Anyone who has seen more than 2 of my posts over these years will know I like my hoppy with American style beers.
My name is Goomba and I have lupulin threshold shift (Hey Goomba....).
I brew a lot of APA/AIPA (probably about 50% of all beers I produce). And I'll be brutally honest, part of that is not only am I unimaginative and like American hopped beers, but I brew according to my circumstances/family (4 kids, etc) and these are easy to knock out, and extremely forgiving, because even an average APA has enough hops to hide a number of flaws behind.
But I do like lots of beer styles. Ironically, I won awards for non-IPA styles as well. I have a barleywine that I'm procrastinating bottling (by writing this post). If I had time, I'd take on more challenges brewing wise (my Rauchroggenweiss being an example of this)
I think that some have touched on it, and I'll restate it. If you went out and brewed 'lager like' beers - something a mainstream drinker could drink, you'd be goneskies. We've all seen Arvo, Broo and the like and most of us have gone "why?".
IPA are a primary differentiation point of craft beer at this point. Oh, and Saisons. Red IPA seems to be the current 'it' beer. They give an easy reference point for non-beer nerds to say "oh, that tastes like craft beer".
These style of beers do often give a non-beer drinker a point where they say "oh, I didn't know beer could taste like that", but for a megaswill style drinker - not always. Having said that, I have a former carlton draught drinking mate in Brissie, who won't buy anything less than fat yak now. So some megaswill drinkers do appreciate new flavour.
Counter that argument is craft brewers could alienate these drinkers. As a result, they may say "well, if that's craft beer, then no thanks", and so a possible future Dortmunder drinker or Oud Bruin drinker - may never get on the bandwagon, because 'craft' = '50IBU+ fruit salad beer'.
I have no answer, there's an argument to be had either way.
On a slightly OT but not much point, I've tried most Tassie "Pale Ale" style beers (Morrison's excepted) - Iron House, Moo Brew, Van Dieman's etc. To be honest, most are a bit bland. I gave my missus (Vale:IPA lover) an Iron House "American" Pale, which espouses their use of citrus hops, and she had one mouthful and went "nup, hate it. Why didn't you buy Vale?". She's had Moo and v.Dieman's Pales and doesn't mind them, but goes back to Vale:IPA. The former beers could possibly turn off possible future converts who do like hops (but don't yet know it), because they go "why am I paying $20 a sixer for this??".
I think the only argument I have given any weight to is that women are the biggest untapped beer market.
Pontificate on.....