Are The Blichmann Kettles Any Good?

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Got lots of money ? Its going to cost a lot to put those three girls through school. :eek: I am from the old school search till you find a cheap vessel to do the job.
They look great. Can't imagine they'd be problematic. That said, my tendency is to side with Kev unless you're super cashed up and just want to get into it without fuss. Not only will the unit be pricy but I imagine shipping is a lot as well. You could fit yourself out for half the damage and have the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself.

That's not really what you're asking though is it?
the last piece of equip I need is a kettle. I was going to weld up my keggle into a double but the second one I was waiting on fell through. Then I'd need a pickup/ strainer. I've got this far and am getting impatient, I could be brewing by the weekend if I order one of them. Cheers
Aren't they posted from the US? If I'm not incorrect and they deliver that fast then that's great service, whatever the price.

Woops manticle is dumb they are australian dumbo
The Blichmanns look like some seriously nice kit. I envy you if you do go this path. Have admired their conicals from afar for quite some time but could never justify it myself.

Like others have said there are plenty of less cash heavy alternates out there if you peek around. Beerbelly, Allquip, Using a stainless drum, a modified 80L keg or even a stainless milk vat or bucket. But I doubt you'd have problems with the Blichmanns. I have read articles and interviews with the guy that runs the company for that stuff in mags like BYO and they seem pretty perfectionistic.

My approach has always been to start at the lower end, find the bits and pieces that are really important and slowly move forward spending your hard earned dosh in the places that count. Having said that it's obvious I always need to be careful before I spend my money.
The Blichmanns look like some seriously nice kit. I envy you if you do go this path. Have admired their conicals from afar for quite some time but could never justify it myself.

Like others have said there are plenty of less cash heavy alternates out there if you peek around. Beerbelly, Allquip, Using a stainless drum, a modified 80L keg or even a stainless milk vat or bucket. But I doubt you'd have problems with the Blichmanns. I have read articles and interviews with the guy that runs the company for that stuff in mags like BYO and they seem pretty perfectionistic.



Basically, if you have the coin why wouldn't ya!

OR buy it, send it to me and I will test it for you :p

But again, wouldn't BB be as a rockin a piece of kit for a little less? Put the savings towards something else! [Brewery piece of kit of course :D ]

Your money.....

I've got one and it is awesome. I have never regretted buying it. I've even considered getting another one for my mash tun, but decided I wanted to stay married. :eek:

As long as you have a powerful burner setup and are happy with working in Gallons (site glass increments are half gallons) and fahrenheit you'll be happy.

Luckily for me the Gold Coast is only an 1hrs drive away and I picked it up.

Heres a couple of pictures of it in action on australia's biggest brewday this year (wheat and a sparkling ale).

IMG_0142__Large_.jpg IMG_0148__Large_.jpg

IMG_0165__Large_.jpg IMG_0193__Large_.jpg

Mate it looks awesome.
There are two trains of thought on buying what you ultimately want the first time .
I am the type of person if i buy something I am not totally happy with even though it is far cheaper over time I end up buying what I want and spending more.
The other thing that people don't consider is if you buy a good piece of kit (either Blichman or BeerBelly) it will be a very easy item to sell should you decide you do not want to Brew anymore and you would recover a reasonable amount of your investment after considerable use.
I have Waynes Mash Tun and Boiler and will be ordering a HLT from him when I decide what i want .
Looks awesome mate and if it floats your boat do it.
Like others have stated in regards to your original post I have read heaps on these and have not read a bad word about them.
Beerbelly stuff is also awesome and the benefit with Wayne is he can taylor make it to what you want.

Ive got the 36 litre one as a mash tun and absolutely love it. If you add up all of the bits and pieces needed to build one of these things it would come to alot more than what you pay. I thank myself for buying it every-time I brew. It is so easy to break down and clean. I use mine for HERMS and the sight gauge is invaluable as it helps me avoid stuck sparges .


I'm was wondering if anyone has used them and can comment on the quality.

Pretty sure this was his question............................................Thanks, Jimmyjack and Pocket Beers?


I've got one and it is awesome. I have never regretted buying it. I've even considered getting another one for my mash tun, but decided I wanted to stay married. :eek:

As long as you have a powerful burner setup and are happy with working in Gallons (site glass increments are half gallons) and fahrenheit you'll be happy.

Luckily for me the Gold Coast is only an 1hrs drive away and I picked it up.

Heres a couple of pictures of it in action on australia's biggest brewday this year (wheat and a sparkling ale).


Very very cool...

To answer the original question, I would put this equipment right up there on the quality scale, you can't get much better really. They are purpose built for brewing, come with plenty of attachments and add-ons, and really, I don't think the price is too bad.

While on the topic, ibrew is one of those HBSs that kind of fly under the radar, but they have some absolutely awesome stuff. What's more, their hop range and prices look pretty darn good as well!
Thanks for the replies gents,

I've ordered one [2 in stock] and am just waiting for John to get back to me with freight.

Does anybody here in Adelaide want a 50 liter keggle for a $10 donation to AHB?
It has the 1/2" socket welded in for valve/ pickup tube.

Cheers :beerbang:
Well done glaab congrarulations I am sure you will love it ...

Now for the important question ....What will be your first Brew in it...
Well done glaab congrarulations I am sure you will love it ...

Now for the important question ....What will be your first Brew in it...

Thanks Woody, he's got some nice gear there, seems like a good bloke to deal with.
He [John] said the kettle weighed 40kg so it must be heavy duty.
I like the looks of the Pale Ale on the Weyermann site, I think I'll make that first, I have plenty of Cascade.
Either that or Herr Dr's Golden Ale, even as a kit or extract I've been pretty happy with that.
I been thinking that DrS' Golden Ale might be nice with 100% Vienna so I'm keen to give that a go too.
My fermentation fridge only holds 1 x 30L ferm or a 60 so it's double batches only for me in the hot weather. Cheers :beerbang:
He [John] said the kettle weighed 40kg so it must be heavy duty.


Dude that thing must be tungsten blend metal! I hope you burner/stand is made from some unknown alien compound!!

Seriously though, I am sure will be f*ckin happy with your purchase, should be for a life time me thinks!

Good work.

Jealous.... NO! :rolleyes:

I ordered a 75 L kettle on Thurs and it arrived today, pretty good service and they were a pleasure to deal with, no probs. As for the kettle it looks like very good quality as does the hops strainer. Can't wait to get that first AG batch into a glass :beerbang:
Glaab have you brewed with your new kettle yet? How did the strainer work? I have heard reports of blocked draining issues.



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