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I had to share this with people that would understand.

I've been doing some renovations at my place, which has meant that the area under my house (where my brew rig and beer fridge(s) are) has been open. A couple of weeks ago I went out for an early morning run to discover my car door open. Nothing had been stolen from my car, and I counted my lucky stars that some grubby little prick hadn't stolen anything from me.

THEN, this evening i went downstairs to see what I had in the fridge. It was only then that I discovered that (presumably) the lowlife little turds that got into my car had nicked a couple of my very good beers, including a bottle of "Epic Loves Bacon".

I was angry before when I had noticed the car had been tampered with. Now, I'm furious.

Had to get that off my chest, and share with people that would get it.
No sympathy at all for someone who tampers with someone else's car, wife or beer.
Them barstards got 2 out of 3

sad to hear, and hope they get whats coming to them.
Whilst my wife doesn't get the full extent of the loss of the beer :) , she is pissed about the fact that some deadshit had been so far onto our property. Makes me wish I had a very large dog.
Take some consolation that you have educated the palate of some scrote arse-hole who will eventually cop a wack from some other scrote flog. With maybe more.
The thieving scum will at some time be back,they know where you beer is kept and no doubt remember their way around your yard and home.
Tape some razor blades to the inside of the fridge handle that'll fuckem.
Secure as much as you can but a few half piss half beer left in an unlocked fridge when pilfered might give you a giggle. It stopped an arsehole stealing my beer in a work away from home situation. Some people need a tap. I would of bought slabs for this prick if he'd asked, but bottom line was he was a thief and couldn't help himself. You shouldn't have to put up with this crap.
A mate of my dad's when I was growing up kept having people steal homebrew from his fridge. His solution was the same as Vini2ton's, but he put a note on the fridge door stating that at least one of the bottles contained piss- and only he knew which ones.

It stopped after that.
Commiserations for your loss too, Paulbroad.

He did, but I wouldn't back myself to make the right decision if I'd had a few......
Red Baron said:
A mate of my dad's when I was growing up kept having people steal homebrew from his fridge. His solution was the same as Vini2ton's, but he put a note on the fridge door stating that at least one of the bottles contained piss- and only he knew which ones.

It stopped after that.
Commiserations for your loss too, Paulbroad.

Thanks, Baron

Thy didn't touch my own brew, just pinched bottles I'd been keeping. Still, I'd like to think the little shits magically tasted my ass when they drank my beer.
Red Baron said:
He did, but I wouldn't back myself to make the right decision if I'd had a few......
I've made a few beers that would make it difficult to tell even if you were sure which bottle was the piss.
Dave70 said:
Hey Paulbroad.
Did you know tapeworm eggs can live in beer?
Did you know you can buy tapeworm eggs online from crackpot holistic sites?
Just sayin.
I've always wondered if there was a downside for people judging beer from unknow sources or getting free samples through the mail to try out, now I know! :icon_vomit:
Time for padlocks on your fridge in the carport etc these days. Not like not too long ago when people never had to worry about it. Its a crime getting so common its given a name (fridging). The theft of beer stocks from unsecured fridges.
Reading the OP though I was worried you were going to say they stole your brewing equipment.
When I worked in a large office, someone was stealing peoples' lunches out of the fridge, and I lost a couple of batches of corned beef sandwiches.
So I made a really beautiful looking sandwich with corned beef, tempting crisp lettuce leaves poking out of the side.

And a whole tube of Wasabi hidden as a Wasabi bomb hidden between two slices of corned beef.

Never had any problems after that although nobody heard the screams, they must have been taking the food home.
Bribie G said:
When I worked in a large office, someone was stealing peoples' lunches out of the fridge, and I lost a couple of batches of corned beef sandwiches.
So I made a really beautiful looking sandwich with corned beef, tempting crisp lettuce leaves poking out of the side.

And a whole tube of Wasabi hidden as a Wasabi bomb hidden between two slices of corned beef.

Never had any problems after that although nobody heard the screams, they must have been taking the food home.
Nothing so tempting in life as crisp lettuce leaves.

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