Any interest in a brew club to the north of Melbourne?

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fergthebrewer said:
Can I suggest guys , that if you do go the route of a commitee etc , you have a look at incorporation. It provides a level of insurance against the commitee members.
The dept of justice is your go to , for this.
Sounds like it was a good first meet. Well done to the organisers.
Pretty sure the intention is to keep things very simple at first, then see how things progress and assess the demand.
If it gets to the point of there being joint finances then we would need to look into that stuff pretty seriously.
Sorry - like some others, i got stuck at work until late-ish, then had a bottle pick-up to do B)

My work hours are pretty crap for reliably attending these things, but i'm very keen to participate in something like this when possible - it'd be fantastic to have more brewers to discuss our hobby with.
Looking forward to keeping an eye on developments & hopefully attending the next gathering. And i'll do that farcebook thingy.
Cheers to the guys who started/organised this! :beerbang:
Just got back from work and got the kids to bed, and it looks like already the great proactive members of the "Northern Brew Club" (provisional name) have been hard at work.
Thanks again to everyone who came along, and special thanks to Marcus and Sam from Thunder Road who came along to offer their support. And despite the venue being just a little bit noisy, I appreciated the support from the Alehouse Project and enjoyed the venue (and the oak-aged old ale) enormously.
I was really pleased with how it all went. Special thanks to beermeupscotty for quietly, unbidden, taking the minutes, and again to TimT for all the forumy facebooky stuff. Really appreciate it guys.
I think the main feeling I got was, keep it as simple and informal as we can get away with for now, at least until we get our feet. If there ever comes a need for a formal constitution and committee etc., well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
So when beermeupscotty posts the minutes up here, you'll see what a great discussion we had. I'm really looking forward to the next meet-up now.

Thanks again

Excellent work guys, sorry I missed it, bad time of year...but will definitely be a part going forward.

Did anyone throw a name idea around "Merri Creek Brewers"? Given it runs right up the middle of our target market it might be an option.
Maybe just Merri Brewers. I like it. Maybe discuss next meeting.

Not that we'd be brewing with the creek water. Ew.
Or just "Up The Creek". Anyway, at work and shouldn't be reading this right now.
Thanks beermeupscotty.
Hee hee. Might have to change the name of the Facebook group fairly soon, then.

Not to mention our subforum in the 'brew clubs' section of this site, but to my knowledge that's not up yet. Should I be mailing a particularly administrator to get a sub-forum? Never done it before.
Given the new suggested new name, which appears to have some support, I may cancel the forum request for now. Meeting time and place are probably the most important things to agree on.

In the meantime, I have just set up a poll as to the best day for meeting on the 'When is Good' website - please go here to take the poll:

I've limited it a little bit - I've assumed that most people will be interested in an afternoon/evening session and the poll is only for the first two weeks of the month.

It's a poll for February, but let's just take it as a general indication of when will be good for people each month.
Merri Mashers of Melbourne ??

M^3, or "M-cubed", for short.

Tho that might sound a bit no-chill exclusive ;-)

On a serious note, maybe PM Bradsbrews to initiate the subforum.
This sounds great - I am in Pascoevale
Keen to be in on the next meeting!
Hats off to all involved!!
Oh, something I meant to say earlier. If you're going for a monthly brew, best decide on recipes/variables/etc TWO months before.
technobabble66 said:
Merri Mashers of Melbourne ??

M^3, or "M-cubed", for short.

Tho that might sound a bit no-chill exclusive ;-)

On a serious note, maybe PM Bradsbrews to initiate the subforum.
I like that, maybe just the "Merri Mashers", and we'll be referred to as "Melbourne's Merri Mashers".
Great stuff. I like Merri Mashers too. It has my vote. (Another thought, quickly dismissed, was "Carlton and United Brewers", but that would be taking the.. well, like drinking a certain brand of beer I'm currently reminded of.)
Wheisgood worked for me. I basically chose all the weekday 19.00 slots.

Thanks again all
Actually "Coburg & United Brewers" might have been amusing...we could have stolen Thunder Road's slogan for their Brunswick Bitter.

"Coburg & United's not Carlton".

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