Another News Story Giving Homebrew A Bad Name

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Does this work? I thought there was things like beef stock and copious amounts of salt in vegemite? Wouldnt this be bad for your batch? How much are we talking about using in say a 23L batch?
I think it's mainly used for sugar washes (where distilling is legal). Sugar has little in the way of nutrients for the yeast, and it wouldn't take much vegemite to to give it what it needs. Others use tomato paste, brewer's yeast...anything cheap that will provide nutrients and prevent a stuck ferment. Honestly, I think a bit of wyeast nutrient and some DAP is probably better, but a lot of people enjoy doing it ghetto. These washes would generally be double-distilled and carbon filtered, so any flavours from these additions will be left behind.
There is another article linked too from the same community saying one ingredient used in the community is alcohol based baby wipes stolen from community centres, I think with the desperation that maybe them being clean ones doesn't really matter.
Either way I am sure its a mighty tasty drop.
As I understand it, vaginamite is made from beer brewing by-products ie dead yeast, along with a shitload of salt. I can't see how that would be a good yeast nutrient.
Actually, as long as the salt level wasn't too high in the wort, it makes perfect sense to me that dead yeast would be a good nutrient for yeast. A couple of teaspoons per gallon would presumably provide a fair amount of nutrients without increasing to salinity to toxic levels for the yeast.
must have been a bad batch of vegemite.its brewers yeast they make it from,or he hasnt washed the petrol from his bottles
Highlights a few issues that go a bit deeper than homebrewers getting a bad rep.
Related thread on AHB about prison homebrewing and speculation about brewing with vegemite:
Prison Hooch

Related Recipe on Prison Homebrewing (this one using fruit and mouldy bread, not vegemite):
Prison Hooch Recipe/Method

All quite disgusting, but funny. My advice is stick with the grain to brain procedure we all normally subscribe to. It's worked well enough till now, it keeps you alive, and it doesn't taste like :icon_vomit:


Actually, as long as the salt level wasn't too high in the wort, it makes perfect sense to me that dead yeast would be a good nutrient for yeast. A couple of teaspoons per gallon would presumably provide a fair amount of nutrients without increasing to salinity to toxic levels for the yeast.

The nutrients provided are mainly in the yeast hulls (dead yeast), B group vitamins, and the salts. I use ~ 1/8tsp when growing starters makes a world of difference and as I chill and pitch the slurry bugger all salt makes it into the beer. Not that that tiny amount would matter as I add way more CaCl plus other salts etc. anyway.
i am not to bothered about the article, after all the feral hun is listed as fiction :p
To come back to my original point - it's actually pretty sad when people are that desperate.

Not sad as in 'oh you loser' but sad as in sad. So many implications in a story like this, as paltry as it may be on the details (thanks Herald Scunge). After all the rocket fuel, petrol jokes have died down and the personal insult to our community has been forgiven, have a think about how alcoholism got to be this intense amongst small populations of indigenous communites and the fantastic response of 'quick let's prohibit alcohol en masse cos that worked so well in the 1920s and we should really look like we're serious about this stuff'.

Good that human beings learn so well from themselves and their history. Makes me feel proud to be one.
How many of us have used bottles for something else than storing beer..some of the stuff wont washout just under the tap and a bit of cleaning agent..and thanks to manticle's above post..we are all here to make BEER
How many of us have used bottles for something else than storing beer..some of the stuff wont washout just under the tap and a bit of cleaning agent..and thanks to manticle's above post..we are all here to make BEER

It's ok. We're allowed to like beer and still have some sort of social conscience - even if it is often frowned upon.
Actually, I'd be surprised if any "southerner" who had an opinion on the issue hadn't heard such stories already.
vegemite in the brew is a very tempting idea at the minute, but what to put with it to get rid of the saltiness, hmmmm, ideas?
I have been to BOURKE seen what happens everywhere..i have seen chroming in all falls back on education..

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