Airlock Has Stopped Bubbling Before End Of Fermentation

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I'm not sure what kind of yeast it is (doesn't mention), but I kept it at the temp it recommended for the first 4 days, then turned off the heater and it's been about 12-14 since.

Best to stay at the recommended temp for the first few days. Starting high and then dropping can stall the yeast. Starting lower and ramping up is a better method. Alternatively start at one point and keep it there. Depends on the yeast, recommended processes etc but it seems you are going about it in slightly the wrong order.

Don't worry too much about it though - sounds like beer has been made. Enjoy it, enjoy the process that got you there, take your time, read more, improve the processes and don't expect any batch will be 'perfect'. Try not to overthink it.
yeah fermento you should keep the temps consistent (within a few deg is best) you are only starting so its all good :p My first 3 brews was rank as I was on the forum before I started but for some reason took LHBS advice the first one I tried to keep cool (like people said on this site) but wasnt home from 6am-5pm so its hard in summer with a towel and water. then the second I asked the LHBS is it ok to ferment at 25-30c as it was a weel of 40c days they said yeah its fine!! (had not tried first brew yet) so i did try keep temps down with a wet towel. Then 3rd brew I put in a shallow sink with towel drapped into the sink lol held steady 25c. well the only out come was beer that was so bad I bought a few cases of vb mixed 1/4 home brew 3/4 vb to mask the taste lol
vb mixed 1/4 home brew 3/4 vb to mask the taste lol
haha, thats saying something!

People say that if the SG is steady over 3 days in a row its ok to bottle. If your FG (1.010) seems reasonable and you've left it for a decent about of time, 10 days or so, there would be no problem in bottling.
Also, ignore the airlock, as gases can easily escape through other areas of the fermenter.