20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

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Ah, yeah, good point. In light of that it may not be worth doing as I'd have to mash, bring to the boil briefly before bringing it to the boil from room temperature next day. I think the amount of time added to the total would make it not worthwhile. Maybe if I get some high-powered burner down the track then it might be feasible.

People often mash overnight, but that's not 24 hours. I know when I leave my bag full of spent grain for 24 hours it's pretty sour.
Did Mine today, with the same recipe, Added 250g of caramalt grain as I was getting a 500g bag, Thought Id Split it.

OG was at 1040 (after I topped up the fermenter to 21L with water) with a 90mn mash and some serious "sparging" I think the word is, LHBS did not have whirlock tabs so I got Irish Moss, Chucked in a teaspoon at 10 mins to go, Chilled it in about an hour with Icebricks and laundry sink, Got it down to 22c, Tipped into fermenter, tried to do it slowly but all the crap looked like it went into the ferementer (about a 1/4 went in) Dunno if Irish Moss is the go now, was suprised that it only filled less than half of the fermenter so put another 10 or so Liters untill 21L, Then tested the OG, Was 1040, I git carried away and boiled 300g Of Dex in about 1-2L with half a teaspoon of "Yeast Nutrient" LHBS recomended it, The Pitched 2 packetd of S-23 looked at the OG again it's now 1042-4. Looking good so far!.

The holding of the bag is a killer though!
Good on ya Ade! :beerbang:

Don't worry about the muck, it mostly break and largely harmless. I'll let mine chill overnight, it condenses down reasonably well.

One other tip is to use some whole hops/ plugs (rather than pellets) and a big 6" sieve in the top of the fermenter, with a bit of patience you can basically pour the whole lot through with little of the break or hops making it into the fermenter, also means very little in the way of losses to trub.

Don't be afraid to try the no- sparge/ stock BIAB either, I recommend it before doing this variant but you've managed to pull it off, so well done! :icon_cheers:
Good on ya Ade! :beerbang:

Don't worry about the muck, it mostly break and largely harmless. I'll let mine chill overnight, it condenses down reasonably well.

I chill in the kitchen sick then leave it overnight, I've found the proteins settle a lot better and I get more in the fermenter!

I use Irish Moss too, leaving overnight does the trick, not sure if whirlfloc is better or not?

Congrats mate welcome aboard :beerbang:
Got the Pot ..need a few simple recipes..any takers..and remember CHEAP

do this one ( this thread )it is pretty good.

I just bought a 25 kg bag of grain and a couple of 90 gram packs of Hops.

all up about $80.
That is for the equiv of 12 cartons of 24 stubbies.

I am going to just re-use the yeast....it doesn't come any cheaper.

did another one yesterday

I got a emersion wand from my LHBS to boil the wort...did it outside in the sun ...wife is happy .

Any tweaks since nick?

I usually do 16-18L no-sparge batches with 3-3.5kg of grain. That's the only tweak I could offer - peg it back a little and you can ditch the sparging step - but you have to top up the pot with a few litres of boiling water (from the coffee kettle) to get your 16L of ~1.050 for the hop boil. I usually dilute a bit in the fermenter too, taking account of the priming sugar's 0.5%.
I got one of these things

and did the 19 ltr pot outside.
It gets it up and boiling in about 10 mins .
Where did you get the "heater" thing, and how much?

I just did my second and like the first my hands are red with all the squeezing i do to the bag!

and the liquid is not "clear" I noted, Its all thick with sediment, That's ok, yes?
Where did you get the "heater" thing, and how much?

I just did my second and like the first my hands are red with all the squeezing i do to the bag!

and the liquid is not "clear" I noted, Its all thick with sediment, That's ok, yes?

Get yourself some washing up gloves.

What do you mean "thick with sediment"? Are you using Polyester Swiss Voile from Spotlight?

When it's boiling does it look like this?

Photos always help.

can you take a pic of the swiss voile close up nick? I looked at some poly voile today at curtain wonderland and the weave looks to big but not sure what it should look like.
can you take a pic of the swiss voile close up nick? I looked at some poly voile today at curtain wonderland and the weave looks to big but not sure what it should look like.

Was is SWISS Voile?

not swiss but it looks the same as that why does it have to be swiss? its polyester voile curtain sheer.

EDIT: also wanna ask can you mash one day then boil the next? as I am finding it hard to find 3-4 hours in a single day to do the lot lol
not swiss but it looks the same as that why does it have to be swiss? its polyester voile curtain sheer

It more a matter of Swiss Voile is a known quality. Small variations in weave size might have a large effect on drainage or letting stuff through.

It's probably the same stuff though. I used to use Nylon Swiss Voile and that was fine ... I've even used "Peel Ply" - stuff used in vacuum composite laminates, but that was years ago.

Better to have too small holes than too big.

EDIT: Overnight mashes are done by some people. If you really want to leave your mash runnings 24 hours before boiling I'd suggest bringing it up to at least 75-80C for ten minutes and covering in gladwrap. That sweet liquid has a lot of things that really, really want to turn it into yoghurt.
yeah ok might try to do all in the same day. Wonder how they do them AG fresh wort kits they must boil the wort after the mash I guess.

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