im a little confused about the oxygen/aerating of the starter. doesnt shaking it once fermentation has started produce off flavours? then your transferring it into your wort
also what is the part you mostly want to pitch...the sediment or the liquid?
and so for both there a way you can shake the starter to get it aerated and help the yeast, but then only pitch the concentrated yeast and not any of the bad flavours?
appologise if this is a stupid question
Edit: im planning on doing a starter with the white rabbit dark ale
Might be an obvious question (and I am sure it has been answered before but I can't find it) but is their a dry (or wet) yeast equivalent that I can buy that is equivalent to using Coopers recultured ?
I've just made a starter from the dregs of a six pack of pale ale - and this may be best thing about this yeast, because drinking a six pack is more fun even then smacking a smack pack. I'm planning to make a CSA clone based on Tony Wheeler's recipe this weekend, but am planning on harvesting more yeast from the fermenter. Now my question is - in Tony's article in BYO mag he described the coopers yeast as a Burton-type yeast. On this basis I am thinking of using it later on to make an IPA (cos I'm too stingy to but another liquid yeast). Would coopers yeast be good for this style?
I was going to reply earlier to this but decided to think about it further.
I have no issue whatsoever with this yeast working in an IPA, its got a good ester profile and attenuates well, its just reusing the yeast again that unerves me.
My gut feeling and its just a hunch, a guess etc... is that you really want this yeast at its freshest, its already had a life in the bottle and your using it again for your CSA, the esters though great and desirable can get "very" estery under a minimum of stress and wreck a beer.
Coopers yeast is readily available and one stubby is all I ever use for reculturing so I never bother reusing it, its easy enough to start again.
Thats just my personal un scientific guess and you may go ahead with it and it most probably will turn out perfectly fine.
Good luck with it.