65 Lives Taken In The Fires

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Glad to hear that you're safe & sound Rook....& trust all our other Victorian AHBer's are safe also.
Here's hoping we get a big change in the weather soon & some relief for the Fire fighters.
We nearly lost our home a few years back & have 1st hand experience of how frightningly fast these fires can bear down on you....I shudder to think about it.

It's been a very tragic time & my heart goes out to the affected families...

All the best everyone...
One problem seems to be that whenever an arsonist is caught, they are charged, the police do their best but some gutless magistrate or judge gives them a tap on the wrist. I wonder when we will see a lynching, that might send a message to these idiots (arsonists and senile judges)

Whilst I feel the same way about these sick-o's, early last week a CFA member from Clombinane was charged and refused bail for lighting fires in this area. I don't know the outcome but I presume he was behind bars when this fire happened.

As sad as it is the fire that went through kinglake IMHO will be a result of a cigarette butt ,that some dim-whit would have thrown out their window whilst driving on the hume (probably thinking it was out). There are dozens of fires on the hume every year as a result of these idiots and unfortunately on the 1 in 100years day the results were catostrophic. Even a broken bottle is capable of starting a fire in dangerous conditions.

Some of the other fires such as in gippsland are a different story and I hope the full weight of the law are put on this or these sicko's heads.
I am constantly surprised at how close to the dense bush the houses appear to have been built, surely not giving themsleves much of a chace in such situations

Maybe worth helping generate some extra funds.


went into a safeway store earlier today ,think theyre donating profits for the week , didnt read the sign in full as i was in a bit of a rush, but theyre also doin something ...

also willing to volunteer my time for a beer pouring road trip if something comes of the idea, have a keg or two ready to go also..
Now THAT'S an Aussie company doing the right thing.

Maybe the big banks should get together and promise on day's woth of profits as well... Imagine how much that would add up to?

Just saw on the cricket the CBA is donating $750 000
Maybe the big banks should get together and promise on day's worth of profits as well... Imagine how much that would add up to?

Great suggestion. Considering how many BILLIONS they make every year, despite the current financial situation: BILLIONS / 365 = a shitload.
As sad as it is the fire that went through kinglake IMHO will be a result of a cigarette butt ,that some dim-whit would have thrown out their window whilst driving on the hume (probably thinking it was out). There are dozens of fires on the hume every year as a result of these idiots and unfortunately on the 1 in 100years day the results were catostrophic. Even a broken bottle is capable of starting a fire in dangerous conditions.

Some of the other fires such as in gippsland are a different story and I hope the full weight of the law are put on this or these sicko's heads.

Except that the Kilmore/Kinglake fire started in quite a few places in relatively quick succession...

On a brighter note, I thought I read in The Age that all the major banks had donated $1m each, Safeway a significant amount, Coles profits from Friday etc...there was about a 1/4 page of companies listed and what they were giving.
I am constantly surprised at how close to the dense bush the houses appear to have been built, surely not giving themsleves much of a chace in such situations

Not sure if there would have been much chance of stopping anything on Saturday, the conditions were up there with the nastiest I've ever seen. But, fair point.
In response to the tragic loss of life and property in the Victoria bushfires, Foster's Group Ltd will provide $750,000 in cash and in-kind relief to Victorian communities.

The support includes $375,000 to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal and a matching amount to provide direct support to affected employees and their families, appropriate product donations to emergency services and local community relief providers and match employee fundraising.

"The thoughts of all Foster's employees are with the families, communities and businesses affected by the Victorian bushfires", said Foster's CEO Ian Johnston.
I am constantly surprised at how close to the dense bush the houses appear to have been built, surely not giving themsleves much of a chace in such situations

Brian Naylors house was the best protected one up there apparently. Lots of cleared area around and all the right systems in place for a fire.
He and his wife were wiped from the face of the planet.
There is nothing you can do when faced with a fire of this nature but prey.
Their house was completely wiped out , but their car was barely touched.

The pictures in the Sun today really tore at my heart. So many good people died in absolute hell.
Well the bug(s) are still on the go, 2 fires yesterday in the green belt that runs from warandyte right into the inner city, no embers as the wind is blowing north & only 20 degrees. My mate had a spotfire 2k from his house at Research, luckily it wasn't serious
ok just an update for all concernd.

Dave who owns and runs Greensborough Homebrew Store is safe and well as well as the rest of the family. Their house is fine too. After shutting the shop sat arvo he went home and they did all they could do to prepare on sat arvo/sunday including fighting spot fires. Then the electricity went out and they bailed to merimbula for their holiday which was already pre booked as they thought it was the safest thing to do. So the shops closed for the rest of the week like its meant to be. Biggups all who were concerned.
ok just an update for all concernd.

Dave who owns and runs Greensborough Homebrew Store is safe and well as well as the rest of the family. Their house is fine too. After shutting the shop sat arvo he went home and they did all they could do to prepare on sat arvo/sunday including fighting spot fires. Then the electricity went out and they bailed to merimbula for their holiday which was already pre booked as they thought it was the safest thing to do. So the shops closed for the rest of the week like its meant to be. Biggups all who were concerned.

Thanks for the update on Dave Fents, good to hear all is well.
On another note, I heard on the radio this morning that Cricket Victoria and Cricket Australia are going to be organising some players to head up to kinglake with a whole heap of replacement equipment to replenish the local cricket club. While they are up there they are organising a hit and giggle fun match to be played (don't know where / when) but just wanted to raise the point again that it could be a good opportunity to try and co-ordinate a few brews for the people that attend, and perhaps integrate a BBQ along with it...? I am pretty new to the area (live at Diamond Creek) so don't really know how to go about organising such a thing, but I would love to be involved in this and would support it if it could happen. Anyone else got any suggestions or ideas, or am I just getting a bit wishful in my thinking to lend more of a hand in a practical manner...?
I think the magnitude of this in some way is unbelievable. It is touching most of us in many different ways and it just doesn't effect those in Vic either. Up here in Brisvegas there are plenty of people I know who have someone they know hit by this trajedy and I guess because of the distance, I know I feel, totally helpless to pitch in and help well other than donate as much as I can. I have my own family caught up in this mess, thankfully they made it thru, but only with their lives for which I am thankful.

As an example of what I am saying here are 2 emails I have recieved today, one from a good mate and the other from work:


Thanks for the thought. One of my best friends, I was his best man at his wedding lost his house. He still doesn't know if his neighbours are alive but he has grave fears (Marysville). Ivan, who is our access consultant in Melbourne, lives in Whittlesea has lost at least 8 close friends and too many friends houses. I talked to him today and he just breaks down. He was telling me about a couple who he drove his old Jag for their wedding and they lost everything, including all their wedding photo's. His best friend who he grew up with is dead, died under his farm shed which collapsed on top of him.

For my part we have already donated. My son, who is a chef down that way, has packed his tent, taken his girlfriend with him and is just trying to help out.

I had 28 acres on the Great Ocean Road during Ash Wednesday, which we thought was horrible but nothing like this.

I have already donated and will continue to try and support in any way I can.

Thanks you should be commended for the initiative.

Kind Regards



Good Morning, Just a reminder to all about our collection for our two fellow Victorian employees who lost their homes in the tragic Kinglake fires. Please note for those who are unsure this is not a "registered" Charity. We have had such an overwhelming number of staff wanting to help out that Watpac has provided a means for you to donate money that will go directly to our two fellow employees. So it is a personal donation from those who wish to help fellow members of the Watpac community. The full amount collected will be disbursed to Craig and Phil next week....

For all the BS in this place at times I reckon I couldn't work with a better bunch.

Just wanted let those in Vic know your not alone and this mess is not isolated to Victoria, there are others in other states willing to help you guys in any possible way we can.


ok just an update for all concernd.

Dave who owns and runs Greensborough Homebrew Store is safe and well as well as the rest of the family. Their house is fine too. After shutting the shop sat arvo he went home and they did all they could do to prepare on sat arvo/sunday including fighting spot fires. Then the electricity went out and they bailed to merimbula for their holiday which was already pre booked as they thought it was the safest thing to do. So the shops closed for the rest of the week like its meant to be. Biggups all who were concerned.

Bloody good news Fents. Thanks for the update. :beerbang:

Hope he has a great holiday.


The Local Taphouse is also going to contribute to the cause:

Email from the Local Taphouse:

As a result of the tragic events in the Victorian bushfires, The Local Taphouse is hosting a fundraising Benefit Gig on Thursday Feb 19th. 50% of all money raised will be donated to the official Red Cross Appeal and their efforts to help those devastated by these fires.

One of Victorias best microbreweries, Hargreaves Hill Brewery, was also completely destroyed by fire so we have decided to donate the other 50% to Simon and Beth Walkenhorst to help a little with their rebuilding.

Thanks to Little Creatures, Matilda Bay, James Squire and Coopers for their kind donation of a keg each for the evening. These donated beers, along with Hargreaves Hills exquisite ESB, will be the only beers served on the night. Thanks also to Beermasons for offering mixed packs for a raffle we intend to have.

If you would like to help in ANY way, please let us know.

When: Thursday 19th Feb
Where: The Local Taphouse, 184 Carlisle Street, East St Kilda
Time: From 6pm
Cost: $10 on the door (The Local Taphouse will donate $1000 plus door take & other donations we receive in kind or in cash)
Featuring: Live music (The Band Who Knew Too Much), standup comedy and great beer...

For those around Melbourne, get in there next Thursday.

Not sure if this has been posted in this thread, but the following came around work today. We have already contacted them and told them we can take one!

Fun4Paws is currently offering emergency respite care to the animals
affected by the bush fires, however there are many more animals than we
have carers.

There are large numbers of owners with nowhere to place their dogs. If
you are able to offer a place to a dog in your home, please contact
The below people and they will coordinate.

Luke - 0415 104 044 [email protected] Lynne - 0428 844 810 or
[email protected]

If you are interested please let them know when your home would be
available (dates) and if you have any other pets for them to consider when

Dog Listeners Australia wide have pledged $1000.00 the assist in the
costs of food, petrol etc. so we hope that all costs of looking after a
dog will be covered.

Helen Read

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