A fine mess you made of this Malcolm.

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wide eyed and legless

Well-Known Member
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Mulgrave Victoria
For the first time I voted Labor, not wanting them to win but as a protest against that poser Turnbull, maybe now he will get the message that to be a Prime Minister is not about a popularity contest, its all about achievement, to use an old cliche 'If you talk the talk you must walk the walk ' something Turnbull can't do.
Must say I have been impressed with Peta Credlin's comments on Sky News.
Shame, Malcolm Turnbull, shame.
Most of the commentators this morning have picked up on his petulant whining speech last night where he didn't do the customary commiseration with the LNP members who have lost their seats and assure the rest of us that the Coalition would govern for all Australians Yada Yada.

Instead we got the nasty spoiled patrician from Point Piper bleating about how we lower class peasants were fooled by the lies of the ALP. Sorry Mal your mask slipped last night.

At least the mad monk didn't have a mask, he's always quite openly been a nasty little piece of work. As will become apparent when he comes back as leader, probably by Christmas.
good, hopefully i wont get the sack now just for being an Australian seafarer.

The LNP would of been absolutely smashed had they kept with the mad monk, they will be lucky to hang on now, such a fall in just 3 short years.

That double dissolution worked well for them didnt it? ha
wide eyed and legless said:
For the first time I voted Labor, not wanting them to win but as a protest against that poser Turnbull, maybe now he will get the message that to be a Prime Minister is not about a popularity contest, its all about achievement, to use an old cliche 'If you talk the talk you must walk the walk ' something Turnbull can't do.
Must say I have been impressed with Peta Credlin's comments on Sky News.
I think a lot of us voted this way for that exact reason. I'm sick of the way things are but I'm also sick of the way things were. It's about time some of the independants got to have a say & looking at the swing against the coalition, I think quite a lot of voters are feeling the same way.
Is it just me or was this campaign based entirely on why we shouldn't vote for the other guys (as opposed to this is why you should vote for us).

Everyone from greens through to liberal seemed to campaign this way, more than in previous campaigns.

I don't care about scaremongering - let me know what good shit you're going to be doing, not what bad shit the others will do.

Dreadful campaign all round, gives me very little hope. Glad Wilkie retained his seat in my electorate. Seems to have a bit more integrity than most.

Shame that almost half the candidates for the senate are from fairly far right perspectives. What's the liberty alliance got to do with liberty?

I reckon with someone else at the helm, Labor would have had this one in the bag but it's sad that election results are based purely on which leader seems most ineffective.
Pauline, Derryn

Dear oh ******* dear

Grab some popcorn and a fine Homebrew this is going to be a circus of note

Campaigns are no longer run on policies. They are run in why the 'other party' are shit. That's also how the latest incarnation of government decided to govern. Couldn't make the transition from opposition into government.
manticle said:
Is it just me or was this campaign based entirely on why we shouldn't vote for the other guys (as opposed to this is why you should vote for us).

Everyone from greens through to liberal seemed to campaign this way, more than in previous campaigns.

I don't care about scaremongering - let me know what good shit you're going to be doing, not what bad shit the others will do.

Dreadful campaign all round, gives me very little hope. Glad Wilkie retained his seat in my electorate. Seems to have a bit more integrity than most.

Shame that almost half the candidates for the senate are from fairly far right perspectives. What's the liberty alliance got to do with liberty?

I reckon with someone else at the helm, Labor would have had this one in the bag but it's sad that election results are based purely on which leader seems most ineffective.
Relentless attacking is an international trend. Unfortunately it works.

It does seem that ALP and the Coalition occasionally part on policy, as with the carbon tax, but much more often say the other guys are bumbling incompetents and we can do the same things better.

Has there ever been a thread here on starting a Beer Party?
I bet the LNP are sitting there going..." What The **** do we do now.."

Somehow I think they are going to have to negotiate to form Government. I bet the horse trading has already begun

And boy oh boy, ain't the Senate going to be a fun filled place.
manticle said:
Shame that almost half the candidates for the senate are from fairly far right perspectives. What's the liberty alliance got to do with liberty?
A world wide trend, 'When things look grim the Right will move in'
Only got to look towards some of the European countries where there has been a resurgence of right wing parties, as well as America where a buffoon like Trump has enjoyed popularity, all comes down to looking for someone to blame when things aren't going to good, as Mr Hitler demonstrated.
Yeah they're great at scapegoating.

Trump is a buffoon of the highest order and if successful will just show that he who shouts loudest and longest will triumph.
Parties come and go, remember the Democrats, the DLP, etc. Also they split and part ways, I wouldn't be surprised if the Liberals split into a hard line "Tea party" run by the likes of Hillsong Happy Clappers such as ScoMo and a more moderate rump who will quickly go the same way as the Democrats or maybe merge with the Greens. In the same way in the UK the old Liberals who were the remains of the old Whig party were once the major party in the UK in opposition to the Tories, but by the 1960s only held 5 or so seats. Eventually merged with another minor party to become the present Liberal Democrats.

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