AHB Wiki: Using Coopers Bottle Yeast

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. It was still bubling in the airlock when I bottled it, but FG was 1012, and it's come out a ripper.

Hope you don't end up with bottle bombs, this yeast fermented out to 1.005 for me and this seems to be normal for the coopers yeast. Fermentation needs to be finished before bottling, so stable at the same SG for 2-3 days, certainly if it is still bubbling its not done.

rgds mike
Brewed an Aust Pale Ale aka droopers pale ale fermented at 22c (fridge controller). Judged at a club meeting and got the comment low fruit aroma. Seems that ppl keep commenting on the banana, but from my reading this yeast has a "fruity character" so should have some banana.

Was it recultured Coopers yeast from a bottle or kit yeast?

. It was still bubling in the airlock when I bottled it, but FG was 1012, and it's come out a ripper.

Hope you don't end up with bottle bombs, this yeast fermented out to 1.005 for me and this seems to be normal for the coopers yeast. Fermentation needs to be finished before bottling, so stable at the same SG for 2-3 days, certainly if it is still bubbling its not done.

rgds mike
I used 1.5kg of malt, no sugar, so FG is going to be high for me. It was sill bubbling every so often, but it was in the fermenter for two whole weeks, so it should of been done. The one I opened today certainly wasn't over carbonated.
:beer: :beer: i have bottled a beer that has been bubling every 4-5 mins and it is fine too mate.. so...
Just wonding if anyone has made a slant straight from a bottle of CPA or CSA? Also are they the same yeasts?
Greetings all,

First post (woohoo), anyway's back on topic.

It's been 36hrs and still no bubbly from the airlock, I followed the PDF doco accordingly so I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts?

There is some definate frothing on top of the wort from what i can see through the lid.

Used a CPA kit with BE2, i'm wondering if I left the yeast too long (3days) before pitching.

Greetings all,

First post (woohoo), anyway's back on topic.

It's been 36hrs and still no bubbly from the airlock, I followed the PDF doco accordingly so I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts?

There is some definate frothing on top of the wort from what i can see through the lid.

Used a CPA kit with BE2, i'm wondering if I left the yeast too long (3days) before pitching.


Your airlock may not be sealed at the grommet, or the lid of your fermenter may not be sealed.
If there's frothing and scum forming around the top of the wort, then its working.
Your airlock may not be sealed at the grommet, or the lid of your fermenter may not be sealed.
If there's frothing and scum forming around the top of the wort, then its working.

Turns out this was the case, stupid fermenter lid!
Have to grease the bastard up next time....
:eek: Very sad news, sampled my first 2 CSA brews using the recultured yeasts last night and they are both funky to say the least. Both made up as per the kit with a little extra dex & LDM, fermented for 3 weeks, FG 1010. 2 weeks in the bottle and they have no carbonation and a syrupy, super sweet taste :unsure: . Not sure if it's infection or what but I'm going to store a few in above 20 degrees for a week and see if they carb up at all otherwise I have my first failure x2. :angry: Totaly shattered after the initial stoke of the yeasties working away 5 weeks ago.

I have another lot of recultured yeast ready to go into a CSA tomorrow now I'm not so sure I shoul use it :(
:eek: Very sad news, sampled my first 2 CSA brews using the recultured yeasts last night and they are both funky to say the least. Both made up as per the kit with a little extra dex & LDM, fermented for 3 weeks, FG 1010. 2 weeks in the bottle and they have no carbonation and a syrupy, super sweet taste :unsure: . Not sure if it's infection or what but I'm going to store a few in above 20 degrees for a week and see if they carb up at all otherwise I have my first failure x2. :angry: Totaly shattered after the initial stoke of the yeasties working away 5 weeks ago.

I have another lot of recultured yeast ready to go into a CSA tomorrow now I'm not so sure I shoul use it :(

What temp did you brew them at? and when you say funky are you meaning fruity banana type esters?

What temp did you brew them at? and when you say funky are you meaning fruity banana type esters?


Temp got up to 22 early in the fermentation but dropped down to 18 after initial activity - and yeh probably could be described as fruity/banana like. I'll have another crack at one tonight and try to give a little more acurate description. :icon_cheers:
Temp got up to 22 early in the fermentation but dropped down to 18 after initial activity - and yeh probably could be described as fruity/banana like. I'll have another crack at one tonight and try to give a little more acurate description. :icon_cheers:

Don't lose faith its a great yeast, but IMHO its vitally important that you keep the ferment temp down! I've never had the common banana problem keeping it at 16C, or at the most don't let it over 18C.
If you are not able to do that I would look at choosing another yeast.

Lack of carbonation will make them taste sweet, like flat lemonade.
I would give them at least 8 weeks in the bottle, including 2 weeks at 20C before drinking.
Lack of carbonation will make them taste sweet, like flat lemonade.
I would give them at least 8 weeks in the bottle, including 2 weeks at 20C before drinking.

Thanks guys :D just did a big long response Re - I PROBABLY PANICED - but I think I'm still logged on at work and it hasn't come through.

EDIT: :rolleyes: Nah.............. just stuffed up this one came through. Anyway thanks for the advice re temp etc, tasted tonight and I'm quitely confident again. I'll do another tomorrow :D You guys are the best B)
I am procrastinating right now when I should be bottling.

I just tasted my latest adelaide sparkling out of the fermenter and I am very excited.

Smells like bread dough, has a nice appley palate and just a hint of lolly banana at the end.
And of course it tastes green, but as a tasty mouthful its fantastic!

For the record ... I pitched 1.5l of stir plated (is that a verb?) starter (1.040) and fermented at 2 weeks at 20C.
Great article.

We have a small informal brew club at work and one of the guys did similar instructions. Almost the same - though which is good. I've attached it if anyones interested. We've found the time suggestions are probably a bit understated though and a couple of days is better than the 24 hours used.

View attachment 14435

I learnt a lot from reading the attachment. Very thorough... Cheers.
Hi guys,

What would you consider to be an average ADF for this yeast? I made a basic ale, mashed at 65c, mostly pale malt, no crystal and nearly 10% sugar. 1.048 to 1.012 in a week, so 75% ADF. Fermented like mad for 3 days then stopped. What sort of attenuation would you expect?
I have added the dregs of two CPA stubbies to 300mls of wort to a sanitized 1.5l pet bottle, two days ago. There is no sign of krausen whatsoever or gas escaping when I crack the lid. However there is sediment forming in the bottom of the bottle which appears to be slowly getting larger. This starter has been stired not shaken (only a quick shake at the start). I have two questions. The first is the sediment in the bottom the yeast? It does not have a light sort of colour more a shade closer to the wort itself. The second should I step up this wort today or should I wait?


I have added the dregs of two CPA stubbies to 300mls of wort to a sanitized 1.5l pet bottle, two days ago. There is no sign of krausen whatsoever or gas escaping when I crack the lid. However there is sediment forming in the bottom of the bottle which appears to be slowly getting larger. This starter has been stired not shaken (only a quick shake at the start). I have two questions. The first is the sediment in the bottom the yeast? It does not have a light sort of colour more a shade closer to the wort itself. The second should I step up this wort today or should I wait?



I'd give it another day, 300 ml is probably a little on the high side for the dregs of 2 stubbies so it may take just a bit longer.

I usually add 100ml of well shaken starter wort to 1 or 2 stubbie dregs and activity is evident in 1-2 days then I step up.

Just give it a bit longer and give it a regular twirl.
