help create a >10% sour beer.

We'd hoped to have this available to members by XMAS..........

I cant wait to be able to be part of a vertical tasting of Wild Brew 2011, 12, 13 and so on

Go Wild Brew Go! :beer:

What is the date of the first sampling, I need to ink in the diary?

Last club meeting of the year i believe, that will also be our christmas Party.

cheers Ross
yee haa i'll be back by then .. may i visit?
Yes of course Lonte,

It'll be great to catch up with you again.

Let us know when you get back and we'll catch up for beers. :D

yee haa i'll be back by then .. may i visit?

I think sufficient time has passed & the membership has turned since the "trouser snake" incident that sparked your banishment to WA. ;)


Can't wait until Thursday night.

Not sure what I'm bringing, but I know what I'm taking home :)
Do you guys have a bottling line up there or did you guys bottle 220 litres by hand?
Do you guys have a bottling line up there or did you guys bottle 220 litres by hand?

We bottled only 144 bottles, which our committee did by hand. There is fresh beer being brewed to add back to the barrel & top it up.

Cheers Ross
We bottled only 144 bottles, which our committee did by hand. There is fresh beer being brewed to add back to the barrel & top it up.

Cheers Ross
To give a little more of a breakdown one person bottled 142 or so, and one person did 2, and quickly gave the job back :)
The rest of us were just there as bottle cleaners, bottle carriers, cappers and keg emptiers...

It was very very hard to take tiny tiny sips of the overflow glass as most of us were driving and a little 11% beer goes a long way!
To give a little more of a breakdown one person bottled 142 or so, and one person did 2, and quickly gave the job back :)
And you did that first one so well!

The rest of us were just there as bottle cleaners, bottle carriers, cappers and keg emptiers...

It was very very hard to take tiny tiny sips of the overflow glass as most of us were driving and a little 11% beer goes a long way!
We had a good little assembly line going, and I don't know about the rest of the group, but the time passed pretty quickly for me! Mind you, I was one of the only ones who didn't have to drive afterwards :icon_drunk: :D

Geez guys thnaks for the know how I love to wash bottles...


There is fresh beer being brewed to add back to the barrel & top it up.

My batch was happily chugging along when I went to check on it on Saturday -- I brew "off-site" and was worried I might find that notorious 3787 had escaped its confines to leave me with a nasty mess in the fermentation fridge. But all was well...

Neil didn't drop off a keg with the ingredients... will that be brought along to the meeting? (I don't have any of my own... yet!) What's the timeframe / plan for dropping it off and refilling?

Looking forward to having a taste....
Any chance of a bottle or two ??? ...
I don't believe I'm speaking out of school here....In assuring you Ian that as the original project manager you will be looked after.

FYI - I'm fermenting my wild-brew topup 1.104 monster in a 60L fermentor to avoid stressing about the yeast explosion :icon_cheers: that is 3787.

Bubbling furiously as I type. :beerbang:
