This is the discussion topic for article: The No-Chiller Method / Using A Cube
I wrote this article up yesterday for the wiki about no-chilling. There always seems to be interest in the topic amongst new brewers and there didn't appear to be any article in the wiki covering it. Nor is there a succinct thread about the method.
Also for some reason a discussion topic was not automatically created. Mods please move this into the Wiki forum - I can't start a thread there myself.
Thanks for an awesome article.
Just need one piece of advice. What would you recommend to be the best way to get the wort from the pot/kettle to the cube.
1. Should I use a funnel and pour or will this cause to much splashing??
2. Should I syphon with a hose, but worried about mouth germs ( could use listerine just prior).
3 Any other suggestion would be appreciated. I had thought about putting a tap on the boiler.
R.E. option 2.
Fill the hose with sanatised liquid then use that to start the siphon.
Cheers CB fast reply, $ 15 a meter whistle me off , thats deer. Any other options on buying it cheaper or using something just as good.
If not might have to stop brewing for a while to buy some tubing
Put a tap on it mate..Get some brass all-thread, drill a hole the same size, use a black rubber washer and a red fibre washer for the inside and out, couple backnuts, a ball valve, hose tail(to attach tyour hose(silicone) to drain your wort, piece of copper tubing(pickup tube) and a compression fitting to attach pickup tube to all thread...
I think thats it, probably the cheapest way to do it aswell, all up with 1 metre of silicone hose, should cost about 50 bucks and will save you some dramas, also with the pickup tube you can direct it away from the trub so you dont get that in your no-chill container...
I havnt had a cube suck in after cooling? What do you use to tighten the bung?
Ive been thinking, whats to stop putting a tap on the cube and an airlock in the lid, and using it as a fermenter as well? Or would this not work?
seems like a lot of work, a lot of worry and in some cases a lot of expense to avoid using a simple and inexpensive immersion chiller just because you think (contary to most modern brewing practice) that chilling is a ****.
as was once said, doctors bury their mistakes, brewers drink em.