Aspro's Brewery

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Just finished welding and painting my brew frame.
Here are some pics.
Will keep updating on the progress hopfully the rest of it wont take as long as this (about 3 months)

Cheers Aspro IMGP0018.JPGIMGP0019.JPG
Aspro - noice! Also spotted the Water cooler bottle holding station in the beer fridge - I'm assuming it's CC'ing? Great idea!

Cheers - Mike
Nice work mate. Ive done it the other way, building the brewery (nearly done) and then ill build a stand for it later on.
Not to rain on the parade at all, but there's no triangulation/gusseting in your frame and as it's 3 tier the weight will be up fairly high. Have you "tested" the frame with your own weight for strength and stability ? Otherwise looks good :D
Aspro - noice! Also spotted the Water cooler bottle holding station in the beer fridge - I'm assuming it's CC'ing? Great idea!

Cheers - Mike


Yeah its the first time Ive used the bottle for ccing im not sure if its going to be easy to siphon out
time will tell.

Cheers Aspro
That looks alot stronger than alot of fish tank stands i have seen that hold alot more than 100kg :)
Not to rain on the parade at all, but there's no triangulation/gusseting in your frame and as it's 3 tier the weight will be up fairly high. Have you "tested" the frame with your own weight for strength and stability ? Otherwise looks good :D

Cheers mika_lika

Yeah I have had over 100 kilos on it and it seems to be all good, how did you know I am a fat ******* :D

Cheers Aspro
if its made from the same 40x40 RHS that mine is made from you could sit a car on it.

I dont think youl have a problem aspro......... looks the goods.

Ge there are sone great breweries getting built in AHB land these days.

I love it. :)

Nice start Aspro .

gee there are a lot of breweries being built these days :)

Nice work Aspro
good to see Im not the only one whos building at the moment

at the moment????????

once you pop...... you just cant stop.

ahhhhhh we will be building these things up forever :)

NASA will be jelous of our creations :)

I'll be joining the builders list soon, im getting all my bits and pieces in order and doing research at the moment. Best part is my cousin who i get along with good, her hubby owns a pub in newcastle and partners in one at warners bay, so he's getting me lots of gear for free :) He has got me some 50l kegs already, was gonna bring em to our bbq today, but had all there kids and wouldn't fit :(
Next im gonna make a mash tun and boiler run of gravity. Then a nice big stand which i can slowly fill up :) im so excited about it all!
ahhhhh another adict to be :)

go for it dude :)

G day

I have finish my brewery :beerbang:

Well allmost, got a few more things to do but its up and running

Cheers Aspro

Looking good Aspro.Hope youve factored in a future brew day for the AHB west coast chapter.

Big D
Nice work mate.

How much did it set you back to get the stand built?
I need to start looking at building one for my brewery soon.
Nice work mate.

How much did it set you back to get the stand built?
I need to start looking at building one for my brewery soon.

Hey Ash

I welded it up myself its was an old patio just cut it to lenth got the wire brush on it and a lick of paint, its not hard and I am no welder!

Cheers Aspro
Nice one dude :)

Looking forward to seeing those extra photos up (and to taste that first batch of goodness)

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