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C'mon folks..only a hand full have ordered....we have over 12 000 members...surely this should be more popular than it is so far.
You know you want them!!!
See above Cocko
If singlets are a go, can you put me down for 1 x Black XL and 1 x Blue XL.
Thats on top of my original 3 tshirts and hoody on page 1
Will do mate, The blue is Navy or Royal?
Singlet 2 x black
T-shirts. 1 x navy, 1 x black, 1 x royal.
Hoody 1 x Black (Text on the front)
All in a Large.
Also, I did a quick spreadsheet, up to you if you want it.....
Thanks heaps mate but I have one on the run.... I am finding it easier to keep track post by post + ONE spreadsheet rather than something others can edit at this stage....
Closer to closing I will post the orders I have and all should good in the world....