I boil mine for a few minutes to get all the lumps out , I use a 10lt pot , put about 5lt of water and slowly put the dme in whilst stirring then let it boil for a minute or two .morry said:I usually use DME, but Ive never boiled it for a few minutes. Whats the point behind that?
Yeh Flanbos, I just bung it straight in, then bung the kit in after its been sitting in hot water loosening up, bung in any additional hops, but I let it cool down before I bung the started yeast in. Then I bung a stubbie in my gob. :chug:flanbos said:Tallqum,
after you boil it do u wait for it to cool or just bung it in?
No, its not.flanbos said:cheers fellers
dreamboat, i already do u dme, is what u described preety much a partal mash??