Australian IPA

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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good4whatAlesU said:
Definitely yes yeast brought out from the UK.

My 4th great grandfather was a captain in the East India Company (1799 - 1815). He came out to the colonies and started a brewery in 1844 and would have had a very good idea of what an Indian Pale Ale was. Although I'm not so sure the term "Australian Indian Pale Ale" would be the vernacular I would choose to apply. Possibly Australian Pale Ale, or Australian Hoppy Beer is more to the point but the style of a beer brewed with a pale malt and a lot of hops was familiar to military men and troopers serving in the colonies at the time.

Lets see how this post goes, my last was deleted with a warning point so I have added some context.
mate it got removed because it had nothing to do with the discussion as per the rest of the posts i removed. we are not looking to rename the style just to suit what you think.
who cares that your who ever did what ever. we are discussing recipes for the style not history or what something should be called in relation to history.. so if your going to keep going let me know and ill just award the points and remove any further off topic posts by you..

keep it on topic to the discussion.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I'm not insulting anyone or using untoward language or being unruly.

The history of the yeast origin in this particular thread is in discussion and I amended the post with that inclusion.
mate please
read the rules of the forum
take note of rule 15 which is what you have been doing. aka trolling and thread hijacking.
your entitled to your opinion but this is a thread on recipe discussion based on a style please keep it to that not what your personal opinion on a style should be called.
enough off topic back on topic
originally yeast possibly would of come from england but now have mutated to the conditions and we have our own strains that are used by those that still brew these styles.
A style is based on history and history is would up in nomenclature. Discussion of the style name and it's associated ingredients are bound together in my opinion. Therefore warranting discussion.
good4whatAlesU said:
A style is based on history and history is would up in nomenclature. Discussion of the style name and it's associated ingredients are bound together in my opinion. Therefore warranting discussion.
if we were discussing the style the sure but this is a recipe discussion. so lets keep it to that and keep the history out of it and your personal opinions on what it should be called.
Okay with me so long as you are consistent. Go back in the thread and give everyone who talked about history a warning.
good4whatAlesU said:
Okay with me so long as you are consistent. Go back in the thread and give everyone who talked about history a warning.
check yourself i never gave warning points to you but warned you were heading to get them if you continued to take it off topic again.
i tried to do this all by pm but you insisted on doing it out in the forum.
if you want to discuss how thing should be called start a thread in the right section don't derail this one with your personal thoughts.
yes but if he continues to argue he might find he has warning points.
My next AuIPA will be in the likes of...

Fresh local malted grains. Theres something about fresh grain. Powels Malts in Vic I have picked up from the site in Braeside as soon as it is dry enough for packaging.

Leisurely mash day, maybe a decoction, batch sparges, each boiled. A generous pre boil volume for long boiling reduction.
You Could lightly add some colouring malts if you wanted, or wheat blah...maybe.

Then the hops; a little of Victoria (home grown, not much) for long boil bittering to maybe one third the total IBU.

Then heavy in late boil and hop stands after flame out. Galaxy being the favourite for me.

Dry hop in keg too if you really want to hop right off.

Edit: forgot the yeast!
Coopers cultured from their bottles no doubt.
Unless I can be convinced of anything else I don't know that can be genuine AU.
I given the American West Coast style IPA is fairly well removed from the historical IPA, there should be no real quibble about what an "Aussie IPA" might look like. But I'm fairly certain this has been covered previously in the thread.

And certainly there is nothing wrong with experimentation. At worst it will be beer.
I just go by balance. Obviously displayed on software like beersmith, as what I use. Others just as good or better. Or old style working it out on paper if you want. You can choose any style balance that you have knowledge of. Then use whatever you have or can make in ingredients. This is the Aussie way of brewing all along its short history isn't it?
Lyrebird_Cycles said:
I know CUB used to have a culture collection which included strains from Australian breweries. It included at least the strain used to produce ales at the Kent Brewery, IIRC it was known as "O" strain ( O for old I think). *
Back it up there a second, Cycles dude.

"... strainS from Australian brewerieS ..."

So you're saying they have multiple strains from various Aussie breweries over the decades?
... And we currently have just a *single* strain of yeast representing all "Australian Ale" from the major yeast producers!?! Which we can all re-culture from a stubby of Coopers anyway!
Is it just me, or WTF?!? Am i the only one curious as to what those other strains might be?
Don't you wonder if there might be a few little gems amongst them?

I'm not normally a big fan of ****-canning the majors, but i'd sincerely hope they're/CUB not sitting on a bunch of awesome strains that they have zero intention of using, simply so no-one else can else them.
Yeah! Think of the homeland brewers them fools. Give us the Aussie yeasts!!

Given we get undercut by the whole world we have high quality products. Then. Who's going to fund such a thing as an Australian brewers yeast laboratory?...

I vouch as an Aussie home brewer I would pay more (3 times maybe) the usual price for an Authentic Aussie certified strain yeast. Then step it up in volume because I can. I just cant buy it. No market?
Its that or the effort to culture from Coopers bottles and that's just one strain. Though a very good strain I would vouch for.

Were are the Aussie Strains?
RIS? sorry I'm never any good with abbreviations. I just spell it out for my own good as well as others when I post.
You know it could take me 5 minutes to guess as to your comment but I'd give up.... :) It was probably a good joke at the time too.
Russian Imperial Stout Dan - just getting in before Yob renounces you and has you burned as a witch.
I still don't get it. Please don't burn me. Russian Imperial Stout was the only thing that came to my mind on that abbreviation but I still don't understand the relevance here. :unsure: Its late. Remember you lose an hour of sleep tonight muvafarkez.
No biggie, Dan.
I was struggling to know exactly what you were trying to say, or rather it sounded a bit like a stream of consciousness (as I'd originally written, before checking), so I was wondering if you'd been sampling some RIS as well. [emoji1]
Techno did admit to being under that particular influence before he edited post #135 but it really is nothing for anyone to lose any sleep over irregardless of whether us bros are poking our mo's dude. Chill ******.

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