... Anyway, it was suggested and discussed briefly but four rigs seemed to be enough shenanigans for the purposes of the event, however maybe I'll bring it along anyway, knock one out in the car park in protest!
Maybe consider it for a future vessel-wars. It'd be fantastic, though I understand that a short-notice organisation makes it difficult.
Seriously - it's got to be done. B)
The whole idea of vessel-wars/system-wars is, in part, to show that good beer doesn't always need large amounts of expensive equipment (though said equipment does make brewing
easier in a lot of aspects). Also, it shows how theory of mashing, sparging, boiling, hop additions and chilling applies in practice and over a wide variety of apparati (?).
Instead, you have a situation where someone, with $40-$50 bucks worth of readily available stuff (at its most expensive) can knock out a good batch of AG beer. Even Bribie's crown urn, cheap as it is, can't do this (though again, it's easier to use).
If I'm a newbie, this appeals to me, because the ability to select one's entry point (price, and equipment) is a major factor in going toward AG. In fact, I'd be pretty confident in saying that if it weren't for BIAB, some newer 3V brewers mightn't be there. BIAB, especially cheaply, breaks down barriers.
So having the stovetop method/maxi BIAB is another demonstrator that, if you down have $300 to buy an urn and bag, you can still AG. And that the theory and knowledge of how it applies is the most important factor in brewing beer.
Just a couple of thoughts. Either way, I think it's a fantastic idea for BABBs to do and shows the sense of community and openness that we have up here. :beer: